Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 496: The Battle of Hu Lai

Sometimes Drouot wondered why he was leading a heavy infantry division when he was an artillery general.

And this organization seemed to be taken out of an ancient book. In this era, the army had only cotton clothes per capita, not a thin breastplate, and heavy infantry?

It was not until the troops were training that a group of spellcasters suddenly came and excitedly pulled a bunch of iron shells and machines that he could not understand with twelve carriages, and then assembled them under the effect of magic.

Well, he was eleven meters tall, covered in steel armor, and could not fly. He was indeed very heavy, so he was definitely a heavy infantryman.

The codename of the giant mechanical breakthrougher assigned to Drouot's unit was "heavy gunner", which was in line with his expertise. They had also practiced with the big guy more than once. Now it was time for actual combat. Not only him, but four of the nine corps participating in the battle today were equipped with a new generation of constructs.

The movements of the National Guard had long been detected by the Imperial Army, and now the other side was waiting for the opportunity and had already set up their positions to attack. Drouot looked from afar and could not see a single head on the opposite side, only ugly scars on the earth - trenches, derivatives of scars, multiple barbed wires and temporary fortresses.

Obviously, charging is useless for such an arrangement, but the top leaders of the guard seem to be superstitious about charging, as if the era of line infantry and line shooting has passed, and even if there are no conditions, they must create conditions for a wave of rush.

If morale is not enough, there are supervisors, and if there are too many obstacles, there are "heavy gunners".

Drouot could understand this trend of thought at first. After all, the Valois are more superstitious than the Imperials. After the rush tactics miraculously saved Valois, they would think that such "courage tactics" would have a mysterious bonus. In addition, there were indeed too many newcomers in the early stage of the expansion of the National Guard, and the degree of organization and training were not enough for them to complete too many complex tactics.

But today, there are more veterans than new recruits in the team, and it is somewhat unacceptable for Drouot to continue to use stopgap measures. At least he still valued every soldier under his command and couldn't bear to let the supervisory team shoot at their own people.

Fortunately, his troops were not short of artillery and had "big killers".

At noon, all the soldiers simply ate some biscuits and candies, and drank spicy but not much inferior wine. After the friendly forces also completed the battle deployment and arrived at the predetermined position, Drouot began to mobilize the troops and issued an order: "Fire!"

The first round of test firing aimed at the opponent's high point, and all the buildings that could be seen by the telescope had to be fired. Of course, this is only an ideal situation. The distance that field artillery can reach is limited, and most of the current test firings fall in the fields or tunnels, and no foreseeable results have been achieved.

A group of gunners immediately adjusted the elevation and aiming, and another group began to shift their positions and press forward to cooperate with the friendly forces that were about to charge. No, the warriors of other units have already started to act. The first round of artillery fire was more like the roar of a beast before the battle, trying to intimidate, while the soldiers of other corps almost simultaneously stepped forward to rush towards the fortifications a few hundred meters ahead.

There is simply no aesthetic sense. When Drouot was still in school, the description of the tactics of the Sun King period in the textbooks was like art. The two armies first had tense long-distance contact and spies, then calculated the marching time to deploy, and when the war started, the various branches of the army continued to cooperate.

And the war between the two countries that has continued to this day, at the beginning, you can still see the last bit of the classical tail, but then there is no more, the situation took a sharp turn for the worse, as if the officers of Valois and the Empire tacitly forgot how to fight before, and all chose the simplest mode: rushing while digging trenches and waiting for the other side.

The drum beats urged the vanguard to move forward. The recent drum beats were very strange, no longer the usual simple rhythm, but the soldiers' steps ran faster and faster, and they ran more and more easily, forgetting the fear.

Because of the "mischief" of the caster, they extracted the "resonance" technology that affects soldiers on a large scale from the "battle rituals" of the ancient nobles, combining drum beats with alchemical potions mixed in alcohol to achieve additional "courage" gains. At least that's what the wizard told Drouot.

As the vanguard gradually reached the range of the Imperial Army, the gray defenders could already see the blue, white and red attackers. They set up their guns, and scattered gunshots and gun smoke finally appeared over the fields.

There was a special type of soldier in the charging troops. They were selected because they were good at running. They pushed a two-wheeled vehicle with a two-meter-high steel plate in front of it.

Before setting off, the wizard used levitation to reduce the weight of the steel plate, and gave the athletes a sprint buff to ensure that they could be in the front and defend against bullets and shotgun shells. The most important thing was that when they arrived in front of the barbed wire, they could press down the bridge that crossed the obstacle by buckling the steel plate.

This kind of foolish and outrageous method was absolutely not feasible in the past, but with a wizard's light tap, they could show their power on the battlefield. When the vanguard approached the enemy, they unconsciously gathered behind the steel plate, and the effect was obviously quite good.

It was simply a mess. Drouot felt that he could no longer fight.

Black barrels of guns protruded from the temporary bunkers of the Imperial Army, and shotguns were also pushed out. Soon, the front-line attacking soldiers, commanders such as Drouot, all discovered something was wrong - the density of bullets fired from the small bunker was surprisingly high.

Drouot found that the gunshots were much denser and had a certain pattern. There were many other sounds on the battlefield, until a gap appeared, and only the unfamiliar gunshots were left. He silently memorized that a group of gunshots was about six to eight consecutive rounds.

Rapid fire? The Imperial Army had more surprises prepared for the National Guard. An artillery shell from the Imperial Army flew over the charging formation of the Guard and detonated. The high-speed splashing fragments instantly knocked down all the "athletes", even the "athletes" who were covered by iron door panels, behind and to the side. There is no protection at the rear either.

Several more similar delayed detonation bombs exploded over the National Guard. The two new weapons did not seem to be deployed on a large scale, but their appearance caused a lot of shock and hindrance to the frontline soldiers, and the pace of charging and attacking the first trench suddenly slowed down.

The call signal on the radio rang out, and the commanders of the National Guard tried to think of ways to deal with the new situation. Only the mage next to Drouot looked very leisurely, holding up a telescope to "appreciate" the big scene: "It seems that we are not the only ones preparing for the enemy. A 'gift'."

"Now that the war situation is not good for us, is the time ripe to dispatch the 'heavy gunner'?" Drouot was very dissatisfied with the spellcaster's attitude of watching a show, as if the compatriots who were killed and injured on the front line had nothing to do with him.

"You can dispatch when you give the order."

Thirty-one minutes after the battle began, looking forward from the trenches of the Imperial Army, a huge amount of water vapor suddenly erupted on the horizon, and five huge black figures stood up from the white mist.

They broke through the dissipating steam, and the heavy steps they took made the earth tremble, but they charged towards the position faster and faster, and their size became larger and larger in the eyes of the Imperial soldiers. Behind and beside them was the real main force of the National Guard, carrying long guns and launching a second round of charge.

Some veterans of the Battle of Valuauna had seen similar Iron Giants, but they were very different from what they were now.

The new models of constructs have strengthened frontal armor and abandoned their exaggerated jumping ability. Every time they take a step, thick steam will rise behind them, which seems to indicate the source of power, but at the same time, there is a magical glow overflowing from the gaps in the armor, especially the red light behind the classical helmet, which looks like a murderous one. Eyes.

"Quick, quick, all heavy artillery aimed at new targets! Those big guys!"

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