Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 505 Tao Yuanming from another world

Rorschach also remembered the conversation with the miller, who mentioned the contribution of increased grain production.

"What is the situation with increased grain production?"

"The outsiders brought some holy water, saying that if the seeds were washed in it, the wheat grown would grow more. The villagers were skeptical about his words. Even the most trusting ones did not wash all the fields with water, but tried a small piece of land."

The village chief recalled, but then he muttered: "But this year, whether the fields were washed with holy water or not, they all had a good harvest."

Coincidence or has the pollution of the Mother Goddess spread?

Rorschach asked them to go to the granary to check the new grain.

"No need! I think last year's grain was not eaten up, and this year's grain was all brewed into wine, and it is underground." Old Merkle uttered another earth-shaking statement.

This shocked the lady: "Didn't I tell you to make wine from old grains? And what do you mean by 'all'?"

"Oh, they are all ground into flour and made into bread. What does it matter whether they are new or old? New grain is needed to make wine, so that it can have the aroma of wheat."

My rich man, your pursuit is really fresh and refined. Rorschach was also speechless. It's a pity that old Merkle has no culture, otherwise he would be a Tao Yuanming in another world.

This old man was not like this before. Maybe his mentality changed after he got rich suddenly. The burden of life was gone in an instant. It can't be said that he was floating. The old man would never bully men or women. He just looked very unreliable.

The village chief's focus was always on Rorschach's reaction: "Are you saying that there is a problem with the grain this year?"

"Let's go and have a look."

In the granary of the village chief's house, Rorschach saw the newly harvested wheat this year and the flour that had been ground. From his perception, a small amount of magic power gathered together with the piled up grain. However, the amount that exceeded the standard was very small, and even if it was held alone, there was no abnormality.

It was done very carefully. It was very simple to verify the effect. Luo Xia injected activity into the wheat seeds, and then they expanded rapidly. Soon, the seeds that were on the verge of inactivation were forced to germinate and grow at an abnormal speed and posture.

"What is this?"

"Obviously it is a deformity." Luo Xia did not have the familiar wheat seedlings in his hand, but a bunch of deformed products that were withered and yellow, with swollen and curled rhizomes, and the parts that could barely be recognized as leaves were wrinkled.

The village chief's face changed, and his stomach was churning and he felt nauseous.

Luo Xia was calm. Regardless of the old grain that the old Merkler family accidentally ate, even if it was new grain, their genomes were so messed up that they could not grow if they were planted normally. This is much better than being inherited.

And the impact of eating it is actually not significant. Foreign genes obviously cannot be digested through gastric acid and can still pollute the genes of the eater.

The most important thing is that there is no divine pollution left, or to be precise, it is very small. The consequence of long-term consumption is that it is contaminated with deformed elements, which may increase the risk of cancer.

Are they still afraid to be too ostentatious? Compared with the previous generation of the cult, they are more low-key and cautious. It may be that they will not let go of their hands until this batch of winter wheat.

Rorschach assured the old village chief, but the old village chief shouted: "Oh, but the whole village has eaten it."

"Not only the whole village. Maybe the whole area. And there is a new collection order, it is very likely to be sent to the front line as military rations. Now this batch of grain, as long as it is not planted back into the field, it doesn't matter if it is eaten. To be safe, both people and livestock must eat cooked food."

There is also the need to solve the source of the mutation.

In the evening, the diehards of the miller arrived as scheduled. They all wore cut sacks on their heads, recited the words of the Caring and Helping Society, and then were put into the mill.

The people in the mill began to conspire, with the miller as the leader to discuss how to resist taxes.

The way to resist the collection team is really simple. He wants to offer sacrifices to the gods and ask for blessings: "With the blessing of the true god, a few soldiers with guns will not be a problem! Even if you are shot, not only will you not feel it, but you will become more and more courageous."

In order to verify his words, the miller went to the cellar in person. When he came back, he held a small bag of herbs and carefully picked out a little to inhale from his nostrils.

