Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 475 When the Wheat Ripes

The wheat is getting closer and closer to maturity, and you can see yellow among the green in the farmland.

The aroma of wheat from far away in the newly cultivated land wafted to the palace, and the special commissioners from Munich came smelling the smell. They came to count the acres.

"Inventorying the newly cultivated area? Why are you doing this? Isn't the agreement between our special zone and the royal family a buyout system? We will buy out twice as much grain as in previous years." Luo Xia was very unhappy when he heard the news.

"Yes, since it is a buyout system, let the commissioner measure it by himself. It will not affect our delivery anyway." Martin, who was transferred to Rorschach, suggested.

It's still too young, let alone Valan, even Andre would never think so. Rorschach shook his head: "Martin, what if the royal family counts the acres today, counts the population tomorrow, and digs out the kingdom's laws from the corner the day after tomorrow, asking us to pay land taxes and poll taxes on the basis of buyout?"

There are many resources in Rorschach's hands, but they must all be mobilized and continue to be put into production and generate benefits, instead of raising nobles who are not engaged in production. Even with the profit transfer after the "June Storm", Rorschach tried his best to guide these nobles to invest money in expanding reproduction, so there was a three-party joint venture gas car factory.

Martin is from Würzburg, and he does not have a deep concept of special zones. At this time, his first reaction is, if the boss is doing this, what is the difference between a special zone and a state within a state? Duke Luo wants to rebel?

That doesn't seem to matter. Even the poor students whose internship period was extended indefinitely and squeezed for several months still puffed up their chests with pride when they thought of the glorious achievements made by the SAR.

"Well, don't hunch your back." Rorschach thought Martin was remembering the secretary's posture and appearance.

Martin asked: "Then how do we deal with the commissioner? The committee's opinion is to entertain him with good wine and good food first."

"Well, I just want to do what I want. If I can't afford it, I will give them the last few synesthetes. I will connect a hot and cold engine behind the cup to let these people see the world." Providing some food and drinks is the limit that Rorschach can accept. He didn't want to present any beauties to the "adults" coming from the capital, so why not give them some magic to shock them.

If it is so shocked that it hangs or wilts, it is also a technical defect. Contact Valentine for after-sales service.

"Let them treat them as if they are coming to the Special Administrative Region for vacation. If they insist on performing their duties, then we will..."

"Just what?"

Just let them stay. Forget it, Rorschach faintly sensed that the power of the river crab in the original world was about to move, so he did not continue to think about it and just patted Martin on the shoulder:

"Martin, you are not suitable to be a secretary. I currently need an assistant rather than a personal servant. Inform the committee and try to delay the commissioner. After completing this matter, you should report back to the club."

Luo Xia was about to return to the workroom: "Oh, yes, if people from the royal capital want to see me, just say that I am doing research and do not want to see visitors."

He wasn't lying, he really wanted to do some very important research.

"All the transmission devices are made hydraulically driven for me, so as to ensure that the people in the car can operate quietly and comfortably. In the climate control device in the car, can the "energy deprivation" circuit be made smaller? You must control the power well, and don't lose control and blow the passengers into facial paralysis.

"Add a micro force field wall to the suspension, and the last step of cushioning uses a weakened repulsion field to resist uneven road surfaces. Well, the window lift has been redesigned. Don't make it a hand-crank type, but use a more elegant way. We want a luxurious feeling, not letting passengers experience being a lathe or fitter.”

Rorschach was giving various opinions to the clay model of a new car. The workers who were transferred from the precision factory listened carefully. They were all impressed that this young man knew what luxury and high-end were.

Walkers' newly opened luxury production line, the car structure is stamped with finely tuned [Force Field Wave], resulting in a streamlined body that transcends the times. The strengthened, lengthened, and heavier body matches the strong power brought by the new engine. And interiors with a touch of Valouana’s taste

Both the power and the various functions added under Rorschach's personal guidance are all driven by transmutation dust, providing a top-notch riding experience with magic.

In Rorschach's plan, the first thing is to give it to Archmage Humboldt who is about to inspect the vehicle. He really likes the vehicle, and Rorschach also sincerely gives it to him. Secondly, he will give one to the new emperor William II and King Byrne. Not only that, we should also give gifts to the committee members of Valois who work hard to serve the public and let them take a critical ride.

Like the three-dimensional maneuvering device of the "Air Cavalry", it is supported by the Tree of Law to realize its functions. At the same time, the tower spirit can detect the position and movement trajectory of each vehicle.

In order to roll out the gas trains, more transmutation dust extractors need to be built, and the wider the distribution, the better. The previous construction of new gas supply stations for the imperial airships was an attempt, but now the goal of each "magic-adding station" is to spread across the continent as soon as possible.

The first is to be all over Byrne.

At the same time, a trial body of a new assault-type construct based on "synaesthesia" spell string technology was also made. The Alchemy Department of Tower of Stars also has synaesthesia with similar effects. In order to ensure flexibility in operation, they choose armor style, which is humanoid.

Based on his experience playing games in his previous life, Rorschach chose to use joysticks and buttons to control. Although the flexibility cannot be compared with the masterpieces of the Alchemy Department, the big man lying on the ground with four legs does not need precise and diverse movements. Just go back and forward, speed up and run, and other simple operations.

In the factory, Rorschach listened to the report of the newly hired engineer. The speaker was originally an apprentice who was about to be delayed in the Tower of Mystic Magic. After coming here, he successfully passed the mage conversion exam, and then... happily entered the factory and went to the fields. His skin was tanned and his hairline was receding.

In the intervals between his struggles, he occasionally reflected that the mage career he imagined seemed to be a bit different from the current one.

"This is the harvester and threshing machine we initially designed." The engineer took out the demonstration drawings of the first chapter. This component will soon be tested in the farmland.

Then he left the relevant drawings of the transmission mechanism and replaced other components: "This is the feeder. With the new breech-loading gun, it can achieve one round per minute. The continuous loading design has been designed for 8 times without any jamming."

"Okay, what about the [Melting Ray] version? And the [Decomposition] one." The spell version also has a firing component similar to the barrel, which is to facilitate aiming and focusing the magic itself.

"If the temperature is too high, the magic circuit on the inner wall will be deformed. The best result so far is that it is scrapped after three consecutive launches. We are considering whether to embed cooling or enhanced array structures into the launch components, but that will destroy the integrity and increase energy consumption.

"As for [Decomposition], after discussion, we believe that it is not suitable for making it a main weapon. Its range is not easy to adjust, and the magic power required does not match the destructive effect. But it can be made into a disposable prop and distributed to individual soldiers who need to complete stealth missions."

After listening to the report, Rorschach thought for a while: "Regarding the ray launcher, why not design it as a detachable and replaceable circuit component? Just like a scroll, it is rolled into a barrel and stuffed into the launcher. After activation, it is replaced and cooled, and the next one is quickly loaded. Two or three groups are cycled and activated. Even if it is broken, it can be quickly repaired. "

The engineer was stunned: "Indeed. Then similar ideas can be used for more than one spell"

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