Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 507: Resisting the Ban

"Unit 2-101 is ready!" "All units are ready!"

The former technical officer, the "legendary commander" of the Imperial Army in the Second Battle of Moncado Fortress, has been entrusted with an important task. He is responsible for the anti-magic devices of the entire Helmut Line.

The little technical officer was promoted to "the Great Technician of the Empire", and other technical dogs were looking forward to it. He nodded with honor and excitement: "Let's get started."

The anti-magic devices have been iterated to the fourth generation. They no longer require the roar of steam engines when they start, the preparation time for starting is greatly shortened, and the duration is greatly extended.

The new model is completely powered by a strange thing called "passivated transmutation dust". It seems to have appeared overnight. The "Great Technician" can't figure out when the logistics department of the Imperial Army can get such a useful high-energy magic source.

The final preparations were completed, [Electric Wave Communication] was silent, and the magic-free radio communication based on the reverse development of the spell was activated. As the devices on the defense line were confirmed one after another, the "Wall of Sighs" system of "Helmut" was fully tested for the first time.

"Eat some mints, it will make everyone feel better." The casters felt the familiar uncomfortable feeling. "Big Skill Master" was experienced and let everyone with magic abilities in the facility eat to boost their spirits.

At the same time, the magic guild was in chaos.

"The line was interrupted!"

"Transmission failed, cross-border transmission failed! Suspend cross-border, stop running!"

The guild communication room saw the node in the north of the continent go out, and only a few lines that transferred to Bain, Istani and the Lowland Principality were still normal.

The Senate had already estimated the launch of the anti-magic device, and soon the guild launched the plan.

The "Helmut" defense line did not cover the entire territory. The end of the eastern line was at the Bain border, and the western line had not been built since the Black Forest. The first plan is to transfer cross-border messages through multiple channels to bypass the defense line. The second plan is to pre-buried telegraph lines in the middle of the defense line in imitation of the "Bain-Valois" model. For simple text messages, if the messenger allows the guild to view the letter, it can be converted into a wired telegraph and sent out.

Bain, in a forest in the far suburbs of Munich.

"Is it going to start again?" Martin saw Caroline and Andre were there, and there were many spellcasters and apprentices present. The last experiment to resist the magic-forbidden device ended in vain, and he thought Rorschach had forgotten about it.

Rorschach had conducted experiments in the tower before, but now it is not possible.

The previous machine was made by him peeping at the device in the crashed airship and then rubbing it by hand. After deepening cooperation with the Imperial Army Logistics Department, Rorschach has obtained most of the parameters and structure of the original version from the "technical requirements" of the bidding and the development of the power supply interface.

Rounding it off is "joint research and development", and rounding it off again, the fourth-generation magic-forbidden device was developed by Rorschach himself.

Anyway, there is now a long-term device in the forest of Byrne that is as effective as the one on the defense line. The hand-made device used to be able to operate safely in the isolation room of the magic tower. If the device to be tested today is installed in the tower, not only the magic tower, but also the factory will probably explode.

"Let's start." Rorschach nodded, indicating that Martin could start the device.

The spellcasters all stood far away. Martin, who was the opposite of magic talent, would not feel uncomfortable at all. It was perfect for him to be in charge of ignition.

Rorschach also pulled some apprentice mages of the Arcane Tower to participate in the test. They were all baptized by the device for the first time. They were skeptical at first. After they really saw the field unfold, they realized what it meant to the spellcasters.

It can be said to be suffocation at the magic level.

Rorschach introduced the performance of the improved version: "The closer you are to the device, the more serious the interference with the spellcasting. You can try to cast spells when the distance is increased, but it will basically cause the spellcasting to fail." This effect is very different from the one-time release version of "Magic Tsunami".

He personally tested that the long-endurance version of the device has a radius of about one thousand meters around it, which is a forbidden zone, or a dead magic zone; the radius of eight hundred meters outside is a failure zone with serious interference; and the disturbance zone is beyond that. However, this is for the great wizard. Ordinary spellcasters and unprotected alchemical equipment are forbidden areas within two thousand meters.

Now Rorschach is just a few steps away from the device, and he wants to try.

Even standing on the top of the current spellcaster, the familiar feeling remains unchanged. The docile and obedient magic power that can be absorbed and shaped at will like water and oil has turned into violent flying gravel at this time, and anyone who attempts to control them will be backfired:

Please imagine a sandblaster facing you. It is estimated that in a short while, the high-speed burst of "gravel" will polish the wizard's cerebral cortex.

Extreme chaotic frequency, no, the device can be said to be "pseudo-random". Although Rorschach cannot cast magic, he can still feel the distribution of magic power itself.

Magic is caused by the vibration of magic power at a specific frequency. Magic power itself is a particle. Porsha hopes to find a clearer perspective to observe it and determine its current situation. This is the basis for controlling it.

But this seems impossible. At this time, the mages cannot bear the bad environment in the field. It is obviously impossible to use Master Poincare's machine to depict the current waveform of the environmental magic power. The result will only be overload.

It is up to Rorschach himself to find a perspective to enhance the perception to include extreme situations that are difficult to occur in nature.

Rorschach just stared at the running device. He felt a little nauseous and dizzy, and the machine was a little blurry.

Wait, is it the blur of vision? Martin was waiting for the command to stop at the nearby operating table. Rorschach found him and asked, "Hey, stare at this device with your eyes. Do you feel blurry?"

Martin did so and hesitated for a while and said, "It seems so." He looked again and again, and finally gave a positive answer, "There is an unstable double image."

"Good, great." Rorschach's praise made Martin confused. He saw the great wizard walking closer to the device step by step.

Matter can also be waves. I am made of matter. I can be discrete and still maintain myself after being discrete.

Rorschach had experienced similar feelings in [Gaseous Form]. Now he tried to give up resistance, not only to let his own magic power and the "storm" in the environment stir together, but also to let his material body resonate with the forbidden magic device.

Caroline and Andre were the first to stabilize their state in the forbidden magic field and came back to their senses.

They found that Rorschach himself had been getting closer and closer to the device at some point, and then the whole person disappeared in the forest without a trace.

"Rorschach?" "Rorschach--?"

A familiar voice suddenly sounded in the minds of the two, instantly calming their panic: "It's okay, I'm here."

"You are."

"I'm distributed in this area, um. The most likely location is five steps away from the device, southeast. But I'm deliberately not collapsing my matter wave, so you may not be sure where I am."

They looked at it according to Rorschach's description, and there was indeed a phantom next to the device.

Caroline quickly realized: "Rorschach, are you using [Teleportation] to communicate with us?"

"Yes, it's not stable yet, but at least there is a breakthrough." Rorschach's voice was normal: "The transmutation dust loaded is not enough to keep the device running for too long, so the first set of experiments will end here."

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