Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 493 Rorschach's Power

Being hungry is never just because of insufficient food. Rorschach couldn't bear to break their simple vision. Technicians who work in the fields or in factories often have an illusion that solving the production problem can meet the demand.

On the contrary, workers in the factory don't have such illusions, because they may not be able to afford the things they produce by themselves. Such "trauma" reminds them to see the truth at all times.

Of course, reality can also be pushed forward by ideals little by little. Even if the beautiful vision cannot be reached for a while, it is constantly moving forward.

So Rorschach smiled at this group of lovely people:

"Yes, the current production of artificial fertilizers and new forms of agricultural production are not mature enough. Even if they are to be promoted, they will first spread from Kempson to Byrne. When the results are obvious to all, other places will naturally be willing to introduce them."

"Well, our Forest Tower will definitely help this process." Ella agreed with Rorschach, and she also proposed the last idea:

"We have received the best hospitality these days. In return, we can work overtime and experiment with a project to try to restore the soil here, reconcile the affected environment, and restore the ecology as much as possible, which will also help future planting.

"If you are willing to cooperate, we can start right away."

"Of course, please tell me in detail. If the experiment is effective, I can give you two a fermentation tank each."

"It's a deal. "

On that day, residents and farmers in Kempson suddenly received a flood prevention notice that there would be large-scale rainfall in the near future.

Everyone was confused. The showers during the transition from summer to autumn had passed. According to experience, the next season would be clear and cool in autumn, so even if there was rain, it would not be a big deal.

But the entire Kempson was mobilized to dredge ditches, check drainage facilities, and check the waterproofing of granaries and factories.

"Where will it rain? My waist will be broken, and it's useless work!" Many farmers complained. They were organized to clean ditches. Originally, this was a time to enjoy the joy of the harvest and rest before sowing winter wheat, but now they were pulled up to work again. Even if there was a little subsidy, there were inevitable complaints.

Jom, wearing a red armband of "Team Leader", did not stop his work. While shoveling, he urged his team members: "It's not like you are short of money. Hurry up and finish the last bit. After this section, our team's mission will be over. "

The complaining team member planned to stretch before working, and stretched the shovel handle to straighten his waist. With his waist straight, his sight fell on the distant horizon.

The sky was clear and the white clouds were bright a moment ago, but now thick dark clouds appeared out of nowhere, thick and dense, which was clearly a sign of heavy rain.

Instantly, the humid wind whistled across the fields, and the cold air collided with the sweat on his skin surface. The sudden drop in temperature made him shudder.

"It's going to rain!"

"It's raining!"

"It's raining heavily! "

As if in an instant, people's calls changed twice, and they ran towards the building. A large-scale rainfall without warning covered Kempson.

The initiator of the rain was of course Rorschach. He looked down from above the clouds, watching the clouds sweeping and covering the area as far as he could see. Members of the Forest Tower team were also floating in the air, but they were sitting in a hot air balloon, and the leader was holding an alchemical map.

Before the rain, sampling points for measuring rain were installed in the fields, which could be reflected on the map. Ella saw that with Rorschach as the center, the cultivated land area of ​​Kempson was lit up in circles, that is, covered by rain.

The idea given by Ella and Master Zhuang was very simple, that is, If the water is too oxidized and the land is too acidic, then artificial rainfall will be used to wash it.

Originally, they wanted Luo Xia to cooperate and hold two large-scale rituals together. The first ritual created large-scale rainfall, and the second ritual was [Natural Tuning], which could restore the balance of the damaged environment.

After all, the scope of influence is very large, and according to common sense, collective casting is feasible.

Unexpectedly, Luo Xia said after listening to the idea that the first ritual could be omitted.

So he began to cast the spell under the witness of the team.

When Luo Xia started, the environmental magic power around him began to obey the command of the great wizard. Others first felt the magic power rushing towards the caster, and then

But it was no longer pure magic power. It was pulsating. With the pulsation, the whole sky became moist. The magic power was consumed and condensed into small droplets, as well as chilling cold air.

