Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 473 If I ask you to do it, you do it

The breakout was really successful!

The valet's ability to recognize directions was amazing, and he was given [Dark Vision] by Richard. At this time, he was speeding through the streets of the imperial capital, quickly approaching the palace.

Managers Richard and Libus reminded that the carriage carefully avoided the possible paths of the rebels and finally arrived at the outskirts of the palace safely.

"This is the carriage of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince! Get out of the way! Get out of the way!" the attendant shouted, pulling out the royal flag from the inside of his clothes and fluttering in the light of the torch.

"He couldn't do this just now. What if the military police surrounding the palace had rebelled?" The crown prince, who had been silent along the way, suddenly spoke.

The valet in the car added: "You are right, he was reckless in an emergency just now, but the military police are absolutely loyal to you and the empire."

The Crown Prince was noncommittal and just snorted coldly.

The group of people entered the palace without any danger. It was normal for His Highness and the guards to dress in casual clothes for concealment. The only strange thing for the guards was that His Highness the Crown Prince insisted on a young man carrying a barefoot lady to accompany them, and they were inseparable.

After entering the brightly lit hall, the Crown Prince relaxed and put on the clothes prepared by the servants.

Soon, he exploded again: "Where is anyone else? Gather all the nobles! I want all the nobles to get here."

"Your Highness, you should inform Prime Minister Otto first at this time."

The crown prince drew his sword directly, and fortunately he used the back of the sword to chop the person who spoke: "Prime Minister? He must be the mastermind behind the scenes! This person, this person."

Unexpectedly, the door of the hall opened and another team entered. It was a group of civil servants headed by Prime Minister Otto. Except for the neatly dressed prime minister himself, most people were just wearing coats, revealing pajamas or casual social clothes.

The prime minister had already heard the crown prince's howl: "Your Highness, you misunderstood. The ministers were not aware of the turmoil tonight. You can accuse me of neglecting my duty, but you are definitely not intending to overstep your authority."

The crown prince stared: "Really? Who is the mastermind?" He looked at Richard, who naturally reported the information he had truthfully.

After hearing this, the prime minister pondered: "So it is mainly low-level officers who spontaneously rebel, and their demands are simple, crude, childish and unreasonable."

The military police came to report that the marching imperial army had arrived at the square in front of the palace and was arranging a stance to confront the military police. Now the cavalry and artillery regiments were gathering.

But whether to completely wipe out these rebels, the military police have to wait for orders.

The Crown Prince's friend and current Marshal Helmut also arrived at the palace. He first ignored a group of civilian officials and came in with senior military officials and reliable guards. His thickened combat boots clicked on the marble floor.

"Your Highness, I've shocked you!" Helmut walked forward and hugged the Crown Prince, and then looked at his friend with concern.

"I'm fine, thanks to the loyal guards and Colonel Richard." The Crown Prince was also very calm when he saw his friend. Helmut said bluntly: "Only you can give the order! As long as His Highness nods, all the artillery and artillerymen in position will The cavalry can stop the riot the fastest."

"You must not fire artillery in front of the palace!" the prime minister said categorically: "The motives for the actions of the imperial army officers today are by no means sudden. If they are violently suppressed, more officers will be shaken and the morale of the army will be weakened. By then, the war, situation and reforms will all have a serious chance of collapse. Danger."

"First of all, there are only rebels outside, and there are no imperial soldiers. Secondly, reform and reform. Aren't your reforms the source of turmoil and chaos? I think it is because you have made people panic that the army has ideological confusion that can be deceived."

"Stop." The Crown Prince interrupted the dispute between the civil and military leaders. He came from the west gate where the mages were fighting fiercely. He was more concerned about one issue: "Among the mages accompanying the army, some have remained sane, and some have already stood with the rebels. Now you Can you prevent the spellcasters in the rebel army from approaching and kidnapping me?" After saying this, he looked at Richard.

Helmut no longer speaks easily, because he only has weak control over the military mages. Now the chief position of the military magicians is vacant. There is no strong man who can lead this force and is willing to obey the military. Appear.

The prime minister quickly gave a plan: "They are also human beings and part of the military officers. Their demands are the same as those of other rebels. Therefore, we must quell the unrest of ordinary sergeants as soon as possible so that those extreme spellcasters lose the basis for action. "

The crown prince's eyes were red: "Then how to calm down?"

The prime minister did not give an answer immediately, but just stared at the other party. In an instant, the hall returned to silence. It was a suffocating silence. Helmut and Otto both focused on the Crown Prince.

Libusi's voice broke the silence: "Wouldn't it be great if His Royal Highness the Crown Prince ascends the throne? Don't those rebels want you to join them? Then you will join them and leave them speechless."

Libus had been put down by Richard, whose arms were sore. She was now holding her hands on her hips proudly. Since she was blindfolded, she could only barely judge the position of the person by listening to the sound, so she was actually speaking to a marble pillar.

Richard did not correct her position, but just stood aside silently with a serious face.

But her words were heard by everyone present.

After a long time, the Crown Prince spoke: "If the empire needs me to become the emperor at this time, then I have nothing to worry about." After saying that, he still looked at the prime minister unconsciously, as if there was still someone standing behind this old and stern elder. The prince's father.

Although the emperor was lying ill in a sanatorium at this time.

The chancellor responded with a comforting smile. He said loudly and sincerely: "At this critical moment, there is no need to be bound by red tape. All the officials in the court, civil and military officials, are here and are willing to offer their loyalty to our emperor!"

At this time, all ministers, generals and marshals, whether they were members of the Crown Prince faction or not, knelt down and saluted: "Offer loyalty to our emperor!"

Then the Crown Prince, no, the new Emperor William II was surprised to find that the previous emperor had already prepared everything he needed for his ascension to the throne. At the instruction of the chancellor, the ceremonial officer took out the crown and scepter. There was no bishop or God's grant. It was William II who held up the crown himself and put it on himself in front of his subjects.

At dawn, the imperial soldiers who confronted the gendarmes in the square did not wait for the military wizards who supported them, but saw William II with the crown on his head on the windowsill of the palace.

He made an impromptu speech, announcing that those who participated in the action were all loyal to the empire, but were deceived by the spies from Valois. Then he appeased the soldiers and promised not to hold everyone accountable.

This means that some people will be let go, and some people will be dealt with secretly. In addition, "in response to the general call", the chancellor Otto, who was mainly responsible for the previous imperial problems, was ordered to resign voluntarily. Considering his past contributions to the empire, all his honors were retained and he was allowed to enjoy his old age.

When the dome of the Imperial Parliament Building burned out and collapsed, the sunlight shone on the central axis of the imperial capital. Both the gendarmes and the imperial soldiers laid down their weapons and shouted: "Long live the emperor!" "Long live the empire!"

"It's over," Richard, who had always stood behind the new emperor, whispered to Libus.

Libus didn't speak. At this time, she only had Richard in her eyes, or to be more precise, his fate. The two were very close, and only his still chaotic mass was changing in the dark.

"Richard of the Dalberg family, and..." The former chancellor appeared, his expression was both relaxed and extremely tired. The old man paused for a moment with the blindfolded Libus, and soon the name in his memory was matched successfully: "Miss Libus of Bomya, I personally and the empire should thank you."

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