Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 482: Birds Meeting

The owl transformed by Feuerbach traveled through the black forest at an unreasonable speed. He quickly passed through the lush vegetation under him and was about to arrive at the meeting place.

The meeting place was very conspicuous. It was an open space with a giant tree stump in the center. It was impossible to imagine how tall it must have been when it was still intact. In short, only the remnants with scorch marks and moss were left.

Birds of various colors are already waiting here on the torn sections of wood fibers. Most of the people who came were owls who violated their daily routine, and when they saw Feuerbach landing, they nodded humanely.

The sun shines on the wood stubble, and a figure gradually emerges from the glare. A snow-white swan descends from it, and its appearance is accompanied by a shadow. Soon the shadow comes to life, and a black swan steps out. The relationship between the Tower of Light and the Tower of Darkness is quite entangled, but other mages cannot tell the details of the two.

The last to arrive were the Ravens and the Seagulls from Istani.

The raven held a bloody eye in its mouth and looked at the scene. A huge owl with fluffy feathers made a voice that made Master Kano disgusted: "Thomson, your behavior is still so disgusting."

Among the archmage attending the meeting, most of them had bird-shaped clones, some had familiars, and some, like the Storm Tower representative, had their pets holding the [Magic Eye] in their mouths. This eyeball not only allows the caster to gain its vision, You can also use spells below the seventh level.

There was also Feuerbach who arrived in person, but he and others could not tell who else was attending the meeting in person.

"Now that we're all here, let's get started." Colbert was the host, and he took the initiative to preside over the meeting.

"This is too much trouble. When can we find a new space?"

"Just use that secondary plane, right? How is the situation there now?"

The Chief of Thunderstorm Tower replied: "I am always paying attention to the 'refugees' who have migrated to this plane. The situation inside has initially stabilized. It is best for us not to disturb it anymore. Master Kano and I have decided not to disclose the secondary The teleportation coordinates of the plane.”

Kano echoed: "The focus is not here now. Seeing that both the Republic and the Empire have received enough rest, I think the Empire will launch an action against the Republic before the large-scale harvest of food."

"Yes, a lot has happened in the empire recently. The new emperor is eager to prove himself with a military victory, which is also related to the turmoil in the summer night." The mage tower in the empire was paying attention to the mobilization of the imperial army.

In order to prevent the imperial army from reacting to the constituency reform again, the imperial capital re-prepared the entire army to distract their attention. In addition to preparations on the large defense line, it also attempted to sabotage the main grain-producing area in northern Valois.

Carnot knew that Valois was also preparing for a large-scale operation. One artillery general even suggested that the main force should be pushed to places outside the homeland to support the war and alleviate the extremely tight logistics situation. The artillery general seems to be someone he knows

"Then what attitude should the guild adopt? Since the Valois guild has essentially cooperated with the National Salvation Committee, our imperial branch should also be allowed to properly contact and cooperate with the imperial authorities."

The Mage Tower representatives of the Empire found that the opportunity had come to restore the normal functioning of the guilds in the Empire, as the military mages were fragmented and separated from royal control.

William II no longer trusts most of the military mages, and the royal family has softened its attitude towards the guilds, and even tried to let the Arcane Senate control those "lawless spellcasters". After all, the guild has always been gloriously isolated, and there is absolutely no intention of pulling out a group of mages to kidnap His Highness the Crown Prince.

Kano began to sell his ideals again: "So monitoring the 'Tree of Truth' is very necessary! It will become the basis for controlling spellcasters and the link to restore the cross-continental nature of the guild. We can monitor a part of the branches in each tower , inform each other of records”

"Perhaps this idea is outdated. Monitoring the 'Tree of Truth' is no longer enough to control all spellcasting situations." Feuerbach's transformed owl wore an anklet on its right foot, which was actually a storage ring. He took out two books from it. The tutorial on Spell Cloud was thrown to Kano.

The chief of the Tower of Secrets reported the existence of the "Spell Cloud" to other archmages for the first time, roughly explaining the principle of operation and the existence of the "Spell Tree".

"So, even if we monitor the main cluster of the spell chain, a lot of magic will go through the 'Tree of Law'. I'm not sure yet about the effect of monitoring the Tree of Truth. I can only say that with the existence of the Tree of Law, the situation will be Much more complicated."

"Why are we talking about such a big thing now!" Some chiefs were shocked. When did a brand new spellcasting system appear? And isn’t the Tree of Truth the only thing that exists in myths and legends? How do you discover that a second plant has emerged from one plant?

"Because I have been observing its effectiveness during this period, and it has proven to work well, greatly lowering the threshold for learning spells and even casting spells. The most noteworthy thing is that today I successfully used it to cast a nine-ring spell."

Kano felt a little annoyed that there was a stain on his blueprint: "It can be seen that the holder of the Tree of Law is at least the Archmage level.

"Learning from the past, we can no longer let an archmage do his own thing. We should make necessary contacts with him, make a complete assessment, and take coercive measures when the other party does not cooperate."

Feuerbach said in a deep voice: "Isn't it too tough?"

"Tough? You should be tough! Are we going to be lax until the situation is irreversible?" Kano seemed to be influenced by the atmosphere of Valuvana. His behavior seemed to be like that of a member of the National Salvation Committee. He raised one wing and gave a speech:

"Public mages, it was our indifference to the Master of Necromancer that almost caused him to murder at least 100,000 people, resulting in irreversible consequences. Now, new dangers have sprouted, and a monopoly on the spellcasting system has emerged. Do we still have to wait until the last minute to deal with it?

"We are the Senate of the Arcane, shouldering the future of all mages. Don't be weak anymore, don't compromise anymore! "

The other birds nodded in agreement with Kano's speech. After listening to Feuerbach's description, once the new magic system is rolled out, it will indeed have an impact on the entire magician group. Whether it is good or bad, he and his system should be brought under the control of the Senate.

Finally, Chairman Kano asked solemnly: "So, Master Feuerbach, do you have any information about the founder of the magic cloud?"

"The information I have is very accurate and very detailed." The person being questioned felt great joy at this time. His efforts to hide the name of the protagonist in the report were quite effective: "He is an imperial man, graduated from the Imperial Royal Magic Academy, and is now twenty years old."

Other mages were surprised that the Imperial Academy could produce such a monster. The bird controlled by Cobb grinned and showed an anthropomorphic smile, and Kano felt more and more wrong the more he listened, especially the one who had studied abroad in the Starry Tower for a year and now lived in Byrne.

Feuerbach simply declared to Kano, who had been chattering just now, as if he had won: "The founder of the magic cloud is Rorschach! "

Kano immediately interrupted: "Before, I made an arbitrary decision without full information. Now I think that we should take the initiative to show goodwill to such a talented young man. I know Rorschach well, and he will cooperate with us."

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