Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 474 You dare to reject me

The Emperor of the Empire extended an invitation to Richard: "I want you to become the chief military mage."

Of course, Richard shook his head and refused: "Your Majesty, my abilities and qualifications are not worthy of this position."

"The emperor who saved the empire, isn't your merits enough? Moreover, you are the disciple of the former chief and have a prominent background." The new emperor did not expect to receive rejection from his ministers so quickly, and his right hand couldn't help but touch his left arm. superior.

Richard wanted to tell the great emperor that anything he said was nothing in the eyes of other spellcasters.

After experiencing the night chaos in the imperial capital, William II, the biggest beneficiary, began to distrust the existing imperial factions: he had serious doubts about the grassroots of the imperial army, he had been full of disgust for those civil servants since his childhood, and came from various countries and places. Politician, the Emperor wanted to whisper to the man who set fire to the Reichstag a job well done.

So who does he trust? With the performance of Richard and Libus, and the influence of his friend Helmut, he now relies more on the once-lost nobles. In the first interview with the emperor, he summoned the younger generation of other prominent nobles and earnestly asked them to follow the example of Richard and Helmut, shoulder the responsibilities of the new era, and realize the great revival of the imperial nobles.

However, now the role model directly rejected his reuse. The somewhat unhappy young emperor said: "Okay, the youngest son of the Dahlberg family, what kind of reward do you want from me? How about being a witness to the marriage between you and Miss Libus?"

"Your Majesty, you misunderstood. We still only have friendship." Richard's categorical reply made Libusi, who was listening, open her mouth. Without noticing, he continued: "The country is not at peace yet, so I don't plan to Consider personal matters.”

"Then forget it." William suddenly felt bored: "Colonel Richard, since you are so loyal to the country, please return to the front line as soon as possible. It is said that you are still recovering, and judging from your performance last night, you should have almost recovered. ”

After the emperor signaled, the valet took out two almost identical medals, one was to be returned to Hench, and the other belonged to Richard, as well as a brand new set of military uniforms. Judging from the military rank, he was a major general.

However, William II buttoned up the new military uniform: "It was originally prepared to match the chief mage, but you refused."

"Yes, I was promoted to colonel not long ago. I was promoted too quickly and it was difficult to convince the public."

Seeing that Richard was indifferent, the emperor secretly cursed "diehards" in his heart and released the two men from the palace.

In the carriage, the blindfolded girl was a little curious as to why Richard rejected almost all of the emperor's awards.

"Compared to most generals, I am currently not qualified to receive the rank of general, and there are no more troops for me to lead. Accepting a false title rashly will only increase criticism." As for the position of chief, it is simply an iron on fire. If he is not an archmage, he will definitely not be able to sit firmly on the chair. Those careless military mages will definitely cause more and greater troubles.

As for rewards, Richard would not worry. Based on his experience, the emperor would definitely give his family some kind of reward to replace his promotion reward.

"And there is." He hesitated for a while, and finally chose to confess his thoughts to the girl, but he used [Messaging Technique]: "His Majesty's tendency is to re-employ the old nobles, hoping to check and balance the civil service group led by the former prime minister, and the small The imperial army led by nobles also has local forces.

"But can this solve the empire's problems? Can the grievances and dissatisfaction of grassroots officers, ordinary soldiers and even the people be eliminated in this way? The future represented by those rebellious armies is indeed bad, but the status quo, as well as the emperor and the former prime minister, are trying to maintain the status quo. The attempt may not be better.”

"You are too pessimistic, Richard." Libus lay back and said, "As long as the empire can still win the war and as long as the people have bread to eat, there is no reason for it to be turned upside down like the kingdom."

"Maybe you're right. Is it a prophecy?"

"No, I only have you in my eyes now. It's true. In this state, I can only see your fate."

"What is it?"

"No more, you and I only have a superficial friendship anyway." The girl turned her head unhappily.

Suddenly, there were many uninvited guests at the Dahlberg manor. They either presented gifts on behalf of a certain family, or the lady came to offer condolences in person.

Condolences for what? Richard's parents were confused at first.

Her mother almost fainted from the few words from the visitor. She thought Richard just ran away from the dance last night out of anger and went to play by himself, but she didn't expect such a big commotion.

Bad news, a large-scale riot actually broke out in the Imperial Capital last night. It was initiated by imperial soldiers, and Colonel Richard was involved;

The good news is that both Colonel Richards played a key role in quelling the turmoil and are the mainstays of the empire, and your noble son turned the tide and protected them with meritorious service.

Bad news, Richard was labeled a princeling at some point;

Good news, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has succeeded to the throne ahead of schedule! Now His Majesty Wilhelm II.

Richard's father almost wanted to kill the guest who was talking and gasping with a knife. The good news for mother was that the girls who came to the ball last night were even more eager and kept asking when Master Richard would be back;

The bad news is that the wild girl, the daughter of the "barbarian chief" is missing. The servant said that she chased the young master on horseback last night.

When the two of them came out of the luxurious carriage sent by the emperor, and saw their son supporting Libusi, the old mother could only accept this reality. Then she saw that the girl who was most suspected to be her daughter-in-law was wearing a hunting suit, standing out. There was no personal flair on display in last night's baggy bohemian clothes.

Just when his mother was about to convince herself, Richard announced that they were just friends and that as a soldier he would return to the front immediately.

Mrs. Dalberg fainted for the second time, and the smelling salts didn't work well.

Rorschach thought it was just another ordinary summer morning, and planned to start a beautiful day with a glass of concentrated iced energy potion. At this time, the secretary had already prepared the morning newspaper.

"Why is the Empire newspaper on the top today?. Puff——"

"What's wrong?" Caroline saw Rorschach use the skill "spray water" on the newspaper for the first time, and the effect was remarkable.

"Ahem. Nothing, your students have made progress."

Caroline rolled her eyes: "Is there anyone who brags so much as you?" She thought for a while: "You are on the Empire newspaper?"

"It's not me, it's Richard. See for yourself." Rorschach handed over the wet newspaper, and was severely disliked. Caroline picked up the second newspaper delivered by the Imperial Capital Guild and widened her eyes.

Rorschach was thinking: Didn't I accidentally restore Richard to factory settings? How did he become Zhao Zilong of the imperial capital? Rorschach thought about it and there was only one reason: it was definitely because his "Magic Cloud" was too powerful. Look, old guys, now is the era of "scientific ninja tools"!

"The Imperial Parliament Building was burned down. The new emperor delivered an important speech at the groundbreaking ceremony for the reconstruction. He said that he would speed up the reform of the electoral system and carry forward the fine traditions of the imperial nobles. He planned to follow the example of Istani and set up an imperial imperial meeting above the Imperial Parliament to make the traditional nobles the ballast stone of the empire under the new situation."

"The new emperor is a young man. If he really wants to speed up, then we have to speed up and keep up." Rorschach only wanted to say to the Byrne royal family: It may be a bit rough, please be patient.

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