Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 489 Can’t Say It Out

Now the three of them are gathering at the top of the Tower of Secrets to plot.

The three great mages are indeed doing something ulterior, especially things that cannot be told to other mages, that is, planning how to monitor these people's spellcasting. Of course, each task still needs to be completed by as many spellcasters as possible, but it is split into different projects.

The other world has not yet fully entered the era of big data. Unlike Rorschach's previous life where he would be invited to tea when he bought pressure cookers and fertilizers online at the same time, now their "big plan" can be kept secret for the time being.

The three archmages need to sort out the existing difficulties, initially propose solutions, and then organize manpower to overcome them based on the priority and difficulty of the project.

"The idea given by the Tower of Stars is to expand the transmutation dust extractors, right? Expand their array size and construct a stable transmutation dust flow weak zone."

"However, according to Master Kano's feedback, even the weak zone can only be penetrated by the Archmage, so it is obviously impossible to normalize the observation of the Tree of Truth." It is irritating to think about hanging the highest level spellcaster in the sky as a humanoid satellite.

"So the Thunderstorm Tower proposed a star base plan to construct a starship that can sail stably, use [blue light barrier] and other protective magic to resist the impact of transmutation dust and micro-stars, station personnel on it, and construct ritual observations in the starship Classic layer and 'tree'.

"At present, this plan is supported by the Tower of Forest and the Tower of Light."

Feuerbach took out the copied design draft for Rorschach and Elizabeth to review, and at the same time expressed his own ideas: "But Master Kano and I both believe that we can try to find or artificially construct a secondary plane, a micro-space, located in The position between the main material realm and the star realm, and then use this as a springboard to the original level. "

After speaking, the chief stared at Rorschach. The mage who was being stared at could completely understand the hint of this old man: Isn't this still the place where you miss the border?

Don't worry about it, no way!

Luo Xia said seriously: "Master, I think both options are good, but is the uncertainty and difficulty of the second option too great?"

"The Tower of Time also believes that option two is feasible."

"Option 1 is relatively less difficult. It is a project that can be realized with existing alchemy technology and is worth trying. Building a starship that can endure the transmutation dust laminar flow environment will not only enable the observation of the original layer and the Tree of Truth, but also It is of great significance to future astral navigation.

"Our vision should be global and forward-looking, and we should see the project's role in promoting and leading various technologies. We should take it as the core goal to encourage technological creation and application innovation, and promote the coordinated development of supporting magic technology."

In desperation, Rorschach brought out all the stories he had learned during the postgraduate entrance examination in his previous life so that he could explain why Feuerbach would not submit to the border for the time being. The chief of the Tower of Secrets was silent for a while and then nodded: "I will truthfully reflect Master Rorschach's opinion, so can you please say it again?" He took out a pen and paper and temporarily attached the magic of automatic shorthand to the quill.

You did it on purpose! Rorschach could only slow down: "Let me drink water to moisten my throat before talking."

Rorschach's words about the wheel are not wrong. If the existence of the junction is not considered in the second option, it will be difficult to find a suitable target as a "springboard" to travel to the original layer. In contrast, jointly design and build a Only starships are more realistic and controllable.

The original design of the starship has been formed in the draft of the Chief of Thunderstorm Tower, and as its name suggests, it still looks like an ordinary ship. In the designer's imagination, laminar flow is compared to the ocean. Of course, the ship has to travel on the sea surface and will drift semi-permanently on the laminar flow of transformed dust.

In this way, the main defensive shield only needs to be deployed on the bottom of the ship under normal conditions.

"I think the design should also consider other factors. For example, when breaking through the laminar flow of transmutation dust, the ship body still has to pass through the sub-laminar flow. It is best to have a structure that is as axially symmetrical as possible to facilitate the shield to spread evenly in all directions.

"In addition, the prerequisite for breaking through the laminar flow is to create a weak area, and according to my experience, the weak area is the center of the vortex, so the Queen on the starship may not be drifting with the flow, but be restricted by the vortex to a fixed position relative to the ground. area"

Rorschach briefly mentioned a few points to make the transfer station plan more complete, which also increased the possibility of the plan being selected.

Feuerbach was still a little unwilling and reminded: "Master Kano's experience feedback, even if he passed through the weak area of ​​​​laminar flow, the aircraft he was riding disintegrated, and the middle and rear sections were completely rushed out by his own magic. Now Starships are larger and require higher shield requirements.”

Luo Xia saw the trick: "Enhancing the shield is necessary, but we can also change the idea - making the weak area of ​​the transformed dust laminar flow thinner. The scale of the transformed dust collector can be further expanded."

"How old?"

"A hundred times, a thousand times now! The production of the special zone cannot be separated from alchemy technology, and it is also inseparable from magic power, which is completely extracted through collectors. In addition, gas carts and other powered alchemy vehicles are essentially consumption transmutation Dust. If the two were spread to the entire empire and the world, the demand for transmutation dust would be astronomical.

"So we need to build more collectors to provide a steady stream of magic power."

Providing energy for transportation is just the simplest and crudest way to use it. After all, with a stable source of magic power, various magic circles and alchemy props can be activated to spread the magic and be used in "gas cars" and locomotives driven by hot and cold engines. Just the starting point.

Feuerbach also knew this, and he frowned: "Do you really want to promote it? If collectors are all over the continent, people will sooner or later use these magic sources to do more things in the future, and perhaps it will get out of control in the future"

"So there must be a magic observation plan! It must be able to trace and monitor all casting processes! Not just high-level magic with sparse casting traces, but full-link control." The future envisioned by Rorschach closed at this moment:

"The magic guild, or perhaps a spellcaster organization with another name in the future, has to provide magic to the world and transform everyone's life and reality; while controlling any casting process from grand to subtle.

"The cornerstone of the former is the extensive collectors that continuously supply magic, and the latter is achieved by observing the Tree of Law and the Tree of Truth.

"When all production depends on magic, and all entertainment, medical treatment, diet and other activities cannot be separated from the help of magic, the birth, aging, illness and death, food, clothing, housing and transportation of all people, including all casters, and everything that requires magic and involves magic, will be included in this system."

Rorschach put one hand below and one hand above, fingertips close to fingertips, as if enveloping all living beings in the main material plane.

"This future may be much farther than Plan 2." Feuerbach pinched the automatic shorthand quill pen and interrupted the process of Rorschach's fantasy falling on paper.

Elizabeth frowned: "Maybe I am a little sentimental, maybe I am overthinking, I always feel that such a future is a bit scary."

"Maybe, whether to provide happiness to everyone or to inflict terror and pain depends on us and the future magic guild. And at present, it seems that the transmutation dust is not infinite, and one day the old system will be broken. Both social significance and objective reality have the driving force to break it."

Feuerbach simply tore off the last part of the recording paper and burned it to ashes. Luo Xia's final design cannot be put on paper, so he can just relay it to the Senate.

He said in a deep voice: "Today's conversation must not be disclosed to the outside world, Luo Xia, you should also say less in the future."

Luo Xia raised his hand like surrender: "Okay, okay, I will just do it and not talk about it in the future. By the way, I am discussing with my mentor to set up magic suppliers in the south and north of the continent to organize the operation and maintenance of the collector. He is registered in Valois. Do you want to participate in the Empire? This will be a big deal in the future."

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