Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 510: Unexpected Participants

The Liège Fortress, the Low Country Duchy's reliance on safeguarding its independence.

When the Republic of Valois increasingly wanted to include this small coastal duchy in its sphere of influence and tried to incite the people to overthrow the rule of Grand Duke Riden, the Grand Duke chose to meet with the new emperor of the empire.

As a result, the Low Country Duchy received a large amount of military assistance from the empire, and the Liège Fortress was also transformed.

Therefore, although it still belongs to the duchy's fortifications, it has actually become the westernmost end of the empire's defense line.

Paul and his army, as well as the entire western front of the National Guard, were concentrated to focus on knocking it down and attacking the enemy through the Low Country Duchy. No, it will soon be the Low Country Federation or the Republic.

The battle started in the early morning, and the mist on the seaside had not yet dissipated, covering the fortress not far away, which guarded the coastline of the duchy and controlled the estuary of the Tam River.

The alarm of the enemy attack rang through the Liège Fortress, and soldiers and artillery fire from Valois followed one after another.

At the same time, artillery fire from the attacking side and the fortress itself roared. After a round of attack, the spellcaster from the Valois side confirmed that there was no forbidden magic field in the Lieyang Fortress.

"Six giant machines are deployed on the battlefield, and seven are ready in the reserve." Compared with the old commander Drouot, who only had one prototype giant machine in his troops, General Paul directly commanded all thirteen machines on the Western Front, and now he seemed to be ready to go all in.

Deputy Commander Pascal said worriedly: "It is impossible that there is no forbidden magic device in the fortress. It may be a trap that is not activated now to lure us into the giant machine."

". I know." Paul stared at the battlefield and said affirmatively.

"You know? So you"

"We have to use the enemy's trap in turn. Those profiteers in the lowlands think they are smart, but fighting is not doing business." After saying this, Paul actually left the command post and handed all the soldiers to his senior brother for mobilization.

The soldiers of the National Guard attacked the fortress and soon felt the "scorching sun" in late autumn. Their field artillery was not dominant, while the fortress had abundant firepower and solid defense, even better than the Moncado Fortress.

In the Sun Fortress, everyone who faced the enemy saw a tall giant standing up. It was the "giant assaulter" of Valois.

"They are coming! Quick, start!"

The first to be activated was the old "impact" device. These devices that were eliminated by the Empire were transferred here to play their residual heat, but the effect it achieved was not as shocking as the simultaneous activation of five devices.

When the first batch of giant machines were about two kilometers away from the fortress, the tsunami-like magic-forbidden impact made them stop, and they all knelt on one knee, and violent steam gushed out of the gaps in the body.

The defenders of the fortress concentrated their artillery fire at the fastest speed, trying to bombard these giant machines. Due to the change in the target of the artillery, the pressure on the ground forces was immediately relieved a lot. Pascal ordered the entire army to attack according to Paul's instructions.

"Crazy. Using such expensive giant machines as bait." Pascal saw two giant machines being hit by bullets, but fortunately they didn't hit the power reactor, so there was still a chance to repair them.

What surprised the defenders of the fortress was that seven more giant machines appeared in another direction to the east, and they quickly approached the fortress after the "tsunami" passed.

Fortunately, the empire also helped build a long-term version of the device. The defenders of the principality were shocked and sweated. When the giant machine suddenly appeared about 800 meters away from the core of the fortress, the long-term device was activated. Its range of action is not as wide as the impact type, so you have to take the risk to wait until the giant machine arrives within the range.

Just like the first batch, the remaining seven machines also entered standby mode.

Wait, whether it is the defenders or the attacking National Guard, their pupils are all dilated-the middle machine among the seven, the giant machine named "Dawn Player", is active!

At first, it still needs the built-in steam engine to output, and soon the amount of steam spewing decreases, and the "red eye" turns into "blue eye".

At this time, the magic weaver installed in the power reactor has taken effect, and the machine driven by Paul himself is in the "Black Coffin". He is not familiar with the way of casting "Magic String", but the magic weaver has preset a new operation mode for the giant machine, and technical support is provided by a new senator who does not want to reveal his name and has py transactions with other members of the Senate.

He and his machine moved slowly and clumsily, and only after adapting did they have a normal movement speed, and the shield also restored its performance.

Such an emergency caused great fear to the defenders of the Lowland Principality, and gave great excitement to the members of the National Guard. A huge pioneer represents the dawn of victory, and the roar in the middle of its mechanical structure is the sound of the charge horn.

The "Dawn Player" driven by Paul ran against the shells, as if the whole fortress was trembling. It has climbed to the edge of the fortress, facing the firepower windows of various concrete fortresses, easily releasing flames or directly crushing and hammering them down.

Just as it was climbing towards the cannon at the highest point of the fortress, a huge whistle suddenly blew across the sky of the battlefield.

Is it the seaside?

On the sea, an ironclad ship suddenly appeared.

It is the latest weapon of the Istani Kingdom! The caliber of its main gun even exceeds that of the fortress cannon that the "Dawn Player" wants to destroy. The flag of the Istani royal family fluttered on the mast of the warship, and it cruised majestically in the sea.

The cannons on it turned around and aimed at the fortress and the giant machine that was almost lying on it.

Is it going to fight both sides at the same time? Which side is it? Paul communicated with the giant machine in the black coffin and saw the danger coming. You know, the energy of the giant machine is running low, and he is not sure whether the heavyweight player who suddenly joined the battle can be stopped by deploying the shield.

The first round of shooting by the ironclad ship hit everything, some on the beach, some into the fortress, and some in a hurry. Paul suddenly found that the magic weaver was connected to something called "spell cloud". He didn't have time to think about it, and condensed [delay spell] in the giant mechanical palm, which was successful.

Not only did he successfully cast the spell, but he also successfully caught a high-speed moving shell.

The impact fuse was naturally not triggered, and he turned to throw the shell hard at the top of the fortress.

This unknown giant ship suddenly began to increase its horsepower and maneuver. Soon more ships appeared on the sea level, but they were all wooden sailing ships with the flag of Istani flying on them, but this time there was no royal symbol on the flag.

Although these sailing ships could not withstand the attack of the ironclad ships, they maneuvered at an abnormal speed and were able to get close to the ironclad ships at full speed. There was also a self-destructing speedboat equipped with an explosive ram that was about to hit the waist of the ironclad ships.

These strange ships, which were also Istani, drove the ironclad ships away from the battlefield. There were more ships landing under the hail of bullets, with humans and vaguely grey elves.

This was the simultaneous entry of the exiled royal family of Istani and the Republic of Istani into the battlefield, with the latter helping the Republic of Valois to break the western barrier of the empire.

Due to the war on the mainland, the changes on the island were not paid attention to in time. The main island of Istani seemed to have changed, and the original overseas colonies still united with the royal family as the hub to form a federation to confront the main island.

On the eastern front, which was also the end of the defense line, the three large legions reorganized by the empire, totaling more than 100,000 people, passed through Bain and broke into the northeast of Valois. Due to the almost neutral performance of the Kingdom of Bain before, and the fact that most of the National Guard on the eastern front were concentrated near the "Helmut" defense line, the surprise attack of the imperial army caught the Republic off guard.

Almost on the same day, the countries from the south of Valois, under the call of the Church of Order, united and marched towards the grain-producing areas in the south of the Republic. They joined the war and vowed to "restore the territory belonging to God", even if it meant cooperating with the empire.

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