Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 506: Treating the symptoms but not the root cause

After one day in the village, Rorschach could not do much. He just wiped out the surrounding dens.

After the mill caught fire, some people pretended to put out the fire, but the fire spread very quickly. Even though the mill was next to the river next to the village, people were unable to save anything. Only the empty cellar entrance and the collapsed stone wall were left. As for the people, they could not recognize them at all.

Some said that the outsider had problems and ran away, while others said it was an accident and he was probably dead inside.

In order to reassure the village chief, Rorschach held another purification before dawn. While others were sleeping, the blue light washed over the village and then swept across the fields.

The most serious pollution had been burned down by Rorschach himself.

Of course, those who went to the mill at night could not sleep all night. The anxiety made them unable to close their eyes, and their minds were full of the scene of the fire engulfing the mill. When they saw the blue light flooding into the house like water, they were so scared that they rolled off the bed and began to crawl and pray randomly until everything returned to calm and the sky gradually turned white in the crowing of cocks.

"So let's go, leave here." Rorschach suddenly had an idea and thought of how to persuade old Merkle: "In Bain, where I work, land can be freely bought and sold and reclaimed. As long as you have money, you can buy as much land as you want, provided that it is not left uncultivated."

Seeing that old Merkle didn't say anything, Rorschach patiently continued to add: "In the north of Bain, there is good wine, and other places have beer. My magic tower also has magical alchemy wine jars, which can turn grain into fine wine in one day."

Old Merkle finally couldn't sit still: "Oh my God! Aren't we father and son? Why didn't you say it earlier!" He "angrily" began to pack up: "Old woman, Angel, let's go now! Let that idiot who only knows how to fight come to Bain to find our house!"

"Village chief, should go with us too." Rorschach, both the original and the current Rorschach, received help from the village chief, and Rorschach was very grateful to him.

The village chief hadn't slept all night, and his energy was not as good as that of the young man and old Merkler. He rubbed his eyes and yawned: "You go. I still have to wait for my son to come back in the village."

Rorschach remembered that the village chief's father and son had the same name and surname: "You can write a letter to tell little Melson."

The village chief was silent for a while: ". He can't receive the letter."

The room was quiet for a while, and old Melson closed his eyes as if he was about to fall asleep: "I always think, if I had given him my precious leather armor at that time, would he not have died? I regret it. It's just a wizard's relic, how can it be more important than my son."

"So later you gave it to Franz . "

The village chief nodded: "You must protect him, don't be like poor little Melson. I only received a notice and a few silver coins, he hasn't returned home yet, and he has no clothes."

Rorschach didn't know how to comfort the old man: "Franz was tricked by me to study in the military academy, and he is safe now."

"That's good, that's good. He has a useful brother."

Merckler was shocked, he took the old Melson's drooping hands: "You didn't tell us that we will be a family in the future, let's go to Bavaria together."

In the end, the old village chief still refused the invitation, and Merckler chose to ask him to move into the manor before leaving. The village chief still refused, but he promised that the Merckle family would help take care of the courtyard, and Merckler had the opportunity to put the key into the village chief's hand.

In addition to money, Rorschach also gave him some healing potions, and engraved a metal seal with his own emblem and a bottle of alchemical potion.

"Since you want to guard the village, I won't force it. If there is an accident or disaster in the village, you can throw this badge into the potion and I will know. It is much faster than writing a letter."

"Got it, thank you."

"I am the one to thank." Rorschach glanced at the old man. Although old Melson may be younger than Kano, he is just an ordinary person. The injuries in his youth and the later labor made him much older.

Rorschach looked at the kind, tenacious but also old and turbid eyes for a long time, sighed deeply, and said goodbye to the old village chief solemnly.

From then on, the Merkler family quietly moved away from the small village where Rorschach was born.

Rorschach and them took the airship all the way to Byrne. With him in charge, they were not afraid of any problems with the flying vehicle whose accident rate had soared year after year, and they landed smoothly at the newly built Lanst transportation hub.

He asked Andre to help settle the old Merkler family, and then he turned to enter the guild and disappeared in the teleportation array.

"I didn't expect you to make a surprise visit." Alexander von Humboldt was designated to meet with the uninvited guest.

Rorschach took out the contaminated wheat seeds, as well as some samples that were retained when the city dens were taken down, including potions and deformed pieces of meat

"It seems that the process of the Mother Goddess invading reality has restarted, or perhaps it has never stopped. The efforts of Valois and the Lord of Order last year were only to temporarily remove some of the pollution, and now that the war has begun, new organizations have revived." Rorschach's concerns are not unreasonable.

Humboldt also shared what he knew: "There are generally no abnormalities in the main grain-producing areas within the empire, but the research teams sent out this year did find and bring back a lot of Mother Goddess pollutants from all over the place, and even a team was attacked by the cultists, just when you invited me."

No wonder Humboldt was inseparable during the harvest season, it turned out that he was also dealing with the affairs of the cult.

Rorschach thought before speaking: "If the cult continues to attack the food supply, and the Mother Goddess's past incarnation does have relevant authority, then as military rations are collected, I'm afraid there will be problems throughout the empire. Not only that, the situation in Valois may be the same."

"The Tower of Forest is already communicating with the Imperial Army and the Royal Family. If the rations are concentrated, we can add an inspection and purification measure against the contamination of the Mother Goddess. The Empire's anti-magic device is very powerful and can even dispel primary divinity."

The young archmage is not very satisfied with this measure: "But the symptoms will not be cured, and a lot of the population will be contaminated. It is best for the guilds to take action."

"Yes, you can write a detailed report with me and I will submit it to the Senate. If we can reach the star realm and enter the symbolic realm, in addition to monitoring the Tree of Truth, we may also be able to detect the influence of the gods from a macro perspective. activity, so that you can also feel the activity level of the Mother Goddess.”

"Then the progress will have to be accelerated. In addition to the guilds, secular organizations should also cooperate. After all, it is mainly civilians who are protected, and it should be their responsibility." After Rorschach finished speaking, he saw Humboldt looking hesitant to speak. I can’t help but ask: “Is there something wrong with what I said?”

"Yes, that's right." Master Humboldt said yes, but kept shaking his head: "You don't know, there is a argument in the Imperial Parliament that it is possible to cover all major cities in the empire with anti-magic devices, and today's The emperor was obviously supportive.

"The war has concentrated the garrisoned mages on the front lines, and there is no voice to oppose it. The only obstacle to this plan is the mages belonging to the guild, that is, us."

He also glanced at Rorschach and added: "Originally, there were many technical difficulties in the long-term operation of the anti-magic device, but they were solved one by one, especially when a company called 'BASF Energy' appeared, which seemed to be able to Solve the fundamental energy supply problem”

"Hey, actually I think it's great that the Empire has such courage." Rorschach seemed to not understand the implication of Master Humboldt: "Shouldn't we make progress and find a way to crack the magic-forbidden device?"

"To put it lightly, the Moncado Fortress incident is obvious to all. The pollution caused by the activation of the Mother Goddess from the five devices was completely eliminated."

"The current gods are either dead but not dead, or they are still in a state of chaos and ignorance and have not awakened. It is not impossible to suppress their blind power. And we are living people who can think, and we can always find a way to solve it." Rorschach said firmly.

After he finished speaking, he did not stay long. He handed the collected samples and evidence to the Archmage and left. Just saying it was useless, Rorschach immediately teleported back to his magic tower and started experimenting.

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