Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 500 Franz's Thoughts

Others thought that Rorschach's brother could be used as a bargaining chip, but Kano never thought so.

If Rorschach really valued this relative, Franz would be a bargaining chip, but in this case, using flesh and blood to threaten and exchange interests would be a serious offense to him.

They are all a bunch of low EQ stuff, who don't understand that free is the most expensive, and don't understand what can be put on the table and what should be off the table. Kano felt that without him in the Starry Tower, many things would only fail if they relied on those stubborn people.

So he decided to use Franz to do another favor for his former student and took him to the lounge next to the conference room: "Someone has been waiting for you."

Ah? Rorschach observed that Kano's expression was very complicated, and it seemed tense, so it couldn't be Pascal and others. He couldn't help but reflect on himself. He had always kept himself clean during his study abroad, and there was absolutely no possibility of any romantic debts. Who would be waiting?


Who? Rorschach heard a completely unfamiliar voice calling him. After a closer look, his eyebrows and eyes seemed familiar. It was Franz!

Forgive Rorschach. That guy went through the growth and voice change period again. In addition, the place where he appeared was really strange, so he was in a trance for a moment: Who are you?

But in Kano's eyes, it was just a reunion of brothers. Rorschach's sluggishness was because of being moved and surprised.

The chief was also a sentimental man, and his voice was a little softer: "You two brothers should reminisce about the past, and don't have to think about the trivial matters outside." After speaking, he gently closed the door.

Rorschach didn't know that he was misunderstood as a brother with feelings and righteousness. He just wanted to figure out the situation and asked Franz several questions.

After figuring out how this guy was captured in the first battle, Rorschach also sighed: Should you say you are lucky or unlucky? You were captured in the first battle, but you didn't lose your arms and legs, and you were sent to me.

Franz was very excited to finally see his elder brother. For Franz, the number of times the two brothers have met since he could remember can be counted on one finger, but after experiencing the battlefield and being captured in a foreign country, having his brother around is reassuring.

He took a good look at Rorschach and nodded to confirm: "Sure enough, Brother Rorschach is a very powerful wizard."

"How do you know?"

"The wizard who just came in with you, everyone else is respectful to him. He wears a red robe, and the elder brother also wears a red robe. And he treats the elder brother very well."

Well. This kid is a bit smart. Rorschach patted his shoulder: "With me here, you can definitely get out of here. But why don't you come back to Bain with me in the future? If you can read and count, I can let you join the class. If you pass the exam, you can go to the Institute of Technology to study."

Joining the class can only allow him to go through basic education first. At most, Rorschach himself or ask the teacher to give Franz a special lesson to speed up. Whether he can enter the Institute of Technology depends on his own exam.

"Or go to a fine factory and learn a craft from a master." This is also a good choice. Fine factories are the safest and most relaxed, and the salary level after graduation is also very high, which is much better than other factories with high temperature, high pressure and explosiveness.

Unexpectedly, Franz just shook his head after hearing this. He publicly stated on the territory of the Valois: "If I can go home, I will continue to join the army."

Rorschach didn't expect Franz to be willing to fight: "If you really want, I can find a way to help you find a stable position in the army." The money for the Imperial Army Logistics Department has been spent, and people have been found. You can apply for exchange or add more money to give Franz the entire logistics work.

But he still has doubts: "But before that, I want to know why you still insist on joining the army."

Franz was silent for a moment, and said hesitantly: "Because the boss told us to win honor for the empire and His Majesty the Emperor."


"And military merit."

Rorschach always felt that he didn't say what he really meant, and his eyes were fixed on Franz.

Franz felt that he was seen through, and finally broke the jar and shouted: "Because I want to marry a wife! A woman from the city!"

After the Merkle family became rich, they tried to move to the town. At first, they were surprised that the houses in the town had so many rooms, toilets, and beds were so soft, but many problems soon followed.

For example, in the school, Angel and Franz were excluded. Franz himself gave up going to school and turned to learn a craft from a master. The biggest influence on him was that the women in the city were very delicate and had a fragrance.

So he secretly vowed to find a city woman as his wife.

The problem was that the Merkle family was an outsider, and they had no social life in the town and did not integrate with the local residents. The old couple simply moved back to the village after the war, and it was impossible for someone to marry their daughter from the town to the countryside. Only Franz still had the dream of marrying a city woman.

Since Rorschach rarely went back, the people in the town, except for the resident wizard, didn't know that the colorful smoke came out of the ancestral tomb of the Merkler family. Even if they heard about it, Rorschach's absence would not have a substantial impact or impression on the residents of the town.

Franz decided to rely on himself. He wanted to take the path that his elder brother didn't choose - to win military merit, get a small fiefdom, change his appearance and marry into a wealthy family. In his concept, a wealthy family is only at the level of the mayor.

In addition, there is another reason. If Franz goes back now, the Merkler family will definitely be gossiped about and said that he is a deserter.

Franz was still a little shy and hesitant. Rorschach asked for a while before he understood the thoughts of the 16-year-old boy. This Rorschach asked again: "What if you really sacrificed yourself instead of here?"

"Then we still have the eldest brother at home! You are such a powerful mage, you should not be afraid of guns and cannons, and you will not die. If I can't go back, my eldest brother will take care of my parents. If I devote myself to the empire, our family will also be honored. Yes! There was a family of a soldier who died in the town, and the mayor personally went to express his condolences and give him money."

"What about you? Your life is over and you have no chance of marrying a wife."

"Brother, can't you resurrect me?"

Rorschach shook his head: "Life is not so cheap or so easy to save."

Franz was a little frustrated, but he still insisted on his idea: "It's okay, I still have a piece of armor. The village chief gave it to me before I left." He opened his coat, revealing the ancient leather armor.

Rorschach glanced over and saw that there was indeed a magic circuit, but it was very old. There was no mage to maintain or charge the circuit. It was equivalent to a level of [Spirit Armor] at most: "It can only block a bullet for you once, and it can't stop it again." too much."

Seeing Franz in chaos, Rorschach stood up from the sofa in the lounge: "Maybe you haven't thought it through yet, but it doesn't matter, there is still time. You can eat some desserts here first, and I will come back later."

In fact, Rorschach was also a little confused. He didn't know whether this man was his brother or not, and how he should be responsible for him and the old Merkle family.

Kano, who was waiting in the corridor, saw Rorschach coming out. Instead of taking the young man back to the negotiation table, he took him into his office: "Let them negotiate the details and annoying terms! Let's talk honestly between master and disciple. About the 'Starship' scheme you support."

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