After inhaling, he changed completely. His eyes were suddenly bloodshot and his breathing became heavier.

Rorschach, who was watching him, nodded and confirmed that it was a familiar product. Should we say that their production technology has not improved? If Rorschach joined the underground cult, he could have made super-pure products back then, and developed various ways of ingestion for you.

The miller felt that the effect of the medicine was almost over, and he panted and said, "This is the most basic blessing powder. Now if you people hit me, I won't feel anything and won't be hurt at all. If you do as I say, there are more powerful powders than this. You find a pure girl to help me make the medicine, and get a few animals to sacrifice to the true God."

"I think we should still follow the old rules and ask the old Merkle family to provide the cattle, sheep and pigs."

"He didn't come? Or he is not sincere."

"No, no, no, Merkle was just confused for a moment. We help each other and we should help guide him to return to the right path." The miller's medicine took effect, and he drooled and suggested, "As a proof of being on the right path, you can persuade him to send his little daughter to the mill."

"This" The villagers hesitated. Although they believed that the true God could bless everyone with a good harvest, they knew in their hearts that this outsider was not a good person. It was okay to cheat the old Merkle family of money, but they couldn't bear to cheat his daughter. And he has a son who is a wizard.

During the brief silence, one of the villagers suddenly spoke up: "Sir, is the powder really as magical as you say?"

The miller was obviously in a state of excitement. Seeing that the villagers were looking at each other in bewilderment, he shouted: "Are you still questioning me now? Come on! Try to hit me. Hit me! Hit me as you like!" He took out a dagger with a grim smile: "I'll let you hit me, you kid who questioned me. It's best to knock me down with one hit, otherwise I'll have to save one animal for sacrifice!"

You still have this requirement? If he hadn't joined the cult, he would be a dedicated salesman who was willing to prove the efficacy with his own body.

As soon as the miller finished speaking, a figure hammered at him at an unrecognizable speed. The kerosene lamp in the mill was flickering in the fist wind. It was during this flickering gap that a punch hit the miller's body, and a terrible thing happened.

He was directly beaten into the cellar, and there was only a dark hole where the person was originally.

"Hey?" "What's wrong?" "Who hit you?" The villagers in the mill were immediately panicked.

"It's not me." Rorschach wiped his fist with a towel, then simply jumped into the hole in the floor to check: "That man is dead!"

"Dead?" The people in the room could no longer care about other things, such as the strange young man just now. They were all terrified.

I'm not dead yet! The miller, who was deliberately left alive by Rorschach, struggled in the dark cellar, but he couldn't move at this time and couldn't make any sound. The young man who attacked him got up and found a soft ladder to climb back to the first floor of the mill. The miller thought he could get away when the young man was away from him, but he didn't expect that the imprisonment was still unbreakable.

Rorschach, who climbed up, gave everyone advice: "Now we can't see each other's faces clearly and can't recognize each other. It's better to burn this place clean with fire, just as if the matter is over and no one has been here.

"As for the miller being accidentally burned to death in the mill that caught fire, we don't know anything. Since we don't know who did it, everyone has to take responsibility; everyone is involved, then no one is responsible, understand?"

"Why don't you know? I can recognize the voice, no, who are you? The voice sounds familiar, but it doesn't match the villager's." A fool didn't understand the situation, and was hit on the head by the villager next to him.

The villager who interrupted the fool nodded quickly: "This little brother is right! Light a fire, and then everyone will leave quickly."

Rorschach took the initiative to stay and light the fire. As soon as the others took ten steps, the flames shot up into the sky, scaring everyone to run back to their homes in sweat.

He went back to the cellar, and in the firelight, like a devil from hell, he easily picked up the miller: "I've had enough fun, and now my patience has run out. So tell me everything you know."

That night, there were many murders in the town and nearby big cities, and many houses caught fire. The fires were very precise and did not spread anywhere.

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