Another wind was created by Rorschach, pushing the rain clouds to spread.

The members of the expedition team thought that the spell would only cover a few hectares at most, but Rorschach kept casting the spell without stopping. The thick rain clouds actually covered the entire land in sight. The marks on the map kept lighting up. The young man obviously intended to cast a spell to cover the entire Kempson field.

At this time, the consumption of magic power had reached an alarming level. Everyone near Rorschach was completely unable to cast their own magic, and the protection against cold and wind could no longer be maintained, and the alchemy map also began to flicker abnormally.

Rorschach certainly used skills to spread the rain clouds. The actual area under his control was not as large as the newly reclaimed land. Instead, he constructed a circulation of airflow in an area with a diameter of about 3,000 meters, continuously producing and pushing rain clouds, so that the rain covered all plots.

By the way, there should be no wind now. Rorschach noticed the swaying of the hot air balloon. His magic to change the weather came from ancient sages, but it needed to be modified at this time.

Considering the safety of people and facilities on the ground, strong winds should be avoided.

Rorschach raised his hand, and like a command, all the wind under the clouds disappeared, and the hot air balloon stabilized.

Originally, wind and rain must go hand in hand, but under Rorschach's deliberate control, the rain continued, but the wind stopped. People on the earth witnessed the continuous precipitation from drifting diagonally to falling vertically, washing the soil.

Rorschach also wanted to know where his limit was, so this time he cast the spell as openly as possible, and the windless area continued to expand. Finally, the entire newly reclaimed land was free of large-scale air flow.

"This burden is really big." Rorschach's face was a little pale, and he changed the strategy of magic flow and asked the magician of the Forest Tower to hold a second ceremony.

". I don't know if Master Humboldt can do it." An apprentice was still immersed in the shock brought by Rorschach's spell. The apprentice's first impression of him was "water delivery boy", and then the young magician was also very relaxed and easy-going.

It was such a senior who was not much older than him, who changed the climate of the entire Kempson with a spell and a spell.

Ella stabbed the dazed apprentice with a knife: "Don't let your imagination run wild. Hurry up and do the second ritual to cooperate with Master Rorschach."

The two leading mages and the apprentices all participated in [Natural Tuning]. They formed a circle. As the ritual began, a pure energy was transformed and differentiated into small light balls.

Ella presided over the ceremony and communicated with Rorschach using [Communication]: "Because we are in the air, the tuned intermediary energy will be constructed into illusory seeds. After landing, it will quickly grow a complex root system to prevent soil erosion caused by rain erosion. With the current rainfall, you need to continue for a quarter of an hour."

Ella was worried that Rorschach would not last that long. Fortunately, Rorschach's answer was only a reliable and short word: "Okay."

The illusory seeds radiated, and these energy bodies behaved like spores scattered in the air. After touching the ground, it will immediately take root and stabilize the soil washed by rain. At the same time, the energy of life is released to stimulate the microorganisms in the soil to accumulate excessive salt.

After the energy of the erupted roots and microorganisms is exhausted, the roots will quickly rot and disappear, and the enriched sulfate will be immediately taken away by rainwater, leaving behind the soil that has restored the ecological balance.

The environment has the function of self-purification, and [Natural Tuning] is more like accelerating this process with the help of decomposers.

The two characteristics of tuning energy, similar to the release of spores and the use of roots to secure the soil, are small modifications made by the leader magician to the spell according to the actual situation.

After confirming that it is effective, Rorschach took a virtual seed, and the green light ball melted in his palm. Rorschach experienced the so-called tuning energy, which was indeed a familiar source. The principle has also been confirmed and can be analyzed.

At the junction, on the tree of law that is linked to Rorschach, the branch chain involving the Deryats spell is activated, and new nodes appear at the same time.

The members of the Forest Tower were surprised to find that every drop of rain had the effect of [Natural Tuning] since they didn't know when it started. They originally planned to drive a hot air balloon to sow virtual seeds everywhere, but now it seems completely unnecessary.

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