Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 492: Bringing Goods to the Field

The grain harvest process was coming to an end, and Master Humboldt did not come during this period. He just said that he was entangled in other trivial matters.

Instead of him, the field investigation team of the Forest Tower came. Every year, each team must collect grain harvest information and guide sowing once in the empire. I don’t know if it was intentional or coincidental, but Rorschach knew two people in Byrne’s team.

Ella and a tall and strong wizard seemed to be the team leaders. When they were apprentices, they had explored the Black Forest with Rorschach. Rorschach was most impressed by the big guy, who was very good at cooking mountain game.

Before, Master Humboldt was more of an overview than a field investigation, and then understood some of the properties of artificial fertilizers. Now that the new cultivated land developed by Kempson is the focus of observation, this internship team needs to conduct meticulous research on the spot.

When Rorschach heard about it and rushed there, they had already started taking water samples from the ditch, collecting soil samples and observing the last bit of wheat that had not been harvested. Most people worked hard under the sun, but Ella noticed the newcomer and looked him up and down.

"Miss Ella, what are you looking at?" Rorschach felt uncomfortable being stared at. He thought his appearance should be fine, as there were no zippers in the clothes of this world.

"I would be happier if you could call me Master Ella. I'm just surprised that you didn't come out in a red robe, Master Rorschach." She seemed to want to see Rorschach in a red robe, but unfortunately he was just dressed in simple clothes, not even in a mage's robe.

"This is a farm, only scarecrows would wear exaggerated red cloth." Rorschach also wanted to complain. The mages and apprentices of the Forest Tower used green as the main color all year round. Why not make a polyester camouflage and ask them if they would buy it?

"What a pity. I talked to the apprentice all the way, saying that I knew the great mage, but now you are here like this, there is no impact at all." Ella couldn't say some words. Rorschach looked the same as when they first met, and his demeanor was far from that of the great mage.

What, do you need me to make a [Shock Badge] to simulate the domineering color? Rorschach chuckled indifferently: "Compared to the impact force, I think the souvenirs are more popular."

The apprentices and the tall wizard of the Forest Tower had noticed Rorschach and stopped after finishing their work. Rorschach took out boxes and barrels of iced drinks from the ring and floated slowly around the crowd: "The boxes are Fonda soda, and the barrels are low-alcohol sparkling wine, all chilled."

There was a cheer at the top of the field. The apprentices selected various sodas from the crates, and the tall wizard and Ella took their own drinks. An apprentice also wanted to drink alcohol, but was glanced at by the leader and took a bottle of soda in a sullen manner.

Rorschach waved his hand again, and the caps of the glass bottles were pried open one by one and put into the crates. When they were opened, the gas released and transmitted a crisp "pop" sound, like a band unit under command.

"Thank you for your hard work!" Rorschach also held a tall glass.

"Cheers to Master Rorschach!" This was absolutely a sincere cheer.

The strong wizard who loves eating and cooking drank the sparkling wine, and his eyes lit up.

The bubbles of this wine are not exaggerated, but very dense and restrained, giving the right stimulation to the mouth. The blend of carbonic acid and the slight acidity of the fruit forms a refreshing tone at the beginning of the mouth, with a rich and full berry aroma in the middle, and finally into the throat. The residue from the tip of the tongue to the root of the tongue is not the sourness of common low-alcohol wine, but the sweetness brought by the alcohol and sugar.

If it weren't in front of the apprentice, he would definitely shout that it's a good wine.

"Um-ha! Good, good wine!" Master Ella said it directly without any scruples.

"Yeah, I'm satisfied too."

Mage Zhuang also spoke up: "Is this the new wine of Byrne this year? I want to purchase a batch."

"No need to purchase, I will give it to you before you leave, in addition to wine and soda. And there are some gifts for Master Kober and Master Humboldt that you need to pass on. After drinking, you can also order from us by letter, there are discounts."

In addition to thanking the help of Forest Tower, the real purpose of these specialties given by Rorschach is to ask them to bring goods. Now Byrne urgently needs to rebuild trade relations with the Empire. The logistics guild has been fully mobilized to run through the broken lines in the past six months, and Rorschach also hopes to develop new categories. After all, most of the original Byrne export project shares have been replaced by other places in the Empire.

Mercy Tower has extensive exchanges with the outside world. As one of the thirteen magic towers, if Byrne's wine can become popular among the magic apprentices of Forest Tower, the upper-class consumer groups who deal with them more will naturally be affected, and it will only be a matter of time before they are sought after.

"The Grand Mage is also a part-time businessman?"

"Haha, if that's all, I'm really just a wine seller, but what if I tell you that this barrel of wine was just grapes this morning? This is a unique technology."

Spellcasters naturally don't say anything impossible when communicating with each other. Master Zhuang asked: "Is there a spell to speed up the fermentation process?"

"Not exactly, to be precise, it is done by alchemical 'fast fermentation tanks'." Luo Xia took out the product manual and handed it to Master Zhuang.

The winning works of the design competition were widely praised and strongly supported by wine lovers, and quickly iterated to version V4.1.2, with multiple fermentation modes preset, one-click production of low-alcohol sparkling wine, spirits with different raw material styles, and a one-stop pro version with functions such as distillation and secondary fermentation, as well as derivative models for fermenting vinegar and cultivating humus.

"The most likely thing to affect the quality now is that the strain is still unstable, but this should not be a problem for Forest Tower."

"Of course." Master Zhuang answered as he quickly flipped through the introduction until he reached the price list. The machine was worth three barrels of the most expensive wine on the market. But thinking that he could quickly complete his own brewing, Master Zhuang gritted his teeth and said, "I want to make a reservation." A latest model luxury version.”

"No problem. If you report my name, you can get a deposit free of charge."

After completing the field work, Senzhita's team continued to do their own thing. Kempson's harvesting was completed a few days later at about the same time as the survey of Mori's Tower.

"It's almost as you expected. The current test shows that the water body has a tendency to be rich in oxidation, and the soil is too acidic. The soil in other parts of Bain is obviously alkaline. And because there is no rotation of crops, even if the soil fertility is not taken into account, diseases The risk of outbreaks has also increased significantly, and it is recommended that seeds be screened and detoxified more strictly before winter wheat is planted this year.”

Ella summarized the results of the past few days and reported to the host.

"Thank you!" The report was detailed and did not surprise Rorschach. There had been in-depth research on the effects of chemical fertilizers and pesticides in previous lives, and it was basically consistent with the views of the Tower of Forest team.

Ella took a deep breath: "But the most important thing is the yield! This year's output is almost three times what we recorded last year! Although land reclamation has increased the area of ​​cultivated land, the yield per mu still increased significantly by 73%.

“If extended to the whole world, hunger will end in our generation!”

Not only her, but other mages and apprentices in the inspection team were excited about the miraculous future.

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