Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 513 The Gamble Begins

Two large-scale battles that could determine the direction of the war were brewing almost at the same time.

After the National Guard on the Western Front achieved a decisive breakthrough, a gap was briefly opened in the imperial defense line. With the support of the Istani, the Valois boldly tried to transport supplies and reserve troops by sea, while Paul's The main force thrust towards the north without hesitation.

The operations of the Eastern Front Empire were also very smooth, and the main force of the Eastern Front of the National Guard was driven to the "Wall of Sighs".

The "green gas of death" equipped to the Eastern Group of the National Guard did not play the expected role. It was greatly affected by natural conditions such as wind direction. If the enemy in the trenches was successfully detained and killed, our soldiers would not be able to quickly pass through these emanating gases. Trenches of deadly gas.

In short, the "Helmut Line" withstood the test at a certain cost, and a large number of Valois died in the area between it and the Imperial Army.

Now both sides face the same choice: Should the main force that has achieved results attack or defend?

The countermeasures of the Empire and the Republic were almost mirror images. The Republic directly withdrew its defensive troops in the southeast and opened it to the coalition forces. The withdrawn troops gathered to the east of Valuauna to organize defenses to guard against the main force of the Imperial Army in the east.

The empire also withdrew its western front troops from the edge of the defense line and organized defense south of the imperial capital.

The defensive deployment objectives of both countries are the same: to buy time for the main attack. And both sides invariably made a huge gamble - a full blow to each other's heart.

In the command post of the National Guard’s Western Front, Paul preached to other generals in front of a huge map:

“Although the intentions of the main forces of our army and the Imperial Army are both obvious, the strategic goals we pursue are still different.

"The national conditions of Valois and the Empire are different. Our capital not only has a lofty symbolic status in the hearts of all citizens, but also actually concentrates most of the population and industrial output. It can be said that if the enemy invades Valois, We will no longer be able to resist a counterattack.

"Although the former Kingdom of Marin accounts for the majority of the population of the empire, its industrial areas are relatively scattered. Counting Byrne, there are at least three groups distributed. Even if we capture the imperial capital, resistance and counterattack can still be organized in the vast territory of the empire.

"So our actual mission should be to attack the imperial capital and force the main force of the imperial army on the western front to fight us decisively. We must eliminate as many effective forces as possible in the battle. In essence, we must destroy the Kingdom of Marin in the imperial system. The dominant ability, and forcing the main force of the Imperial Army's eastern front to return northward for reinforcements."

After speaking, he threw away the pencil, and what was left on the map were his deployment and thoughts. Now no one in the command post despises this rapidly rising boy. He is a spellcaster, but his greatest talent should be his keen strategic sense and strong execution ability.

Opponents only spoke cautiously: "Do the National Salvation Committee and the Military Committee agree with this deployment? If we continue to advance, will our flanks be exposed to the enemy?"

Paul patted the table: "Of course the two committees agree with the judgment from the front line. Valuauna's defense has begun to be organized. They already have experience in the first defense battle, and they must be able to buy us enough time.

"As for the flank issue, we are covered by the black forest to the east. At the same time, our army's movement direction is not directly north, but to the northeast with the imperial capital as the goal.

"There is no time to hesitate, gentlemen. If we retreat, all the main forces of the Imperial Army will surround our capital. Think about that scene, isn't it much worse than our current situation?

"Everyone, there is another very important question: the Republic can no longer support our army today! If we return to the mainland, millions of people will eat precious food reserves in Valuauna, and we are the only ones on the land of the Empire. Looking for supplies can give the poor logistics a breather. No matter what we consider, the pace of our attack can only be faster, and faster!”

In the command post, the kerosene lamp and the ball of light emitted by Pascal lit up the tent together, illuminating a series of different faces. They all stared at the young man.

Finally someone spoke: "I agree with General Paul." "I agree too.".

Of course, it is impossible for the National Salvation Committee to be unaware of the danger of the capital. The central port area has been closed and turned into a fortress in the north of Valuauna, and it has also begun to set up defense lines in the east. The beautiful hunting ground of the royal family has changed its appearance, with ravines and Layers of barbed wire are laid out here. The castle that used to belong to Charles has been transformed beyond recognition, and the largest caliber cannons are placed on it.

Compared with the tense atmosphere in the royal capital, the northeastern town of Bessan, which was nominally occupied by the imperial army, was surprisingly calm.

Slight traces of the battle were left at the foot of the city, and the city gate was blackened and broken by artillery fire, showing traces of the Imperial Army's arrival. While the city residents were panicking, the Imperial Army simply forced farmers and the city's granaries to open to them and disarm. After finishing, these invaders hurriedly left the city and continued to complete their pursuit of the National Guard.

Just when the residents of Bessan thought they could live in peace with the enemy blowing by like a gust of wind, a group of armed Bain people came again.

These people talked to the city manager about something, then exited the city, and then began to repair roads and move equipment into the mining area. A few days later, they actually recruited workers from the residents of Bessan City, exchanging food for labor.

Some people thought it was because they were supporting the enemy, while others actually had their food taken away by the imperial army and were forced to work for Byrne.

So the two sides were at peace for the time being. Even if the rich fled in a carriage, the Byrne people were completely laissez-faire.

The most injured person might be the original mine owner. He tried to encourage the nearby farmers to cause trouble in the mine, but unexpectedly two tall four-legged iron monsters jumped out of the mine area, scaring the mob away.

This is a microcosm of the enemy-occupied area in the northeast of Valois. Until one night, the first carriage from the direction of the Valois capital quietly entered the city.

Several people who were covered tightly got out of the carriage, and they did not take off their hoods until they were led to a mansion.

Both the visitors and the people who greeted them showed surprise.

"I didn't expect you to come in person, Mr. Maxime."

"I couldn't have predicted that we would meet here, Master Rorschach."

Rorschach waved his hand, and all the robes of the visitors were automatically untied and hung in the hallway. He led the representatives of Valois into a private space: "I should come. I am the only candidate to represent the Senate and Byrne at the same time, so there is no need to trouble others. In addition, my personal presence can also show my sincerity.

"Just you"

"I have decided to stay away from the center of power. Coming here is the last thing I do as a member of the National Salvation Committee, a thing that is not glorious in public opinion, but very important to the Republic." Maxime slowly followed Rorschach upstairs.

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