Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 508 The Converging Magic String

The light of the spherical mechanism at the core of the machine faded, and the rotation went from high speed to slow, and finally stopped.

Rorschach's figure also stabilized as the magic power stopped being violent.

He appeared with a smile. Caroline frowned: "You are taking too much risks. Although it is very powerful to cast spells under such conditions, what if you fail to cast spells on yourself?"

"Well, strictly speaking, I didn't cast a spell at that time, I just verified a phenomenon." Rorschach tried to explain what had just happened and why he couldn't hold back his smile:

"The device developed by the Empire can prohibit the advent of magic and even miracles. Its basic principle is that high-frequency disordered magic pulses interrupt any process that requires the mobilization of magic."

"This is what we all know."

"But the researchers of the Empire and we have overlooked a problem. We are too focused on magic itself and don't realize that magic will transform the material world. How can such a device that stirs up environmental magic not also affect the material world?"

The little bit of blur was captured by Rorschach during his observation: "In the center of the device, even the existence of entities is not so stable. They are also trembling with the output of the device, and reality has produced subtle chaos. Please allow me to say an unverified theory

"The existence of the material world has its own frequency and wavelength, which can also be described as fluctuations. However, in the past, such fluctuations were very small. If we regard matter as being distributed in space with a certain probability, in most cases the probability distribution is very concentrated, giving us a certain position and shape.

"Now this device has shaken the probability distribution, making the probability distribution of magic power extreme and making the probability distribution of matter tend to be uniform. Although this trend is very, very small, we casters can amplify this tendency.

"By the way, this is a crack in the instability of the real world, which prevents the Mother Goddess from invading while opening a window for Her. I hope He doesn't wake up and find this out. "People closed a door for the old god, and unconsciously opened a window for him, but it seems that neither side noticed.

Rorschach had experienced this several times before and was unaware of it. The reason is that the anti-magic devices in the past all emitted instantaneous pulses, which were achieved by the first wave of overclocking tsunamis and the subsequent short-term magic vacuum. The current "persistent type" finally exposed this special phenomenon.

Andre's brain was as dizzy as when the device was running. Caroline, who had studied time and space, barely followed Rorschach's thoughts: "You mean, the reason you disappeared just now was to disperse the probability of your distribution in space?"

"Yes, this 'self', to be precise, is the constituent material of my physical body. What is dispersed are the two elements of their momentum and mass. But we are casters, with a powerful soul. I did not dissipate, but broke away from the constraints of the old organs and gained a more wonderful perspective. ”

In that magical, enhanced version of [Arcane Vision], he lost his perception of matter, but that didn’t mean Rorschach was blind. On the contrary, he was in complete interaction with magic power. The base was the dark space, and the magic power was visualized as bright tides.

The tides were not the raging waves imagined. In Rorschach’s eyes, their distribution probability was concentrated, arranged in stripes, and rotated alternately with the device as the center. Ordinary spellcasters were helpless in this death vortex, but with the vision and state that were in sync with it, Rorschach felt that it was not impossible to control them.

Start by capturing a "stripe", and then The magic power on the body was interfered by Rorschach, changing its spatial position and form, and further concentrated and compressed into fine threads.

He saw that the two strongest spiritual lights in "Storm and Wind" were Caroline and his founding disciple Andre.

Rorschach twisted the thread and separated the two ends and put them on them. If you make a cross section of the "thread", you can see that the magic power rushing from it is still frantic and unable to cast spells, but the manipulation of the thread itself seems to be effective and will not be disturbed by other turbulence.

This is how he performed [Communication] in the forbidden magic device. This is an innovation in casting spells. He still uses the vibration frequency of magic, but Rorschach used the device to polarize their distribution probability, further pushing it to the state of "string", and then plucked it to "play".

Although it was just a simple zero-ring spell, it was the first step Rorschach took.

Of course, if only he could succeed, then this set of spells would be meaningless.

However, a bold idea came into Rorschach's mind again. It seems that on the basis of this "magic-forbidden device", a new magic polarization device can be added. No, it is a string device. In summary, it can be called a "magic weaver"?

If successful, the machine will have a very disgusting effect-making the old spell system ineffective, and it must be used to pluck the "magic string" The device can also be linked with the tower spirit on the golden tree to achieve more sophisticated background control and assistance.

The assistance of the golden tree tower spirit should be very important, because Luo Xia found this way of casting spells extremely difficult, or maybe he is not proficient in it yet.

If Luo Xia is more evil, the era of privatization of spellcasting is just around the corner. In the future, there will be no need for several rings, only VIP1 and 29 level mages.

No, no, no. This device is impossible to cover the entire continent, but it can replace the Empire's plan, from a one-size-fits-all ban on mages from casting spells in the city to only allowing the new system to cast spells in the urban area, and even blacklisting and whitelisting

If the technology is realized, it will be most meaningful to the Magic Guild.

If Rorschach's idea is implemented and the Magic Guild deploys it in major cities, it will be able to take the initiative on this issue relative to the Empire, and the Guild will take the initiative to operate the device. And in this way, Master Kano's dream of a "powerful guild" can be realized first in the city. Most importantly, if the mages are dissatisfied, the Guild can shirk responsibility: Controlling magic is not my wish, it is the Empire that forces me! They didn't want you to cast spells in the city at first, so be content with a compromise!

Well, Rorschach is pleased for the Magic Guild.

"Hmm, Mr. Rorschach?" Andre saw that Rorschach had a sinister smile after finishing the first experiment, and was a little worried that the teacher might have just had an accident and had a mental problem.

"Ah? Oh." Rorschach broke away from his fantasy of the future and ordered Martin to distribute energy potions to the mages and apprentices who were in a bad state to calm down. He shouted: "No one who has not fainted is allowed to leave! No work will be carried out today, and everyone will undergo desensitization training to adapt to the forbidden magic field!" How can we conduct subsequent experiments without desensitization when these people are dying as soon as they turn on the machine?

Caroline was still a little suspicious: "Rorschach, what were you thinking just now?"

"I was thinking about whether I could use this as a bargaining chip to join the Arcane Senate." Rorschach is now working hard for the entire guild like the elders, but he does not have an equal position. He also has to ask Master Humboldt to pass on the message to Master Kober, or Rorschach himself communicates with Kano and Feuerbach, which is a hindrance. What kind of thing is this?

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