Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 499: Preventing problems before they happen and making a good start

As the Republic of Valois puts its giant weapon breakers into the front line, the demand for magic sources becomes even greater. Therefore, even if there are no industries such as gas trucks, the need to build a transmutation dust extraction and refining plant is still very urgent.

Therefore, Rorschach's idea was first implemented in Valois. With financing from the country, Valois Magic Guild and enterprises, the first magic energy company is about to be registered in Valois.

However, the Tower of Stars has always insisted that the Ministry of Alchemy wants to authorize the technology to transform the dust collector, and it needs the permission of Master Rorschach himself. This is not only the opinion of the Tower of Stars, but also the entire guild and other magic towers.

Respecting the Archmage is just a pretense. The core problem is that Rorschach, the first inventor, also has the technology to make transmutation dust collectors. If the Ministry of Alchemy hopes that the new company will achieve a monopoly in Valois, it must first negotiate with Rorschach, who may destroy the monopoly. Negotiate well.

Although the National Salvation Committee was unhappy, they still nodded and agreed that Kano and other mages should go talk to Rorschach.

"I don't know the rules and regulations of business, so the negotiation depends on you." Rorschach said to Valan before departure.

"You are too modest, but I understand, just leave this little thing to me!"

As the two said, they were guided onto the teleportation array by the guild staff.

In fact, the last time Caroline went to Valuana, she and Kano set up a point-to-point teleportation gate. Both parties did not have to consider the power consumption of teleportation magic. However, Rorschach insisted on walking through the guild's teleportation array, and other negotiations The clerk used the portal opened by Caroline.

If you don't use it if you have the authority, wouldn't your promotion be in vain?

Soon to return to Valuana, Valang, the descendant of a down-and-out noble, couldn't help but puff up his chest. He had fled from Valois in despair, but now the thigh he was holding was much thicker and harder than the former Finance Minister. After all, he had returned in triumph! I don’t know if those ladies and ladies still remember me.

When Rorschach saw someone's bad taste coming out, the left corner of his mouth tilted upward uncontrollably, and he couldn't help but remind him: "There is news I haven't told you. Mr. Necker is dead."

"Ah?" Valang was caught off guard by the news, like a bolt from the blue.

"Although he had already resigned from office when the conservative cabinet resigned, he had always let his wife host the salon in an attempt to continue to exert influence. Later, some documents were made public, and he actually worked with the restorationists, conservatives, and the Montagnards. There are people coming and going, and there are many unclear economic issues, especially during the tenure of the first finance minister and the mining companies.”

Rorschach glanced at Valan, and at this moment there were beads of sweat on the young man's forehead: "What then?"

"Every faction used him to attack political opponents. Mr. Necker himself was imprisoned, and the trial has been delayed. He recently committed suicide, no, he was found to have committed suicide in prison." It was almost done, Rorschach concluded. : "The turmoil in Valuauna has never stopped, and has even intensified. You can act without authorization after arriving, and do not leave the protection of the guild and the magic tower, otherwise"

"I suddenly remembered that there are still important tasks that have not been handed over. Can I not go?" Valang thought for a while: "Or you can cast a disguise spell on me or something."

At this time, the staff finally debugged the teleportation array and sent Rorschach and Valan to the arrhythmic heart of the Republic.

As soon as they arrived at the guild headquarters in Valluana, the carriage that had been waiting for a long time set off immediately. There was no emblem of the Tower of Stars on the carriage, only three large concentric circles painted with red paint on all sides.

This is the symbol of "special commissioner". In order to achieve centralization and the most efficient deployment of material power, the National Salvation Committee dispatches special commissioners to various places. They have almost unlimited power and represent the will of the committee locally and on the front line.

Of course, this was still the car from the Tower of Stars. Rorschach looked out of the car window. Pedestrians shunned the car when they saw it. They hid their faces or turned around and quickened their pace, as if it was a hearse that could bring death.

But Rorschach also noticed that people's clothes have changed again. At the earliest, pedestrians' clothes were lively and bright. Later, they experienced a downturn, and many people's clothes were shabby. Now their clothes are neat again, but the styles are different. The colors are much simpler. The simple style is advocated by the committee, and the colors are mainly gray-white, yellow-white and grayish blue that are close to the original colors.

Most of the people on the street were women and the elderly. Occasionally young people and carriages passed by. Most of them were injured or disabled due to the battle.

Rorschach was still interested in observing the passers-by, but the frightened Valan simply huddled in a corner of the carriage and covered his face with a newspaper.

The apprentice entered the office of the chief of the Tower of Stars: "Master Kano, the delegation from Byrne has arrived. Master Rorschach is on the carriage and is expected to arrive soon." The negotiation and signing site was chosen in the conference room of the research building.

The wizards who recognized him were slightly surprised by Valan's appearance. It seemed that he represented Rorschach in today's negotiation, while Rorschach himself sat aside and never spoke.

Rorschach's demands can be summed up as three main ones: limiting the future operating area of ​​Valois Company, allowing other countries to inject capital after the war, and Rorschach's Wizard Tower participating in the formulation of technical standards.

The first point is what the mages of Valois expect, but it requires two-way guarantees; the second point is definitely unacceptable to the National Salvation Committee, but it is not known what the world will be like after the war; the third point leads to Don't understand. The mage from the Alchemy Department frowned: "Why are we so anxious to set standards now?"

He subconsciously believed that Rorschach wanted to use the name of the person who participated in setting the standards to find out about the improvement of the collection technology of the Alchemy Department.

Rorschach finally opened his mouth to explain in person: "Of course it is very important. Passivated transmutation dust also has specifications. What should its transportation form be? Should it be directly mined, or compressed into a higher density crystal block? Or released into the alchemical potion to become a liquid energy agent?

"Also. What is the standard energy density of the product? Have the specifications of the mature model of the collector been determined? Can the safety information of transmutation dust be perfectly measured?

"The most important thing is to formulate a unified standard for the continent now to avoid the division of the north and south of the continent in the future." The processed transmutation dust itself is a pure magical substance. In fact, it doesn't matter if there is no standard. The key is that the supporting system involved needs to be compatible with the north and the south. Rorschach doesn't want to see the magic industries on both sides play their own games because of some historical problems.

To prevent problems from happening, we must prevent such catastrophic bad things as the inconsistent frequencies of the Kanto and Kansai power grids in a certain developed country. Now we should start from the most basic unified standards for the energy industry, which is to make a good start.

"Could it be that Byrne is also planning to build a magical energy supplier."

Rorschach corrected the person across the table: "It should be said that it is a supplier for the entire empire. Basif has established a subsidiary, 'Basif Energy'." The special zone industry has slightly adjusted its structure, and coal smelting has been separated from the steel plant and belonged to Basif. Whether it is used for burning or made into other products, it is all handled by this group.

As for the newly established energy company, the Byrne royal family and even other Byrne nobles have no chance to subscribe for shares this time. Only the capital from the Tower of Mysticism, the Empire and the Special Zone has been injected into the establishment.

The old men in the Alchemy Department became nervous: "The Empire will also get a large-scale supply of magic?"

Rorschach smiled: "Do you want to know what it is used for?"

Of course I do! But before the other mages spoke, Kano interrupted: "I'm tired, let's take a break. Rorschach, come and meet someone with me."

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