Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 512 General Mobilization and New Tactics

While preparing to take over the occupied area, Byrne began to adjust production in cooperation with the Empire.

"From today on, all production lines will produce logistics and transportation vehicles. The family car department will be temporarily cancelled and personnel will be seconded to the logistics department."

"Vox" gas car factory received a new order, and the production line of family cars was suspended. Now the factory is fully producing a vehicle with a large cargo box, which can transport materials and personnel.

"Transmutation dust collectors" were integrated together, and dozens of refineries were built in Byrne and behind the imperial defense line. The highest density solid form was used to fill the magic-forbidden device, and the solvent produced after combining with alchemical potions was transported in barrels as energy for pneumatic transport vehicles.

These vehicles, together with trains, pulled out carts of guns and ammunition from Byrne, pulled back raw materials, and galloped across the imperial territory to transport soldiers.

On the streets of the imperial city, all the wandering young people were caught by the conscription team. Many of them were the first imperial people to experience "Byrne-made".

"My Lord, I only know how to paint, not how to fight!" Olaf showed his slender hands stained with paint. If he had known that the conscription team was coming to the street, he should not have set up a stall, because there was no business anyway. But no business means no bread, and the elf who runs the bakery is a **

"So, you are neither studying nor working in the factory?"

Olav's pale face showed a little blush: "Yes, sir, but I make a living on my own. As a painter, I can paint portraits, but I am best at landscapes. Do you want postcards?"

"These things can neither be eaten as food nor kill the enemy!" The gendarme kicked Olaf's painting tools and stuffed him into the truck: "Go to the barracks to learn real skills!"

"Sir, I can't join the army. I love the empire, but I have flat feet"

"That's not important now!" Like a locked animal, the gendarme locked the door of the carriage and gave an unbridled smile: "Anyway, fighting these days is no longer about who can run faster, and your feet will soon rot in the trenches."

Young people who were "voluntarily" recruited like Olaf were fortunate to be "warmly entertained" by the empire. Not only were they given military uniforms and other items, but they were also invited to ride trucks and trains for the first time in their lives.

Olaf was startled by the whistle of the train's departure. His comrade beside him was well-informed: "When the train whistles, you should go and see, it's already moving." He gave Olaf some basic knowledge, such as the train that first emits black smoke and then white smoke and makes a loud noise is the train produced by the Empire, and if it only emits white smoke, is quiet and fast, it is the train produced by Bavaria.

After receiving simple training, these recruits were transferred to the eastern section of the "Helmut Line".

The Empire's solid and reliable fortress group was just a few kilometers behind them. The Empire did not completely abandon the occupied areas in front of the defense line, and there were several trenches with barbed wire as a buffer. Unfortunately, Olaf and others were one of the buffers.

Olav originally thought that the trenches were just a few gullies, but when he arrived at the site, he realized that the trenches were more complicated than he had imagined, with various facilities inside, in addition to the necessary kitchens and medical stations, there were even entertainment rooms for them to play cards and kill time when there were no orders.

But today it was not possible. On the days when the cold autumn wind whistled across the surface, Olaf thought he could be on guard as usual and then continue to wait and rot in the ditch, but the alarm sounded.

The commander passionately mobilized before the war: "Loyal, brave and resolute soldiers! I know that you have stayed in the muddy ditch for long enough. Now is the time to fight for glory for the empire and for yourselves!"

Olaf listened to the battle deployment in a daze. It turned out that the main force of the imperial army that penetrated into the northeast of Valois successfully surrounded the National Guard. Now about 30,000 enemies have been driven to the vicinity of the defense line.

Based on the intelligence obtained by the airship in the sky and the analysis of the enemy's marching trajectory, the command center judged that these 30,000 people would soon be forced to contact the buffer zone of the defense line where Olaf was.

The National Guard really "arrived as promised", but Olaf could not see that they were fleeing in panic. On the contrary, he could see the high-spirited charge through the barbed wire.

The defenders fired rounds of shots, knocking down rows of attackers. The people on the other side seemed endless. Olaf sincerely thanked the gun in his hand - he had noticed that his gun could fire five times in a row, while the opponent's fire stick could only fire once at a time.

Coupled with the obstruction of the barbed wire, the breakout of 30,000 people failed. According to the commander, Olaf and his men only needed to wait for the main force of the imperial army behind the enemy to arrive, and they could form a two-sided trap to annihilate the enemy.

However, just when he thought so, an unforgettable scene appeared:

The enemy gave up the charge, and tinplate cans were thrown over, but they didn't look like cans. Soon, their nozzles began to spit out thick green mist, which seemed to fill the trenches.

"Damn it, play this!" Olaf heard a familiar voice. It was a comrade-in-arms who knew a lot about trains. At this time, they couldn't see each other clearly under the fog. Olaf was about to ask the other party what happened, but his mouth, eyes, and nose were attacked by severe pain.

The whole world turned into a weird and poisonous yellow-green.

No, I'm going to die. When Olaf's mind became blurred, the green mist was suddenly dispelled by an invisible force, and a transparent spherical cover isolated his head from the poisonous mist.

"Sorry, I'm just an apprentice. It takes time to cast [Air Filter Bubble]." The comrade who knew a lot was also a spellcaster. Olaf was surprised to see the other person clearly. At this time, the man's helmet fell off, revealing his pointed ears that were about to be broken. It was the elf that Olaf often cursed.

The gunfire and bombardment did not stop. Olaf held the gun tightly and cried bitterly. Even if the empire won the annihilation war in the end, he could not feel any glory and joy.

Although the imperial army's actions on the eastern front achieved the predetermined goals and eliminated a large number of Valois's living forces, the threat to the imperial capital was increasing day by day.

Because the empire's coastal gateway, the Lowland Principality had surrendered to the Valois-Island coalition.

As the biggest contributor to the battle, General Paul was the first to speak at the combat meeting: "We should give up the tactics of concentrating forces and charging at all costs! Now the Empire's defense means are enough to resist the human wave, especially when we concentrate superior forces, the enemy can easily concentrate forces to defend us."

Other generals disagreed with Paul's statement: "What else can we do? Re-use cavalry?"

"Of course, cavalry should be used well, but the focus is not on the military branch." Paul looked at these veterans as if they were looking at stupid people, but he had to patiently explain his new tactics to them:

"Next, we will face the Empire's homeland defense. They are used to deploying long fronts and building fortifications. Relying on strong logistics and transportation capabilities, as well as relying on air units and familiarity with the terrain, they will definitely be able to concentrate forces one step ahead of us.

"In other words, as long as there is no absolute advantage in numbers, the past human wave tactics will definitely fail.

"In that case, let's make sure the enemy can't see the main force on the battlefield! We should use the corps as a unit, with the giant machines as the vanguard, and at the same time make our own breakthroughs in the enemy's defense line.

"The breakthrough troops maintain the gap, and the cavalry quickly advances through the gap to the enemy's rear to seize the enemy's artillery positions and logistics points. The support troops should also be deployed in the gap that has been broken through. Some of them will advance horizontally to disintegrate the enemy's resistance, and some will go deep vertically to meet the cavalry. "

Compared to the human sea charge like "big siege hammer hitting the wall", Paul thinks it is better to improve the "sharpness" of the army, give up the idea of ​​breaking through the enemy's defense line at one time, and try to break through at multiple points. The fast troops will give priority to seizing the rear targets, and the follow-up troops will attack the breakthrough points.

There are many generals with higher ranks than him present. Some of them strongly oppose, some sneer, but more people fall into silence and thinking, and finally recognize this young man with outstanding military exploits.

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