Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 521 Where does God live?

"The instrument has stabilized, and the speed of filling the buffer tank is decreasing. We survived and we succeeded!"

Cavendish used the last bit of panic to suppress his great excitement. After repeatedly confirming that all indicators had returned to normal values, he trembled and activated the transparency of the top shell again.

From then on, the starry sky that appeared in his eyes was no longer distorted and gorgeous.

It was even a little empty and desolate.

All the operations were repeated as they had been rehearsed. They carefully lowered the speed again, allowing the starship and the transmutation dust laminar flow to pass by, so as to absorb and fill the fuel of the engine, which was also the energy to maintain the operation of the complex system.

After the "dragonfly touching the water" was over, the storage tank reached 80% of the designed storage, and the starship returned to a stable orbit.

During the "touching water", they released several one-way communication balls to urgently report the safety of the starship. Some of these balls should be captured by the collector's transmission array, and then appear in the furnace together with the transmutation dust.

"Can we activate the gravity well?" This part of the equipment is the proud work of the Istani Tower of Time. Although the weightlessness state can be easily accepted by the caster, even high-level casters can temporarily transform themselves into the form of astral creatures like Kano, perfectly avoiding these problems.

But for the team and the personnel who may enter the astral world in the future, they need a gravity environment similar to that on the ground for many experimental studies, and the design of the starship ensures that as long as it can pass through the upper layer of the laminar surface, it can continuously absorb energy without worrying about magic. Therefore, the "gravity well" system is naturally loaded into the prototype starship.

The spell that plays a core role has also been used as combat magic, named [Earth Binding].

"Wait a minute." The female wizard stopped the proposal: "Before "Returning to Binding", why don't you experience the starry sky first?"

After Cavendish nodded, they untied the bindings with the seats one after another and slowly floated into the space of the cockpit. Everyone had the same feeling: although the size of the cockpit itself did not change, when they could move freely in all directions, the entire space became much larger.

The weightlessness training on the ground is to apply [levitation] to the trainees. They can still feel the difference. For example, if they move slightly now, their position and speed will change immediately.

Cavendish unconsciously floated towards the transparent top shell, carefully admired the starry sky, and then his eyes fell on the colorful "sea surface". They were all residents of the "seabed". Kano was the first to surface (according to historical records), and now they are the second wave.

Looking from top to bottom, the land and ocean are still visible, but they are stained with subtle gradient colors. At the edge of the spherical cover, you can vaguely see the "small bubbles" spliced ​​with the main material plane and squeezed into the same "bubble".

Are they some secondary planes or is the main material plane in a state of fragmentation?

Cavendish saw phenomena that were not recorded in ancient books and silently remembered them in his heart. When the starship is stable, they will definitely be analyzed clearly.

"Captain, it's time to turn on gravity." The team member reminded Cavendish and interrupted his observation. After the three were all fixed, Cavendish turned on the [Earth Binding] in the starship.

After the cabin has a stable environment, some of the oxygen obtained by electrolyzing water is injected into the cabin after selection by the [Air Filter Bubble]. The three then unfold the true form of the starship.

The magic power obtained by the engine is further diverted and injected into the pre-buried circuit on the inner wall. The space in the cabin begins to expand visibly. Then release the objects in the storage bags and storage boxes, and the "base" of the three in the starry sky is completed.

After doing all this, the second-level engine will return the magic power and reinvest it in propulsion. Cavendish can't rest yet. He has to play the role of the helmsman at this time, judge the direction according to the star map, and correct the course of the starship when necessary.

Soon he realized that this was not an easy task. The surface of the transmutation dust layer was not calm, and there were even many "reefs" and "small islands".

Most of the "reefs" were tiny stars that were originally going to fall to the earth. Some of them could be distorted and then penetrate the transmutation dust. Some were transformed by the mixed divine power into complex and tangled derivatives. Some were beautiful crystal clusters, and some were even like living tumors that kept growing and were constantly damaged by the transmutation dust. It seemed that their form depended on which divine power had the upper hand in the attack.

Others were the "large pieces of the kingdom of God" that Rorschach had seen many times. Some were corners of buildings, and some were like silhouettes of the kingdom of God, with light shining inside. These relatively complete fragments were not distributed so densely originally, but as the collector array expanded, all the large fragments affected by the vortex were gathering.

These seem to be more dangerous than transmutation dust. The space around them is illusory, like a breach in the normal world. It is very likely that you don't need to perform ritual magic like Kano to ascend to the symbolic world and the original layer through the "breach".

The past residence of the gods? The three of them only felt it at this point.

Too close to a large fragment. Cavendish held the control ball and tried to drive the starship to the source of danger.

Why can't we get rid of it? Is this fragment chasing us?

"What happened?" Caroline saw that Rorschach's originally relaxed expression suddenly became solemn, and realized that something was wrong.

"There is a familiar breath. It's not the mother goddess." Rorschach explained in advance for fear of misunderstanding. "When I discovered the border, I went to the 'Temple of Thoth', a suspected complete kingdom of God. There are also archangel-level beasts in it. Now there is a similar existence that seems to have reached the vortex."

"Thoth?" Of course Caroline knew what this god's name meant. She immediately said: "I will return as a spirit immediately, and then notify Master Kano and the others." She then held Rorschach's hand: "Before the support arrives, You don’t risk leaving the border.”

Rorschach was speechless. When Caroline's spirit body left, he shook his head: "If we sit here and do nothing, Cavendish and the others may die without a burial place."

His figure disappeared at the junction.

The fragments of the Kingdom of God that were constantly approaching the starship stopped, and something stood between it and the target.

A human figure protrudes from the surface of the laminar flow of transmutation dust. It is very blurry and constantly changing.

From the corner of the fragments of the Kingdom of God, a being walked out in an almost perfect male image. He was wearing a robe that was older than the old empire era. Facing the blocker, he said calmly: "You are now nine points similar to the one under the Invisible Temple." ”

After saying that, the man took another step forward. This time, there were no broken walls in the debris to block it, revealing his right hand holding the flaming sword.

Within the outline of the humanoid opposite Him, blue light inspired and swallowed up the transmutation dust, purified the miscellaneous divine power, and based on this, a clear face, body and mage robe were condensed.

Rorschach asked: "Who are you? Thoth? Or the archangel under whose seat?"

"The answers to the two questions are not mutually exclusive. In addition, the answer to the first question is the same sentence: I am Thoth, and Thoth is not me." After saying that, he bowed deeply to Rorschach.

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