Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 486 The Wisdom of Our Ancestors

Although the confrontation between the rioters and the guards was happening outside the palace, it was extremely quiet inside the palace, and the dinner went on in an orderly manner. The kitchen had plenty of food to prepare as usual, so everything was not in a hurry because of Rorschach's sudden visit.

The above is for kitchen and banquet only. It was the king and the second prince who had their plans seriously disrupted. The king made a formal speech, thanking Feuerbach and Elisabeth for being invited, and dryly welcoming the uninvited guest.

Elizabeth Eugenie looked relaxed and happy: "Congratulations, Rorschach. It's only been a few months since we met. You have been promoted to Archmage. It's incredible! If other people can be half as fast as you, there will be no Secret Magic Tower." So those who stay as apprentices and those who drop out of school.”

"I also made a breakthrough not long ago, and I would like to thank Master Feuerbach for his guidance."

The two chatted while eating, completely ignoring the so-called etiquette, and seemed to ignore the host, just as casually as they had lunch in the canteen of the Tower of Secrets.

When Elizabeth heard that the chief of the Tower of Secrets had also contributed, she cast a questioning look at her former boss Feuerbach.

The chief didn't want to answer the question, but finally agreed with what Rorschach said: "Yes, many changes have happened in the Tower of Secrets after you left." Compared with the sauce carefully prepared by the royal chef, Feuerbach's A sentence contains all kinds of flavors.

After listening to the above conversation, His Majesty Albert and Prince Otto's hearts finally died. Elizabeth wanted to ask more about the change, but the host of the banquet finally took advantage of the brief silence to interject: "Congratulations to Master Rorschach on his promotion. Now there are three archmages in our country. It's really an honor for Byrne!"

He was the first to stand up and raise his glass: "To Master Luo Xia, thank you!"

The prince quickly stood up, and the three mages stood up slowly, but Rorschach did not raise the glass, but pressed the rim of the glass: "In my hometown, it is often said that wine is the essence of food. When food is in short supply, your majesty can take it I am really touched by the fine wine reception.

"But when I think of the sayings in my hometown, I think of how precious food is now. The special zone achieved a bumper harvest in the first year, but there are also many more mouths to eat." Luo Xia shook his head: "There are resettled refugees and there are unemployed people." workers who later relocated to the District, as well as many newborns.”

The glasses of the king and the prince were frozen in mid-air. Prince Otto wanted to crush the glasses: Are you blind? What you are drinking is aperitif sparkling wine! Made from grapes! Grape--!

It was the old king who was more educated and kept a calm smile without changing his expression. He put down his cup in cooperation and led everyone to sit down: "Master Luo Xia really cares about the people of the Special Administrative Region. Please rest assured that the wine at today's banquet is all from me. Please enjoy the treasures of the wine cellar. ”

He returned to the issue that Rorschach made clear: "I am aware of the difficulties in the Special Administrative Region, but the whole country is also in urgent need of food. As long as the Special Administrative Region is willing to alleviate the difficulties, the specific amount can be further discussed."

"I don't think we need to discuss it any further. It's better to finalize it now." Luo Xia Mosuo Cup said: "The grain can be handed over, but I want to divide it into two parts: last year, how much grain was paid in total by the regions to which the special zone belongs, and how much grain was handed over to the Kingdom this year as usual? How much, but the extra portion after doubling it will be converted into funds based on the current grain price and turned over.”

At this point, even the second prince's expression softened. Even if the extra payment is calculated based on today's grain prices, it would be a lot more expensive than paying the full grain price. However, this is free money. The special zone can already pay more than the full share of previous years. The psychological expectations of father and son.

It's a pity that Rorschach has another but: "Money and food cannot be wasted or disappear without a trace. So we need to earmark funds for special purposes. The money must be used to renovate roads, build railways and expand the telegraph network, and the food must be used to pay people involved in the construction." Workers. The planning, construction standards and acceptance of the above projects are all decided by the special zone, and of course the cooperation of the city hall is required.”

What? Listen to this. We can’t get any money or food? The father and son were no longer calm.

Feuerbach, on the other hand, nodded approvingly: "In this way, unemployed vagrants can have jobs, and if they are organized and managed, they will no longer threaten public security and stability. And food will be delivered to civilians in the form of salary, without going through the hands of petty officials. With the help of grain merchants, grain prices can be stabilized to the greatest extent. It’s a good plan.”

Elizabeth was convinced that something had really happened to the Tower of Secrets. She couldn't believe when the chief still knew such things: "Master Feuerbach, I didn't expect you to know economics."

"Ahem, I understand a little, I understand a little." Feuerbach lowered the corner of his mouth and said modestly. He also gained wisdom every time. After being tricked once, he spared some energy to study a little and was ignored by the archmage. knowledge. Feuerbach had to admit that as the helmsman of the Mage Tower, he also had responsibilities similar to that of a manager to run it, but Kano did a better job than him and taught a good apprentice.

After Elizabeth praised her former boss, she did not forget to praise her juniors: "Master Rorschach is also very powerful for coming up with such an excellent plan!"

Luo Xia thought it was trivial. This is the wisdom of my ancestors. As the saying goes, "relief for work" is a dilemma. The most important thing is that if all the money is invested in infrastructure, the raw materials still have to be purchased from the factories in the special zone. In other words, Most of the tax credits that are nominally paid can be boomeranged back to the special zone.

First it was grain discounting, which shrank once due to fluctuations in grain prices. Now the money is used to purchase own goods. Of course, it is quoted at the purchase price, which shrinks it again. From real grain to the GDP of the special zone

The king felt a stomach ache: Sister, what's the point? This guy is bullying our family by being a gangster!

Prince Otto accepted Rorschach's proposal, but he was more concerned with the current situation: "Master Rorschach, what you said is very good, but it cannot solve the current problem. The chaos is still on the outside. I don't know if the guards and the city hall are still there." How long can it last? After the dinner, can the three archmages help solve the royal family's dilemma?

“The most important thing is, how can we avoid similar situations from happening in the future?”

It's okay, there are quite a few extras hired by Valang outside. Of course, he couldn't say this, so he stopped acting and said directly: "It's very simple, accept the empire's small constituency reform, divide the Byrne Kingdom into three constituencies, and return to the empire's trade system.

"It is said that the emperors of the Far East sought to govern the country well without raising a finger. The opposite example is Charles XVI. I heard that His Majesty the King is fond of art, especially opera. In the future, he might as well become an apartment in the imperial capital or stay there. Wouldn’t it be nice to have fun in Byrne and be a patron of an opera company?”

"You!" Rorschach almost said that you, old man, should abdicate. Albert's education was finally broken, and he stood up suddenly. Immediately, the waiters and guards also showed their swords and guns.

Elizabeth also frowned: "Rorschach," Feuerbach lowered his eyes and ate the meat on his plate without saying a word.

Rorschach also stood up and shook off his red robe. Suddenly, all the guards who were hostile to him found themselves frozen, and a deep cold that penetrated their souls struck from bottom to top.

Eugenie didn't want to attack and didn't want the situation to get out of control. She tried to confine the time in the banquet hall and make Rorschach "stop". However, when her spell was expanded halfway, a short but violent tremor suddenly occurred in time and space, causing her stasis to The scene disappeared silently.

The young man recalled like this: "Since I came to Bain to start a business and build a tower, I negotiated terms with the Glass Guild, but was rejected; I also negotiated terms with the Tower of Secrets, but was also rejected.

"So I won't talk about conditions today, I'm here to make demands."

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