Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 501 Who hasn't had a youthful mentality?

The real purpose of Kano's visit to Rorschach was about the starship, and he wanted to get Rorschach's promise.

He looked at his student and said solemnly: "I can make concessions on other issues, even if I can't satisfy you at the negotiation table, but I need your help on one point."

"Please go ahead."

"No matter how the war goes, the entire guild and the thirteen magic towers will still invest a lot of manpower and material resources to promote the observation plan of the Tree of Truth. The Starry Tower has no spare capacity to support the Republic of Valois, but the Thunderstorm Tower will try to make a manned starship aircraft within a year."

"So fast?" Rorschach didn't expect the guild to be so determined.

"It should be said that it has to be fast and has to go on. On the one hand, it is to prevent the vicious magic from getting out of control. On the other hand, the Senate believes that this cooperation project will be a link between the guilds of various countries to prevent the guilds from really falling apart after the war."

Rorschach nodded to show his understanding.

This war has changed for the casters. For their group, the scenes of mutual attacks have been greatly reduced, and each has turned to the rear, at least in the back row, to provide support. Mages from all over the continent can cooperate and fight each other in the name of their country, and use this game to define their post-war sphere of influence.

Kano finally stated his request: "Whether it is the Starry Tower or other magic towers, many mages have died on the battlefield. Spellcasters are very valuable, so the next exploration of the star realm cannot add more lives."

"What do you mean?"

"Before, I was separated from the original layer and almost fell into the transmutation layer flow. I might have been swept away to death. You saved me, thank you."

"No, you may have misunderstood."

"Now the Senate knows that you have an independent space fragment, right between the star realms. Since everyone supports the starship plan, Feuerbach and I will not worry about it, but please promise me to help. In the future manned test flight, you will be the last insurance, okay?"

Master Kano said sincerely, explaining that the second plan was originally aimed at the junction, but Rorschach refused, so he naturally would not force it, but chose to ask Rorschach for a promise.

Rorschach lived up to his teacher's expectations. He nodded readily: "If the pioneers really have an accident in the transmutation dust laminar flow or in the star world, find me and I will definitely bring them back safely."

"Okay. It's a deal!"

There was a secret conversation between the two of them. In fact, no matter how heated the discussion in the conference room not far away was, it didn't matter anymore, because the general tone had been set. For Kano, the so-called transmutation dust supplier had only two meanings. One was that it looked very profitable, and the other was that the more transmutation dust collectors there were, the lower the risk of the starship breaking through the laminar flow.

As for Rorschach, he didn't care what benefits he could get from Valois. After all, almost all of its strength was concentrated on fighting the Empire and preserving the fruits of the great transformation. Moreover, Byrne had returned to the Empire's system and could not openly interact with this southern neighbor.

If you have to say what you have gained, it seems that Franz can barely be counted as one.

Rorschach returned to the lounge again. His brother was lying on his side boredly, picking the cracks on the leather sofa. Seeing his elder brother coming, he wanted to retract his hand, but then he thought he had been seen, so he simply changed his posture and continued to destroy the sofa.

Are you the reincarnation of a husky? Rorschach asked him to sit up straight and brushed across the cracks. The damage to the sofa leather disappeared immediately, but Rorschach saw that the leather was still dry, which showed that [Repair] could not reverse aging, and the leather would soon crack again.

Most magic is like this, and a single spell is ultimately beyond its power.

"Don't you read the newspaper?" Rorschach saw that only the illustrated newspaper was opened in the lounge, and he probably knew about the culture of this little brother "papermaking".

Franz curled his lips: "That. I've seen it, it's boring."

"Can't read?"

"Recognize words!" Franz retorted unconvinced, but soon he couldn't be tough anymore: "Not much." If he really continued to study, the financial resources of the Merkler family would be more than enough to support the two children to study, and he wouldn't have to drop out of school halfway to learn a craft from a master.

Ah. That won't do. Rorschach said seriously, "Without culture, you can't fight well. You can't be a soldier who obeys orders all your life, can you?"

"Fighting requires courage! And I'm not afraid of hardship."

"Okay, just think of it as a military achievement, and return home with rewards or pensions. Old Merkler can still control you now. When you start your own business, they won't watch you, and a bunch of idle scum will stare at the money you earned with your life.

"They will become your drinking buddies, make you drink and develop bad habits, or find various reasons to borrow money and share the "opportunity to make a fortune" with you. Finally, when they have eaten up everything and dispersed, you can come to your senses, but by then there will be nothing left. "

Rorschach was reluctant to say more, such as the fiefdoms of the empire. Soldiers can get very little, and only officers can get them after they retire, and officers. Who doesn't have "Feng" in their names? Poor families are also families. Excluding Rorschach, the "outsider", the old Merkler family has no family.

The great wizard can provide Franz with many options, but he is not optimistic about continuing to join the imperial army.

To protect this guy's safety, either put him in the logistics post, but his cultural level seems not enough for the job; or send a clone to protect him. Rorschach is too idle to do such a thing; if he is armed to the teeth with alchemical items, what if he uses the divine equipment to hit too high KD and becomes the first Baturu in the empire?

"Then what should I do? I don't have any talent! Let alone casting spells, I can't do anything well!" Obviously Rorschach PUA has gone too far, and Franz has given up on himself.

Is this a 16-year-old rebellious boy in adolescence? Rorschach felt that it was really troublesome. He stretched out his hand and slapped Franz's dog head: "Well, I will find a way to send you back to the army!"

"Really? Big brother is the best!"

The boy has the mentality of a boy, always thinking about relying on himself and proving himself, and looking down on relying on big brother to live a comfortable life. Rorschach also admired such character. He had been through the same thing before. He disdained the "behavior" short videos shared by his parents and sneered at the classmates who surrounded the counselors and teachers. He wanted to stick to his original intention and be a super white lotus that could cleanse the mud and purify the air.

But he claimed that he was an adult now and had the obligation to let the teenager know how dark the human society full of connections was. Rorschach wanted to let this guy know the difference between "big brother treats you well" and "big brother is good".

In terms of Rorschach's relationship in the Imperial Army, the logistics department was considered a line, and there was also a brigadier general who was promoted not long ago.

In the evening, the Star Tower hosted a simple cocktail party, and the adjournment of the meeting also meant the end of the secret surprise visit. Byrne's special zone delegation set off to return home, and Rorschach was still teleported alone, but this time he was not accompanied by Valan, but a younger brother.

"Where are we going?" Franz entered the magic guild for the first time and stepped on the magic circle for the first time. It was normal for him to be curious, nervous and excited, but he pretended to be calm, and the result was that his awkward emotions were exposed.

"Don't you want to continue to be a soldier? I'll take you to see a general."

"Ah?" Franz had no doubt that his elder brother could do what he said. He was surprised and happy at first, but soon he tensed up again: "According to regulations, I must wear a uniform to meet the chief in non-wartime"

"Come on, you prisoner."

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