Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 487 What is the intention

Outside the palace, the guards saw the mob lighting torches, and there were actually several mule carts bringing light beer and bread, which were distributed as orderly as possible to the vanguard members on the front line of the confrontation.

When the guards and the governor of the city hall witnessed this strange phenomenon, they felt incredible - shouldn't these unscrupulous people be looting? How can it be so organized, with one group of people eating and another group on guard, and food and drinks being passed around. These chaotic people are not chaotic at all now!

Could it be that they are professional rebels?

For a moment, the two sides were relatively calm for a moment, and the guards' stomachs and throats made rumbling sounds.

After the mule cart left and everyone had eaten and drank, one of the leaders kicked the empty wine barrel away. Taking this as a signal, the shouts suddenly resumed: "We want to see the king!" "Let that old turtle come out!" "Or let us in!" The shouts of the rioters who had obviously received supplies became stronger and stronger.

You continue to work immediately after eating. Not only are you professional, you also have professional ethics!

The captain of the guard couldn't bear it anymore. He approached the consul carefully and whispered: "They are playing tricks on us! As long as you give the order, we will shoot and defeat these unruly people immediately!"

The Archon does not want to take responsibility. He has a vague feeling that there is something not simple behind these "professional players", and based on the tone of the current newspapers and media, if he dares to order these people to be shot tonight, he will be criticized on the front page tomorrow. .

If someone is really killed, in the eyes of the consul, it is his career that is killed.

Therefore, he insisted on waiting for the king's order, and by dragging on like this, the patience of both parties was exhausted little by little, and finally they were on the verge of misfiring and losing control.

"Let us in!" "Get out of here!"

When the volume of both parties reaches its maximum, the world suddenly becomes clear. Thousands of people in front of the palace could not understand what was going on. They first panicked and thought they were deaf, but soon concluded from the similarly confused expressions of those around them that they were not the only ones who were suddenly enveloped in absolute silence.

crackle. A soft sound announced that everyone's hearing had recovered, and then a huge ball of light floated from the palace, lighting up the open space in front of the palace like daylight. After everyone adapted to the sudden light, His Majesty the King had appeared under the ball of light.

He was expressionless and alone. At least in the eyes of ordinary people, there were no three invisible red-robed mages floating beside him.

His Majesty King Albert took out the improvised document like a puppet and read it out to the shock of the guards and chief consul. The king admitted that it was his wrong decisions in the past that caused Byrne to be at odds with the empire, leading to the current economic blockade. At the same time, his past arbitrariness prevented the Beirne Kingdom from taking the right path.

"Looking at the world's powerful countries, only by working together and inviting representatives from all walks of life to discuss state affairs can they achieve stability, prosperity and development. The unfortunate events that happened today have made me deeply realize that the era when the kingdom was the private property of the nobility and the monarch was arbitrary is over.

"The king has listened extensively to the opinions of all parties and decided to accept the empire's reform proposals. He will re-elect the representatives of the Imperial Parliament, establish a publicly elected Senate, and will include it in the code of the Kingdom of Bain. The king will personally visit the imperial capital to repair the relationship between the empire. , taking the well-being of the people as its own responsibility.”

This "Edict to Sin" was written on the fly, and there were some doubts about its sincerity, so the wording was quite awkward. But this does not prevent the audience from being shocked, and even the anger disappears. Some people even squeezed a few tears from the corners of their eyes and took the lead in applauding.

Suddenly, weird applause sounded in front of the palace, and the king turned pale as paper under the panic of the huge magic light ball.

Feuerbach frowned and witnessed everything. He used [Messaging Technique] and said seriously: "Master Rorschach, you forced and manipulated the monarch of a country, setting a bad example since the Silent Era."

"Really? But without me speeding up, the rule of the Ludwig family may not last long." Rorschach did not shy away from Eugenie, who was born in the royal family: "His Majesty Albert's throne is sandwiched between two ocean currents. The reef will be washed away by the empire and the republic.

"Rather than the earth falling apart and him or his successor falling off the throne, we are giving him a hand and allowing him to be an idle nobleman in peace. At a time when civilians cannot live without working or fighting, You can also watch an opera and recall the scenery when you were in great power.

"By the way, you can also enjoy the super luxury car presented by the special zone."

Feuerbach felt that Rorschach was quite mean, but he could not refute it. Rorschach didn't want to stop talking: "And I don't want to create a puppet, Byrne. All I can influence is the special zone. I also respect the public's choice about the future of the entire kingdom."

He can strike hard at things like industry associations and aristocrats that hinder him from exerting his power, but for ordinary people, Rorschach is willing to take advantage of the situation and exchange interests for public opinion.

"Hmph, when you hold Byrne in your hands, will you 'respect' the fate of the Empire and Valois again?" Feuerbach sneered. What he was most worried about was not now, but that Rorschach was too young! And he did everything very quickly, so fast that everyone allowed him to grow and act boldly to where he is today without paying attention.

"One day, if you still feel that I have done something wrong, let the Arcane Senate, the Owl Arbitration Tribunal, and that other brotherhood come together and call on all the 'Arch Mages of Justice' to beat me up." Rorschach He didn't care, he was more concerned about whether the extras that Valang hired were doing their best.

Well, the incitement works very well. Today is a victory dinner and a unity dinner.

Feuerbach finally lamented: "...I hope the history books will not record me as an accomplice of your master and apprentice."

"You are getting more and more humorous. We are obviously a cooperative relationship."

Back to the topic, the chief of the Tower of Secrets cheered up: "Mage Elizabeth, although you have temporarily left the Tower of Secrets, as an archmage and a bench member of the Arcane Senate, there is an important project that requires your help. , it will lay the foundation for the future existence of transcontinental magic guilds."

How come eating is such a big deal? Elisabeth Eugenie and the other two archmages moved to Munich's guild to discuss in detail. Feuerbach relayed Kano's idea and said: "The Tower of Secrets and Master Rorschach's Magic Tower will cooperate to monitor the second branch of the Tree of Truth's transformation system."

The types of surveillance spells that the thirteen magic towers are responsible for have been delineated. Rorschach added: "Spellcasting involving the 'Spell Cloud' system will be reflected simultaneously on the Tree of Truth, but the caster's information may be reflected in the Spell Cloud intermediary. , it is more difficult for the Senate to observe, so we will regularly report the activation status of high-risk nodes to the Senate.”

If nodes involving the necromantic system or other risks such as "Wither", "Corruption", and "Polarization" are activated, the tower spirit will record the information and Rorschach will report it to the Senate.

"What step have you taken?" Elizabeth originally thought that Rorschach was crazy enough. It turned out that Feuerbach, who seemed to be mentally stable, was actually trying to monitor spellcasting activities around the world. No, it was the actions of the entire Senate's top brass. .

"Well, currently only Master Kano has successfully reached the original layer and observed the legendary Tree of Truth."

"That is to say, the first step has not been completed yet." Rorschach was very optimistic: "But I believe that with the joint efforts of the 13+1 magic towers, the vision will soon be turned into reality, and the key research projects that we are responsible for can be implemented immediately. ,Start immediately."

Elizabeth shuddered, but agreed to Feuerbach's invitation. She couldn't even imagine what the outside world and the world of mages would look like if she stayed in the palace in Würzburg for a while longer.

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