Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 497 My brother is a magician!

Each of the five aircraft models was different. I saw the "heavy gunner" walking halfway and stopped first before reaching the enemy's position.

Soon its behavior echoed its name:

The "heavy gunner" grabbed a special round cannonball from the carriage that was advancing with it. If this cannonball was fired from a barrel, only a naval gun could carry it, but at this time it held the large projectile in its hand, and the whole Lean your body back into a standard throwing posture.

Suddenly a whistle-like whistle came from its body. As a large amount of high-pressure steam poured out, its energy accumulation was completed. It raised its legs, retracted its arms, then stepped heavily, twisted the axis of its waist, and threw it with its hands.

The whole movement was slow at first and then fast, and finally the arm part stretched out, giving the cannonball amazing kinetic energy. The shadow passed through the trenches at high speed, and accurately aimed at the camp behind the Imperial Army with the giant's good sight.

After the second and third bombs destroyed an artillery position on the opposite side and a building suspected to be a headquarters, the "heavy gunner" took another step to follow the other four aircraft.

Other machines have their own attack methods, some use chain hammers, and some simply use their strengthened hands to hammer the enemy wildly. As soon as these mechanical bodies, each as tall as a small building, stepped into the trench, the previous deployments made by the Imperial Army seemed to be in vain. The National Guard followed the path they stepped on and swarmed in, easily passing through the three lines of defense.

In the imperial army, the military mages who were wearing the same clothes as other officers finally stepped forward, but they still did not take action directly. Instead, they allowed the artillery that could still fire to complete the reloading as soon as possible.

There are actually quite a few remaining artillery pieces. In addition to the positions, many are scattered and deployed behind three trenches.

The imperial army mages communicated with each other using [Radio Wave Communication Technique]. After confirming that the magic-forbidden device was too late to arrive on the battlefield, they quickly took control of the artillery nearby.

Dozens of cannons fired at once. Not only did they fire at the same time, but each one locked on the target and even landed at the same point.

The aircraft named "Ryuukaku Kabuto" that rushed at the front was severely hit. Although the firing time of the artillery was the same, the caliber and the distance from the target were different. Therefore, solid bullets and exploding bullets hit its breastplate one after another, just like the same gun. Hammer after hammer.

The first few shells concentrated their attacks so that the damage absorbed by the shield reached the upper limit and collapsed. Then the shells were embedded into the breastplate of "Ryuukaku Kabuto". Soon the second and third shells achieved significant results with precise concentrated fire, and penetrated Behind the power source in its chest, energy leaked out. At this time, its steam began to rush from the gaps in its body, losing its balance and mobility and falling to the ground.

After falling to the ground, the steam was exhausted and flames began to spit out. It seemed that the explosion was not far away.

The soft mud in the field splashed, and the soldiers of the Imperial Army let out a sigh of relief. At least these steel giants were not invincible.

After seeing the Empire's counterattack, the other giant weapon assaulters no longer ran rampant, but consciously dealt with bunkers, artillery and other targets as quickly as possible. Soon the second round of attacks from the Imperial Army came, and they still used their old tricks to defeat the law with force. Use dozens of shells to destroy the second one.

The endurance of these assaulters was not long. At this time, the reserves of phlogiston and transmutation dust were almost exhausted, and the "heavy gunners" knelt on one knee and stopped between the first trench and the second trench.

Fortunately, their mission has been accomplished and the National Guard is unstoppable.

The Imperial Army's command issued an order to retreat, and they fought and retreated. Excluding the influence of the giant weapon assaulters, their firepower still has an advantage compared to the National Guard, especially each squadron has about five new repeating guns, which deters the enemy from rash pursuit.

"Retreat. Retreat to the Alpha Defense Line." The public frequency of [Radio Wave Communication Technique] only left the retreat order, and the accompanying military mage got on his horse.

Now all mages in the imperial army have been reformed. They no longer have special uniforms. They are mixed among the officers. Only the name tags have special marks that are not obvious. This at least ensures that the Valois cannot see who is the spell caster from the artillery position.

One of the mage accompanying the army looked back at the messy battlefield before riding his horse to retreat:

Damaged and powered-down giants were either burning or filled with steam on the horizon; there were gray and blue-and-white uniforms intertwined on the battlefield. Those were Imperial troops caught in hand-to-hand combat. They didn't know that the main force had begun to retreat, or they couldn't escape if they knew it. ; Small groups of National Guardsmen successfully broke through, but were unable to catch up with the enemy's retreat despite the firepower of the Imperial Army.

Thick smoke rose again. When the imperial army retreated, they burned all the gunpowder they could not take away and the food they looted from the local area.

The military mage looked at the soldiers and officers around him, and they seemed to be unconcerned with today's defeat. Indeed, what was lost was only the homes of the Valois people, and the burned food was also snatched from the hands of the Valois people. The most important thing is that behind him is A safe zone protected by a stronger line of defense

The military mage was a little confused, whether the defense line was well built or not.

Drouot and the mage beside him also had a panoramic view of the battlefield. The mage commented: "Not bad, it is probably [guided shooting]."

The major general didn't understand that it was a spell: "Huh?"

"It's just a one-ring magic! But they used it to their advantage. Not only can they cast spells on multiple cannons at the same time, but they can also control the firing point almost perfectly." The mage explained to Drouot:

"Although the shield carried by the giant mechanical structure can prevent at least two three-ring magics, the casters in the imperial army did not attack directly. Instead, they used cannons to fight back, focusing on breaking down the defenses of magic and steel plates."

"Can you give us the artillery to use that [guided shooting]?"

"Sorry, I haven't heard of any of our mages learning this magic. Even if it's used for hunting, perhaps the [Magic Missile] that can turn and track is a better choice. We are different from the Imperials' academic school." The mage's answer disappointed Drouot.

In this battle, the mages of both sides did not take direct action, but assisted in the rear. Drouot also wanted to replicate Paul's glorious record of killing several Imperial spellcasters with one shot, but unfortunately he didn't see any confirmed Imperial spellcasters appear throughout the whole process.

But they were there and played a key role in destroying two giant mechanical assaulters. The cost of manufacturing a machine alone is equivalent to equipping an infantry division, which made Drouot feel sad and fortunate. After all, the "heavy gunner" of his unit just ran out of power and didn't suffer much damage.

The mages around him didn't care at all, and even looked very relaxed. Drouot hated such spellcasters. He felt that there was a struggle behind the scenes between the two warring parties in this battle. Whether it was the guards who defended the motherland or the imperial army for glory, they all became chess pieces of the spellcasters. They no longer fought each other, but decided the outcome by playing chess.

Although those chess pieces would really bleed and sacrifice, from the expression of the wizard next to Drouot, he did not have any sympathy.

Drouot missed his two spellcaster subordinates. Whether it was Paul or Pascal, at least they were qualified soldiers and patriots with flesh and blood.

Just when the two were thinking about their own thoughts in the command post, a soldier came to report: "One of the imperial soldiers we captured hopes to see the commander."

"Why, he is a great noble?" Drouot was a little more energetic. Valois was short of money, and the National Salvation Committee also encouraged the army to squeeze some money out of the fat fish among the prisoners.

"No, he claimed to be the younger brother of a wizard. The spellcaster was from the Starry Tower."


Drouot and the wizard beside him looked at the soldier at the same time: "Did he tell me his name?"

"His name is Franz, and he said he has a brother named Rorschach. Franz claims to be a very powerful spellcaster."

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