Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 488 Vomiting Night

That night, the organization that had successfully occupied the city hall and called itself the "Citizen City Hall" reached an agreement with the royal family and accepted King Albert Ludwig's reform plan, but they insisted that they would not give up the blood they had paid for it. The city government requested that the current city hall be changed to Byrne Senate.

At the same time, the postal and telegraph offices controlled by the "Citizen's City" sent telegrams to Nurem, Würzburg, and Kempson, reporting the full text of the king's proclamation, calling on all localities to stop the unrest, and negotiate with the original city hall organizations to establish the first Prepare for the Senate election.

The First Army Corps and the Special Administrative Region Armed Forces, which were in a tense confrontation in Lanster, received orders from their superiors to withdraw their troops. The First Army immediately set off towards the capital Munich. Most of the rioters who learned that the regular army would arrive at any time dispersed or reached an agreement with the city hall, and spent the whole night in panic in the light of the fire.

The accident occurred during the day of the next day, and the citizens who had stayed behind closed doors finally received the news that the king's compromise had ended. However, the groups participating in the movement had different ideas and demands, and voices of dissatisfaction erupted for the second time.

In particular, the forces that are committed to the Republic and are close to Valois have launched another action. This time they have obtained the arsenal of guns and ammunition. In particular, the neighborhoods near workshops and universities have been actively blocked, and they are very ready to attack the First Army. The momentum to resist to the end.

The "Orthodox" coalition of "Citizen City" and City Hall appeals to these dissatisfied young people and workers, urging them to recognize the situation clearly and stop making unnecessary sacrifices.

"Go to hell, you betrayed Grandpa Worker!" "Go away, you bastards of the king!"

The former is addressed to the "Citizen City Hall", while the latter is directed at the City Hall.

The people who were "persuading people to surrender" all rolled away from the block, because those impulsive young people could really shoot with their guns, and it didn't matter whether they were accurate or not. It didn't matter whether the people you came were country sages or office workers. Just open fire if you dared.

"A bunch of lunatics, they should be shot to death by the army!" The envoys who came back to save their lives said that this job was not done by humans, but after the alliance, "Zhengshuo" had to find a way to do it, because At this time, the general situation in Munich has stabilized, and they have to prove their capabilities before the army takes action.

Otherwise, the people sitting in the seats today will not be able to be pushed into the Senate with confidence.

The local chaos continued until nightfall. College students were all late night players, and their excitement could last until night. They began to plan night operations. The city government issued a curfew order on the grounds that it would prevent spies from Valois from infiltrating the capital from causing damage and threatening people's lives and property.

"They issued a curfew, but we decided to carry out a night operation, and the old and new thieves would fight together!" This was their plan.

When the night fell and the security team who were following them dozed off and yawned again and again, they went out in groups, intending to recapture the telegraph office. According to reliable information from the "mysterious person", Byrne's telegraph network had a dedicated line to Valois. They want to surrender to the Republic and ask for support, letting the "Lighthouse of Reform" know that Byrne also has fire burning!

Then the person who was walking out of the block was hit by something unknown, and the world was spinning instantly. He could step on the ground even though it was flat ground. At the same time, his stomach seemed to be grabbed by a big hand and squeezed hard, and all the sour and salty things overflowed.

This is because the plan cannot keep up with the new changes. The "Guaranteed to Vomit" scrolls from the Special Administrative Region are delivered by the truckload during the day, and now the security team has five people.

Vomit - vomit

Some targeted "die-hards" with precision, others used them on teammates by mistake, and some even didn't know the curfew or didn't have time to go home. In short, they were all vomiting on the street, rolling around in vomit. climb. It was the first time for Munich's security team to use such a good thing as a scroll, but the effect was too disgusting.

On hot nights, the sour smell of vomit permeated the city, and it was registered in Byrne's history as "Vomiting Night". This memory also creates two additional effects:

In order to continue working, these members of the security team pulled off a piece of cloth to cover their heads. From then on, "coat" was also called "masked" in Bain; in the future, Bain guys who went to the north of the empire felt like vomiting when they smelled sauerkraut.

After dawn, everything has settled. At least Munich has returned to calm, with only the sprinkler carriages that constantly patrol the streets going back and forth. The commander of the First Legion, His Royal Highness the Grand Prince, was asked to take over the king's responsibilities when the king left Bain and visited the empire. In essence, he was relieved of the direct command of the legion.

Everything in Newlon was uneventful. The city's city hall miraculously withstood the situation without relying on the army. However, it was not at the center of the vortex of the game, and there was no strong driving force behind its chaos. , many of them were manor owners and farmers causing trouble, trying to avoid this year's taxes, and they immediately dispersed when Munich stopped.

After Elizabeth left Würzburg, Amelia was not protected by a powerful mage. Bart rushed over in a hurry, but was surprised to find his precious wife sitting at the negotiating table, and she was also the chairperson.

Würzburg is even more divided than Munich. It is both a university city and a wine city. Both the imperialists and the republicans have sufficient supporters. In a family, the fathers and children may even have different positions. common situation.

But there was one person whose background allowed her to be recognized by royal supporters. She also won the favor of big businessmen because of her marriage to the son of the Bardorum Chamber of Commerce, and because of the stereotype of "marrying down to commoners" because she was young and did not care about blood, she was favored by young people. We all like it very much. As the resident mage, Bart's reputation in Würzburg was inherited by Mrs. Bart to some extent due to his transfer.

And her grand wedding was held in Würzburg, representing the city's last memory of glory, prosperity and beauty.

Princess Amelia thus became the subtle seam point that all three parties could accept. When she bravely stood up in the face of the chaos and called on all parties to exercise restraint and consultation, her brave and calm image quickly penetrated into the hearts of the citizens of Würzburg.

The media has begun to build momentum and fiercely discuss whether she can participate in the election as a woman and whether she can represent the northern Bavaria constituency with Würzburg as the core.

Bart was completely confused. According to this trend, the possibility of becoming the husband of the first female parliamentarian in the history of the continent is greater than the possibility of becoming a parliamentarian himself.

The second prince Otto has been staying at home since the dinner that day.

"It is said that the mental state of His Royal Highness the Second Prince is not very stable." Hearing the news about Otto, Feuerbach remembered something.

Elizabeth nodded gloomily: "The men of the Ludwig family are sometimes crazy."

This. Rorschach felt a little guilty. After all, Prince Otto was the most active in contacting him when he first arrived, and he also gave him support. He is a sharp and intelligent young man. Compared with his elder brother who is "outstanding in leading troops", he is more favored as the ruler of Byrne.

"Why don't I go to visit His Highness."

Feuerbach gave him a sidelong glance: "You'd better not provoke him. Spiritual problems can either not be solved by magic, or they can be solved very thoroughly."

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