Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 509 The Target of Public Criticism

Not only is Rorschach studying how to target the empire's magic-forbidden device, many mages who don't bother to bargain with the imperial council have also begun to take action. For a time, research on anti-magic and anti-anti-magic became a hot topic.

Not only the mages of Valois, but also the unorganized spellcasters in the empire heard the rumors that the city was going to build an anti-magic device, and they all held their breath and tried to attack it.

The subject of breaking through the magic-forbidden device has become a target of public criticism.

As a hidden protest, the Arcane Senate made key texts in the hands of the guild public to all mages. In the past, whether it was the empire or the guild, the manuscript of the mysterious "Baron Leipzig", the founder of the forbidden magic theory, was revealed. Originally, these fragments were collected by the Empire, the Tower of Secrets, and the Tower of Stars. Now, both parties have made the texts in their hands public.

The Alchemy Department, which had encountered the airship more than once, naturally also considered the survival problem of the "giant weapon breaker" in the field.

At first, all models were considered for the "temporary magic failure" situation, which the old man called the barrier time. Since the magic ban time is limited, the problem they have to overcome is to ensure that the body can sustain itself in a short period of time without relying on magic power, and that all functions can be activated in a timely manner after the magic power is restored.

The final result is called the "Black Coffin System", which places an oscillating quartz as a fuse inside the power furnace. Once the fluctuation of environmental magic reaches an alarm value, the quartz will be triggered and amplify the signal. The power furnace will be enclosed.

The "black coffin" is composed of layers of black stone, with idling magic circuits on it. As long as it is not at the center of the "magic tsunami", it can absorb some of the impact of the impact.

By keeping the internal power furnace running, the magic power will be stored. Once the impact is over, the "Black Coffin" will release this magic power in an attempt to restore complete mobility and combat functions as soon as possible.

Then the supply chain took action, and the empire's device changed from a one-shot into the soul to a long-lasting one! And the giant machines are still "second men" in front of the device...

And even the new model of giant machine equipped with the "Black Coffin System" can only rely on steam engines and hydraulic pressure to perform simple activities for a short time when there is no magic power. At this time, the operator loses contact and will only follow the preset actions:

Either it is set to kneel on one knee and stand by, or it is to keep running, holding the mobile bomb of the power furnace and "md exploded with you."

So when the "Wall of Sighs" came online, the old man whose hairline was about to break through the highest point of the human body was "thankful" to the originator Luo Xia for his "great kindness" while thinking of ways to improve the "black coffin system".

Perhaps feeling the cordial "greetings" from his old friend thousands of miles away, Rorschach offered a big gift after the manuscript of "The Baron of Leipzig" was made public.

He submitted his first article since he was promoted to Archmage to the Magic Guild, "A Preliminary Study on Three Effects of the Forbidden Demonic Field". The first is the vibration frequency polarization distribution of magic power, and the second is the existence of the forbidden magic field in the material world. The super-ground state of the magic field, the third is the "magic string" based on the polarization effect and the new method of casting spells.

Theoretically, it should be published in three parts, but Rorschach didn't have time to detail many details. In fact, other mages were also anxious.

"Teacher, why can't I understand it at all?" Andrei was now very frightened. He was forced to write three works on this article, but he couldn't understand more than ten sentences after putting all the words in the article together.

If people from the Senate and the Arbitration Tribunal come to visit, will he be accused of academic fraud?

"Actually, I don't understand either." Luo Xia's words were earth-shattering, but he remained calm: "All theories are based on my unique perspective. To be honest, I practice it first and then try to explain the reasons for my actions. Established and feasible.”

To him, the wonderful changes that day were natural and beautiful, but when it came to resorting to language, Rorschach felt deeply lacking and powerless, not only the lack of language, but also the lack of mathematics. Therefore, he only described phenomena more, leaving more detailed and complete theoretical construction to future generations.

As for anyone who questions it, Rorschach can completely reproduce it in person.

Andre made a very unusual request: "Can you please remove my name from the authorship of the article?"

"No, no, no, the most annoying thing about being a teacher is to bury your personal contribution. You are responsible for preparing the equipment and proofreading the articles. Thank you for your hard work. You deserve this name." Rorschach seriously rejected his apprentice's request.

"What about Martin? He is the person in charge of the switch device. He is more suitable for the third game than me."

"He is a magic insulator! There is only one ending for being exposed to the guild. He is kidnapped and quietly dissected." Luo Xia comforted: "Don't worry, if there is a problem, I will take care of it. Looking at the whole continent, there is nothing that I can't handle." "

Andre felt suffocated by forced love: "If there are several archmages together"

"Being a teacher" he wanted to say, at worst he would lead his apprentice to run away, but he was not good at teleportation. "Being a teacher can buy you and Teacher Caroline time to escape."

Well, Caroline is the second author, but she has made real contributions. Caroline tried to explain the probability distribution of magic and physical entities in the field in the sense of time and space.

After the article was published, most mages did not understand it. A small number of mages analyzed it and got some results. In the eyes of the members of the Arcane Senate, they were even more interested in the last item, the "magic string" and the corresponding new method of casting. If Luo Xia did not lie, then it would be a change with a greater impact than the spell string.

Although the guild softly confronted the empire by promoting cracking research, the new emperor and the imperial parliament were still united and passed the "Imperial Supernatural Security Control Act", striving to deploy long-term anti-magic devices in settlements with more than 10,000 people in the empire within ten years.

In any case, the disputes over spellcasters fell into a temporary stalemate in late autumn. For the majority of mages, it is impossible for them to master the ability to cast spells in the forbidden magic field as quickly as Rorschach, and the empire also has no spare energy to implement the new bill, except that the imperial capital really began to set up more devices.

The battle in early autumn ended. For the empire, the front-line troops bought time for the completion of the "Helmut" defense line and harvested the food in the occupied areas, leaving the already tight-fisted Republic with hungry people in the recovered areas.

As for the Republic, their new weapons have been deployed in place, and the excited National Guard needs to pursue the victory.

In late autumn, the two major countries on the continent are ready to launch a new round of offensives.

On the western front, Paul, who is on the border between the Republic and the Lowland Principality, received new equipment and new orders.

"Magic Weaver?"

"It will be installed in the Black Coffin System of the Dawn Player, giving it the ability to operate in a forbidden magic device, but it is only a test piece, and during operation, the operator can no longer control it remotely, and must enter the Black Coffin to operate the giant machine." The elder brother of the Alchemy Department told his former junior brother.

"Got it. Let's look forward to its performance." Paul looked at the outline of the huge fortress of the Lowland Principality in the distance. It is the western end of the "Helmut Line". If it is pried open, the route closest to the imperial capital will be open to the National Guard.

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