Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 476 Moving Forward

Rorschach instructed the Special Administrative Region to put aside the field inspectors and delay them as long as possible, just to wait for a moment.

If the kingdom can successfully accept the small constituency reform, the royal family will receive the gift of luxury cars and a series of "gifts". If not, the mantis will have to face another production line product.

But he has one last concern. Just relying on these mass-produced weapons and a strong industrial system is not enough. At least in this world, there are other factors that influence it. Rorschach began to write letters to Master Carnot and Master Copper, and visited Feuerbach again.

"How to be promoted to Archmage? You" Feuerbach looked at this young man. His progress speed was unreasonable, and his spell casting talent was even more unreasonable - mastering a tree of magic, and all magic does not require materials, Ritual aid, you can cast spells completely silently.

However, until today, Rorschach's file and the level registered in the guild were stagnant, and he was still an "intermediate mage." It seems that this young man actively alienated the magic guild after coming to the Byrne Kingdom. Among spellcasters, the 20-year-old intermediate spellcaster is indeed extremely talented, but he is not unique. On paper, Rorschach and his classmate Richard are on the same level.

"Why did you suddenly have this idea?"

"In the past, I thought that the levels set by magic guilds for mages were just self-deception." Rorschach confessed his thoughts: "Real strength should not be divided by simple ranks. The real qualitative changes that can be reflected are only two and three major stages. , and the subdivision is only in a sociological sense.”

Feuerbach nodded: "Yes, the 'virtual title' of the third level is just a means to encourage mages to communicate with each other and share knowledge. In the past, when the church was strong, the isolation and cover-up among mages caused our group to suffer a lot. . It actually works pretty well, doesn't it? Your 'Spell Cloud' also follows this hierarchy."

Rorschach nodded: "The level of the 'Spell Cloud' can indeed increase the spell casting limit."

"But you are actually encouraging users to break the restrictions." The master pointedly pointed out that due to the tower spirit's processing power, Rorschach made rules that limit the caster's ring level and number of uses, but after making it into a magic circle, Let it go when multiple people are casting spells, etc. Even if Valentine and others found loopholes and bypassed the restrictions, Rorschach did not improve the mechanism and strictly guard against it.

"This is my attitude. The most valuable thing for a spell caster is creativity. Cultivation cannot be turned into a game of earning points and climbing the inherent hierarchy."

"So you didn't go to the guild to retest and certify your spellcasting level."

"Because until recently, I don't need guilds or other organizations to recognize myself, nor do I need to cater to other people's standards to identify my own value."

Rorschach looked up at the ceiling. This is the top floor of the Tower of Secrets. Under the influence of constant magic, the number of layers in the tower is much greater than the levels shown by the building from the outside. However, no matter how many layers there are, this place is undeniable. Top of the Tower of Secrets: "To put it bluntly: I am the one who creates value and sets the price, not the one who is priced."

Some so-called great masters are still people who are being priced. The realm they reached at their peak and the recognition they received are just labels for him to try to raise the price so that he can sell to whomever he wants. Then...he died, leaving only the title of "Count Granol".

"What about now, are you planning to put yourself up for sale? Do you want to upgrade the product level before putting it on the shelves?" Feuerbach couldn't help but ridicule the young man. He admitted that Rorschach was not ashamed of his words, but he still remembered the damage and trouble caused to the Tower of Secrets.

If Luo Xia in June gave the royal family a slap in the face and gave him a sweet date, then to the Tower of Secrets, he demolished most of the tower and gave him some compensation.

"No, it's just my personal judgment. The current situation requires me to become an Archmage."

"The special zone needs a great mage to take charge." The master's face became serious: "What are you going to do?"

Why use it again? Have I done something? Rorschach's expression was very innocent: "The empire's small constituency reform has begun, and the SAR has become a free constituency, which is more in line with the broadest interests of the people of the SAR. Accepting the small constituency reform will also be beneficial to the future of the Byrne area. In the meantime, there will naturally be There are many people who are unhappy, and I hope those who are unhappy can keep their thoughts to themselves.

"Based on my observations of Master Kano and you, the influence and intimidation of the Archmage may be able to achieve this goal. If I can be promoted, and you and the Tower of Secrets you represent can support me, then our thoughts It will definitely become a reality.”

".It's yours. I said from the beginning that I hate the emperor and the empire."

Luo Xia still looked at the ceiling: "What about after there are no kings and emperors? Some systems must be destroyed, and some systems should continue to be preserved until the next drastic change. The so-called empire should not be bound to the emperor. Compared with the separation of various regions, Only by complying with the unification of the empire can the people be given prosperity, stability and peace after the end of the monarchy. Otherwise, even if there are no hereditary rulers, the continent will still be prone to frequent wars. "

If Rorschach identifies with the "motherland" of this world, it is only in its tolerance and unity relative to other countries in other worlds. He is not a war criminal, and he will not interrupt the empire's process of unifying the kingdoms just for the sake of "fun", and will sit back and watch the little Jiujiu born in the Byrne royal family sprout and grow up because of his arrival.

Feuerbach could not understand the obsession of the souls of the other world with "great unification", but he still recognized Rorschach's idea. At least this young man proved that he was a person with ideas and acted accordingly, rather than just serving to gain money, power and strength.

"Put your ideas aside for now. It is also very simple to get the support of the Secret Tower, that is, you can really be promoted. Now our discussion should return to the magic itself. There is a clear experience for each major stage of promotion. Can you feel it?"

This is what Rorschach is worried about: "From elementary to intermediate, there is such an experience, but there is no such experience after intermediate." Or it can be said that it can be promoted by stimulating potential. When facing the God's skeleton in the secondary plane, his panel later ushered in a long upgrade process.

Later, the panel was upgraded again, but Rorschach felt that his strength had not changed qualitatively.

Feuerbach shook his head: "That's probably because he didn't get promoted." But he thought of Rorschach's outrageous performance, and took out the secret seal, just like Kano tested Rorschach's level that year: "This shouldn't be your first test, come on."

This secret seal points to the god Thoth, so Rorschach later kept his distance, but today Feuerbach is here, so let's give it a try. Rorschach mobilized his magic power and injected it into the emblem.

As the two watched, a rich purple color bloomed on the circuit of the secret seal, and it kept pulsating, and then the purple hue began to shift and turned into an ambiguous purple-red.

But there was still a clear distance from red. Rorschach put all his strength into it, and he poured all the environmental magic power into his body and concentrated it, and even every corner of the office was dyed with a purple-red halo.

As the "domain" centered on Rorschach expanded, the magic lights on the upper floors of the Secret Tower began to flicker and go out, and even the constant spatial expansion showed signs of disorder.

Rorschach himself was not aware of it, but Feuerbach, who was connected to the Tower of Mysticism, could feel that the magic power of the entire tower was losing control of the Red Dragon Tower Spirit and was being violently absorbed into the body of the boy in front of him, and then concentrated and violently pressed into the badge. The gargoyles in the office fell to the ground one after another, their limbs and wings were broken into pieces, revealing the broken stone.

He was now a super-powered magic pump.

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