Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 483 Transaction

Master Kano's rapid change of face and resolute attitude have surpassed the level of ordinary disguise spells. Only the nine-ring [Physical Change] can rival it.

Of course, the meeting was still very harmonious, except for the host, Copper, who was laughing like a bird and rolling on the tree stump.

He was the oldest, but no one said anything to this old kid.

"Your good apprentice Luo Xia is really talented. Three days ago, he asked me for advice on how to be promoted to Archmage."

"Yes, I also received the letter." Kano was still secretly sad that Rorschach had not told him anything. After Feuerbach said this, he remembered that he had received a letter from Rorschach asking for advice. He just thought that the boy was too successful and wanted to become a great mage, so he replied casually, asking him to study hard and stop thinking nonsense.

I didn’t expect him to come for real!

Feuerbach also sighed softly, and the owl actually showed a sense of vicissitudes of life: "After discovering that the 'Spell Cloud' supports nine-ring magic today, I immediately verified it for him. There is no doubt that it is the Archmage. Then I quickly came to attend the meeting and told everyone Report.

"Most high-level spellcasters tend to spend their main energy on research and practice, and they don't care about things outside the tower and don't interfere much.

"It would be fine if Master Rorschach was like this, but he was extremely active in intervening in the Byrne situation. Not only did he run a country within a country named after the special zone, but from past conversations with him, I can confirm that Rorschach also wanted to take advantage of the Archmage. identity to achieve other purposes.

"From this perspective, he is more dangerous than the Necromancer Master, and his influence is more unpredictable."

Feuerbach uses the perspective of the Tower of Mystery to introduce to others the various behaviors of this "man of the hour" in Bain, especially when talking about the encounters and drastic changes in the Tower of Mystery since June. It is almost like the heroine crying about how she feels Being dragged step by step into the abyss of depravity by Huang Mao.

Finally, he glared at Kano fiercely: "You are indeed someone's student."

The audience was delighted. No one sympathized with the chief of the Tower of Secrets. Instead, they all expressed their admiration for the first feather of Kano's wings: Awesome!

Kano wanted to reverse the situation of being slapped in the face and grasped an important point that was not the main point: "Wait, you mean, after measuring Rorschach's spellcasting level, you left without saying anything?"

"Otherwise? Our meeting will be soon." Feuerbach didn't think there was anything wrong with his neurotic behavior.


Copper came out to show his respect: "We all know that Chief Feuerbach has been concentrating on research and is not good at communication, unlike you, Kano."

Kano slapped his forehead with his wings: "You are confused! Since Rorschach has the value of our win over, you can't show more expressions? As the most important and exciting moment in a spellcaster's career, you, as a senior, are indifferent? Do you think you are right? Junior mage?"

"I have already verbally congratulated you," the chief of the Secret Tower insisted: "Isn't it enough? When I was promoted, I stayed in the research room as usual, and I had to clean up the damage caused by the overflowing energy. There was no celebration. Isn’t this how everyone comes to attend ceremonies?”

"The teacher who I notified immediately received an invitation letter from the Senate immediately."

"In order to please me, the king gave my family a good land after his promotion."

"At that time, my brothers and sisters all came to congratulate me. Although I knew they didn't mean it, they still congratulated me against my will, which made me feel even better."

After listening to the recollections of the great masters, Feuerbach looked up to the sky speechlessly. After calming down, everyone had finished talking, and then he seriously ended this sad topic: "Have we seriously gone off topic?"

The Magic Guild and the entire mage community have always tried to maintain a "neutral" identity in the past, but now this tradition has been completely broken.

But at least so far, almost all archmage-level combat capabilities are hidden behind the scenes. Those who go to the battlefield and participate in the production and establishment of various countries are intermediate-level mages and below.

The purge of the necromancers is also a last resort. At present, the Senate welcomes and thanks the Empire and the Republic for taking action. The great mages of various countries are in a suspended equilibrium. To most people in the world, they are just legendary existences, limited to vague imaginations. They are separated from normal society by magic guilds and wizard towers, and cannot be seen. To the face of the Archmage.

Obviously Rorschach does not fall into this situation. He seems to have made it clear that he wants to use the influence of the Archmage to achieve his goals in other fields, and he always does things openly. Once a precedent is set, it will definitely arouse the vigilance of the rulers and some people.

It's not that the chiefs attending the meeting are afraid of ordinary people, but they are afraid that from now on, no matter whether the archmage is willing to participate in mainland politics or not, he will be forced to get involved. At that time, every move of these characters will be amplified, will provoke unnecessary reactions, and will be speculated on, instead of being buffered by magic guilds and mage towers.

Carnot was good at dancing in social circles, and Feuerbach drank tea at the royal banquet. In fact, they were very cautious. Even if Pascal appeared in the National Assembly during the most turbulent period in Valois, in the public opinion, he was only a representative. The magic guild represents the mage. Very few people will know that Pascal is a student of the Archmage Cano.

I hope this young man can grasp the situation. After attending the meeting, Feuerbach returned to Lanster again and sighed for the nth time today: "I'm looking for Master Rorschach."

Caroline is still not used to this title. She has no real sense of when her students have reached the top of spell casters, and Rorschach's performance is indeed no different.

"Didn't you say that a representative from the Senate would come to see me?" Rorschach somehow got a hold of the situation and had already arrived at the reception room.

".I am here on behalf of the Senate." The most unanimous decision of the meeting was to let Feuerbach contact Rorschach on behalf of the Senate, on the grounds of making up for his impolite behavior before the meeting: "Now, on behalf of the Senate of Arcane and the Magic Guild of Floren Continent, I would like to express my sincere congratulations to you, and congratulate you on your promotion with your outstanding talent."

This is really completely emotionless and without intonation! After accepting the congratulations and the gifts from Kano and Kober, Rorschach took the red and gilded wizard robe from Feuerbach.

"The Senate will acquiesce to your next move, and the Tower of Secrets will also provide some cooperation. However, we need you to provide some help. For example, to realize the ideals of your teacher, Grand Mage Kano. The Thirteen Magic Towers will monitor the activation of nodes on the 'Tree of Truth', and at the same time, we hope that you can cooperate with us to obtain the use of the Tree of Law."

"Can I understand it as a transaction?"

Feuerbach corrected the straightforward statement: "It is two cooperations. The Tower of Secrets also invites you to participate in the analysis and monitoring of the Tree of Truth."

"Before that, you'd better understand my next move before making a decision."

While Rorschach was talking to Feuerbach, many citizens in major Bavarian cities such as Munich, Würzburg and Nurem took to the streets and soon confronted and violently acted with security personnel. Some people even tried to attack the palace.

After the security team could not control the situation, the royal family planned to send troops to suppress the riots, but received intelligence that there was a large-scale personnel mobilization in the special zone, especially Lanster, which could threaten Nurem and the capital Munich at the same time. For a time, the army was in a dilemma as to whether to mobilize and where to mobilize.

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