Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 523 Historical Mission

Information that the National Guard was dividing its forces and heading south again was gradually grasped by the coalition forces.

"We retreat now, there is still room to turn around. We can withstand the Valois in the north by relying on the mountains." The military attache of the Vinaya Republic has already begun to retreat: "Winaya will never hesitate until the last moment before bankruptcy. Liquidated by the enemy."

"Bankruptcy? This is not business!" The general of the Kingdom of Sardinia slammed the table angrily: "From the moment we stepped into the land of Valois, we had no way out!"

"That's you, country bumpkins." At this time, the military attache of Vinaya showed his businessman's face: "We hold a large amount of Valois bonds and can continue to lend them money in the past, present and future. The Valois people now have everything. lack.

"As long as we are willing, we can reconcile with the northern republic at any time. It will only cost some profits, but compared to offending them and compensating the pensions of the war dead, this is a cost-effective deal."

Opinions within the "Holy Alliance" are extremely inconsistent. This is normal. There are religious armed forces driven out by the Republic in the coalition army, as well as armies from various southern countries.

The southern countries also have their own thoughts. One group is represented by Venaya, a merchant city-state with rich and powerful trade, and the other group is a filial state represented by the Kingdom of Sardin, which is united near the Holy See of the Church of Order and Light.

It is questionable how filial he is. Anyway, Valois, who was originally the filial son of the largest order leader and was named Saint, turned his back on God. The Pope thought about it and felt that the church still had some wealth, so he used it to gather more than a dozen divisions, thus achieving the greatest unification of the coalition forces: the soldiers wore the same uniforms.

The rest is all disagreement.

Several clergymen walked into the joint command post. They nodded to the commanding generals, and then read out the resolution of the Cardinal Court: "Please prepare all the coalition forces for war and prepare to attack Anion."

This is the only resolution that everyone has no objection to.

Anion, a religious shrine in the south of Valois, was unfortunately occupied by heretics.

When the Republic, with the support of the Master, began to inventory the church's property, replenish the poor treasury, and confiscate the land under the church's name, various new political affairs caused dissatisfaction among many people in the south of the Republic. Compared with the more open and progressive north, they were still not lost. On the road to abandoning God.

When the coalition forces entered the territory of Valois, they were surprised to see believers in the Republic rising up and launching a rebellion against Valois centered on the holy land of Anion.

However, the coalition forces and the Church of Order headquarters in the Eternal City soon discovered something was wrong. The "Kingdom of God on Earth" established by these devout believers refused to allow military access to the coalition forces, and even directly kicked out the bishop who came to persuade them. Before the National Guard turned its spearhead to resist the Imperial Army, it also turned a blind eye to the "Agnion separatist forces".

The final evidence that these people were heretics was that the local believers began to preach about the corruption of the church, claiming that the pope was already on his deathbed and had completely become a puppet of the cardinals. The most serious thing was to reveal the secret of why the monastery boys farted silently.

They began to break away from the church and elected a living saint of Anion as the "true pope in accordance with the will of God."

From the accusations made by this group of heretics against the church, we know that it is their own people who are causing trouble. Finally, the cardinal group identified the suspect behind the "Anion Pseudo Curia" as the former Cardinal Archbishop of Valouana and Prime Minister of the Kingdom Duplesi. .

This strong contender for the next pope and the most powerful benefactor of this era has disappeared from the public eye since the Christian martyrdom, but other bishops know that this equal to the Archmage will never end his life here. . The miracles performed in Anion and the recognition as a living saint may also have been Du Plessis's work.

The "pseudo Pope" is thus placed between the coalition forces and the rest of Valois. Today, the Cardinals have finally made up their mind to declare that all those who obey the orders of the "pseudo pope" in Anion are heretical enemies and must be destroyed by the coalition forces. Destroy with all your strength.

Anion, the newly formed Holy See has a guest.

"I didn't expect you to arrive so quickly without taking an airship, General Galisha."

"I have long admired your name, Lord Duplesi. When you were in charge of the kingdom, I was just a nobody. Now that we have a vehicle called a gas car, it would be faster if it didn't take time to repair the roads."

The former cardinal changed his expression slightly: "The past cannot be mentioned again. I forget it. Now that the National Guard has arrived, my mission and Anion's mission are over."

"No, the new vehicles are limited, and the pressure from the empire is still there. We can't allocate more troops to deal with the reinforcements, so I hope you can let the emperor issue an order to let your armed forces participate in the battle. middle."

After the general made his request, he immediately submitted a secret letter from the National Salvation Committee and briefly explained:

"The committee and the National Assembly have recognized that we have made many mistakes in dealing with religion, and that we have been too rough in the implementation process. Some commissioners have even colluded with spellcasters to loot the property of believers.

"In the future, we will reflect on our mistakes and respect the people's freedom to believe in order and light. We hope that the Holy See of Anion can cooperate with the work of the committee."

Du Plessis shook his head: "I won't read these. Regarding the secret letter. Anyone who trusts the new Holy See, even the most devout believers, can clearly realize that they are first and foremost a Valois and will not Generations of homes were surrendered to invaders.”

In fact, he wanted to ask, in addition to reflection, is there any awareness to correct and make up for mistakes? But then the former cardinal thought about it, and asking this question now only served to embarrass the general in front of him, and had no other effect.

Galixia saluted Duplessi solemnly: "I feel relieved with your words."

In mid-December, the "Holy Recital" was approaching, but even near Agnion, where the religious atmosphere of Valois was the strongest, there was not much festive atmosphere, because everyone could feel that a war would come here like a storm.

The Eternal City would never allow the pseudo-pope of Agnion to safely spend the most solemn festival of the Church of Order and Light with his followers. Whether the coalition forces advance or retreat in the future, they should help the church produce this bunch of heresy.

Both the new church's crusades and the southern coalition forces began to send scout cavalry to each other and mobilize and assemble paladins.

On a high ground in the south of Valois, Rorschach, who counted several scouts, took out a map and murmured, "This is the most likely battlefield. I don't know how big the scale of this battle is. Both sides are generations behind the regular army in terms of skills, tactics and equipment. The only highlight may be a civil war between the Paladins?"

Both the orthodox and the heretical Paladins can receive God's blessing. This made Rorschach suspect that the Lord of Order also has the attribute of a fun person.

He took out a dull bead, and the content of the transaction in the astral world a few days ago was still fresh in his mind:

"A large-scale battle is about to take place in the south of Valois. You have to use this opportunity to revive 'Baran Tott'.

"And, just like you used the transmutation dust to shape your body, provide a nearly perfect body for the resurrected Him. "

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