Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 484 There are bad guys among the masses, and there are experts among the bad guys

After all, the number of unemployed people that the gas plant and the special zone can accommodate is limited. Now more and more citizens are participating in the chaos, and those who originally waited and watched also found that the police could not control the situation, and they emboldened themselves to join in.

Their numbers, courage, and force grow mutually, and they will reach a critical point at any time and break through the guards in key places in the city.

For the royal family, everything has been there for a long time, from public opinion to the economy, and from more and more reports that are giving the king a headache.

Unexpectedly, suddenly, all the dissatisfied people gave up their patience. In fact, the people on the street may not have unified slogans and goals. Even before the note came, the two factions leaning toward the Empire and those leaning toward Valois started fighting.

But this is not the point. What really shocked the royal family and the city hall was when these unscrupulous people dared to have large-scale fights in the streets.

To make matters worse, when the security team started to perform their duties with great arrogance, they were unanimously exported by both parties.

"This is no longer an ordinary mob. We must hit hard." Prince Otto still retained his reason and was not as irritable as his brother. He compiled reports from various places and came to the conclusion: There are bad people among the masses!

Moreover, these bad guys either took the Golden Eagle coins from the empire or from the special zone. Of course, they believed that Valois would not do it, because the only things it could issue were various coupons and banknotes, which were too thin and easy to break. kind of.

I don’t know which group made the move first. In short, the other “activists” were afraid of not catching up, so they also called on them. As a result, the situation intensified, and the whole Byrne became a pot of milk and wheat porridge.

Of course, there are also "social work volunteers" who are republican and don't want to pay anything. They are the masters among the "bad guys", and they selflessly share with the public the advanced experience from Valois - how to set up obstacles on the streets, how to organize stormtroopers, and the summarized armed () route:

First gather the maximum number of people in public places such as squares, and unite to take down the city defense armament depot. After obtaining the armaments, the city hall, post office and telegraph office, grain depot and city gate are the first targets.

After quickly seizing some high-value points, the city defense forces should have been assembled. At this time, it is necessary to organize superior forces to attack the palace, forcing the guards to be restrained and confront each other in front of the palace.

As for the remaining targets, a small group of armed forces can fight and negotiate to persuade them to surrender. As long as those managers cannot see the support of the guards, they probably will not be able to hold on for long.

"Telegram. Go and inform the eldest brother to mobilize the first legion!" The second prince suddenly discovered that the most reliable person was the eldest brother in charge of the troops. However, he could not mobilize more than the first legion.

King Albert Ludwig said solemnly: "The First Army is already between Lanster and Munich. What if there are changes in the special zone?"

"That Rorschach is a poisonous snake! Now our commissioner is still under house arrest, let alone handing over food. I think he is going to rebel!" If it were another lord, the royal family should have struck hard. In the previous life, there was a saying that it was too big to fail. In Bayern, the SAR is too big to fail to the kingdom.

At least the SAR committee has not expressed its position yet, and there is no clear sign. Anyone in Munich who dares to declare that they are rebels now will be forced to rebel.

The Third and Fourth Legions are stationed at the border to guard against the Empire, while the Second Legion. Prince Otto paced and thought: "The Second Legion is in Kempson. I think those refugees should be left under the care of the Special Administrative Region. Let the Second Legion be The Corps detached three brigades and headed north, while the remaining troops returned to Munich to maintain order."

What else came to his mind: "But the garrison mage of the Second Corps is Bart! He is both the royal consort and Rorschach's best friend. Is such a person reliable or unreliable?"

The king held his forehead and whispered: "To this day, the bad thing is that I am among you, and you are among me." He was not only lamenting the "pig that picked up his own truffle", but he was also commenting on the guy in the city hall.

The king knew that although everyone in the city hall was loyal to him, for those professional managers, loyalty to the king, loyalty to the emperor, and even loyalty to any council or magistrate were the same. Even if they changed the door, they still had to rely on them. Maintain the governance of the kingdom.

So these people all have their own thoughts. Are the security teams really unable to control the rioters? Albert was seriously skeptical.

"The only one who can restrain the mage is the mage. The only one we can count on now." The king suddenly said an option that the second prince had never considered:

"Eugenie is the Archmage. She is in Würzburg. Just communicate with the chief of the Tower of Secrets. Feuerbach has always been on good terms with our royal family. You can talk to him.

"If we can get the support of the two archmages, Rorschach will not be a worry. We can safely mobilize at least three legions, and the riot will be suppressed quickly."

The prince's eyes also lit up: "Besides, in June before, the Tower of Secrets was also manipulated by Rorschach. Feuerbach must be willing to embarrass him on this issue. As long as the special zone is stabilized, the source of domestic chaos will be eliminated. It’s sealed.”

However, the prince still had one last doubt: "My aunt must be willing to help, but Feuerbach. Those mages are all virtuous. If we are interfered by the Tower of Secrets again"

Albert closed his eyes: "The nobles in the past just asked the Holy See for asylum and support. After all, the world belongs to the powerful. If the Special Zone and the Tower of Secrets can check and balance each other, and the Empire and Valois can confront each other, there will be Our place.”

"I understand, father, I will call Würzburg right now. You can leave here first. I will stay at the Munich Palace."

The king stood up and said, "No, I will write to Master Feuerbach in person to invite him to the dinner."

He really wanted Feuerbach to come at noon, but it was too late for him to prepare and Elizabeth, and it was even more unrealistic to let the chief of the Tower of Secrets come to the dinner without advance notice.

Considering that the guards were doing their duty around the palace and there was no sign of the rioters breaking in, the king hesitated for a moment and chose to come a few hours later.

Sirens blew in the factories of the Special Zone, and the factories once again stopped work for three days in the name of "fire safety drills." However, there was no relaxed and happy atmosphere this time, but all the workers gathered according to the team.

Instantly, the whole Special Zone was filled with a tense atmosphere. The workshop director used the [Amplification Technique] loudspeaker to read the notice in plain language: "Byrne is in chaos now. The grain harvest is imminent, there are refugees watching, and the king also wants it. Can we give it to him?"

The answers below were all neat: "No!" Although many people were refugees, they did not think they were talking about themselves at all, but seriously considered whether their fruits would be threatened by the rioters outside the Special Zone.

"Okay! Those who have participated in the militia and the pickets will step out and receive guns. The rest will form patrol teams and receive steel plates, explosion-proof forks, and scrolls. They are all disposable. Don't open them without orders."

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