Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 522: Coveting Luo Xia's body?

This god bowed to him as soon as he came? Rorschach was stunned, but he didn't feel any feedback.

Rorschach himself remembers the setting of a TV series about Sha Diao Xian Xia in his previous life. The superior immortal salutes the inferior immortal, and the person who receives the gift will be punished by heaven.

He raised his head and looked up at the sky. There was no change in the stars today. It was very good. This world would not give birth to the Ruozhi Immortal who bowed to hurt people.

"Have you guessed that the meeting between you and me is a promise from the highest heaven?" "Tot No. 2" saw Luo Xia looking at the sky and nodded slightly: "He is indeed a person recognized by our Lord."

No, can I say that I was just distracted? Rorschach forced his face to look as serious as possible. He nodded in response to the handsome man's bow, and then asked: "Your master? Does the great Thoth still have a master?"

"Actually, you should be able to guess who it is."

Lord of order? Rorschach just thought together, but the other party immediately shook his head, as if to indicate to Rorschach not to say these syllables.

"You must be wondering why I want to chase the ship that breaks the world." Obviously, the ship that breaks the world refers to the starship. At this time, Toth also looked past Rorschach's tail flames following it: "One My Lord and I are very interested in it. Your intelligent creations always surprise us, just as they did long ago.

"Secondly, this place is really dangerous. It's okay if the Archmage is roaming. They shouldn't be patrolling here."

"We have solved the danger of transmutation dust. Is there any other threat? Huge fragments of the Kingdom of God?" Rorschach also realized this. These large fragments are like rocks and glaciers. The most important thing is that there may be residues inside. It represents the order of the Kingdom of God in the past.

The starship's protection is mainly against miscellaneous divine power, that is, power without characteristics. If it mistakenly enters a field with strange rules or a strong aura, there is a question mark as to whether the starship can withstand the test.

"Not only that. In this space, just like where I stand, there are many cracks beyond common sense, leading to unimaginable areas."

The more He said this, the more interested Rorschach became: "Referring to the symbolic realm? The original level? That is our goal."

"In the past, such behavior was the most serious transgression. Snooping should only belong to the authority and domain of the gods. But now, it is not trivial. However, I want to remind you that the world is a closed loop.

"I am not talking about the spatial structure of the material world, but the entire symbolic order. Everything has a beginning and an end. They originate from one and will eventually return to one. Similarly, the highest heaven also has its counterpoint. You have Call it 'hell' or 'netherworld'. These are not important. The important thing is that it belongs to the symbolic meaning of under the earth and corresponds to the high heaven."

"And it belongs to the Earth Mother, right?"

The handsome man holding the flaming sword recognized Rorschach's intuition, but looking at the slight change in his expression, he seemed to be a little dissatisfied with Rorschach calling the mother goddess by her name:

"We are still not sure which cracks lead to the 'Netherworld'. With our Lord's efforts, we can even say that we have isolated all obvious channels. However, your ship is patrolling over and over again, and the laminar flow is blocked by the maelstrom. Disturbed, potentially dangerous rifts become unpredictable."

Rorschach did not expect that this was a "traffic policeman" who wanted to detain the starship for dangerous driving. However, he was patiently communicating with him. Rorschach asked tentatively: "Is there no other way to avoid it? I can't stop it." Others on the ground continue to explore toward the stars.”

The handsome man looked happy, as if he was waiting for Rorschach's words: "Yes. We can make a deal."

Why do I feel like I've been tricked? Could it be that I was His target from the beginning?

At this time, the man who calls himself Thoth seems to be a little younger. Although they are both in the star realm, his hair is windless and there are two strands of blond hair sticking up behind his ears, like small wings. The flaming sword in his hand was extinguished, and what was revealed was actually a cane entwined with two snakes.

He raised the double snake staff: "Although I am Thoth, another god is better known. As the protector of travelers, the protector of tricks and magic, I can make a deal with you and grant all A spellcaster traveling in the astral world for protection.

"And you, Rorschach, your body is very good."

He was smiling, and his eyes as young as Rorschach looked up and down at the transaction object.

Inside the starship that has sailed far away.

"Is it a coincidence that the big piece stopped?" Cavendish wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

He repeatedly checked his surroundings and finally breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that it was just a false alarm. Cavendish, who had no idea about Rorschach's appearance, rubbed his eyes: "Who will switch shifts with me?"

"Isn't it enough to follow the predetermined track?" The team members still didn't understand, but as soon as the words fell, the starship immediately staggered. It was the violent fluctuations of the transmutation laminar flow that seemed to overturn them. Cavendish, who did not relax for long, immediately returned to the driving seat to look at the situation outside the transparent top case.

so close!

The huge derivatives passed them by, and it happened to be the fluctuation of the transmutation dust, allowing them to avoid the source of danger without any maneuverability.

"Then let me drive. Captain, please take a rest." The team members immediately understood that this was not the time to be careless.

"No, we have to communicate with the ground station and ask them to add a few more crew members in the future, otherwise we will have to concentrate on driving."

They did not know that they had received blessings from the gods, and the starship continued to float in orbit, above the layer of transmutation dust.

The day after "launch day".

The news of human creations soaring into the sky instantly occupied the headlines of Valois and Imperial newspapers, especially the newspapers issued by the Empire. Even because the pages were squeezed by the news of the launch, no information related to the "Battle of the Rhine River" could be seen.

Strictly speaking, the battle was not completely over. The Imperial Army, whose strategic plan was severely frustrated, awakened the turtle blood again. Each of them took out the engineer shovel issued and began to build trenches beautifully.

However, this time the Eastern Front Army built trenches no longer for the idea of ​​defensive counterattack, but to cover the orderly retreat of the main force and prevent the main force of the Republic from going north. The retreating main force will move to the vicinity of the capital of the Empire at the fastest speed to participate in the pursuit and interception of the "Republic Uppercut".

The Western Front Army of the National Guard was this uppercut, and under the leadership of Paul, the kid from Gassicogne, it came to the closest time to KO the Empire.

On the other hand, the "Holy Alliance" that had almost been forgotten and invaded the southern part of the Valois Republic achieved some minor results, and then found that the big brother in the north seemed to be running away, and the attention of General Garisha, the "Iron Wall of the Republic", returned to the south.

This embarrassed the coalition forces that were still "recovering" the glory of the gods in a large region. They all knew that without the restraint of the big brother of the empire, they would never be able to fight the National Guard on their own.

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