Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 524 Dionysus Worship

Rorschach stroked the Balan Pearl, but the spirit contained in it did not respond.

Although Rorschach had made a deal with Balan, promising to help him revive in the future and help him escape from his current half-dead state. However, in the later stage of the Shadow City incident, the excessive activity of the pearl aroused Rorschach's vigilance, and out of caution, he placed layers of seals on it.

If Balan was in a complete state, the verbal agreement between Rorschach and him would certainly be "set in stone", but it was a pity that it was just a bead that still relied on Rorschach for energy. If another Thoth did not appear, it might have been covered in dust.

At this time, the man and the bead came to the area where Valois and the southern countries met, at the edge of the area controlled by the "Agnion Church". In the distance, you can see the mountains extending from the north of the Apennine Mountains, and in the near distance is a slightly flat valley.

Rorschach's shallow military knowledge, the limited predictions of the Balan Pearl, and the signs of the activities of the scouts of both sides all indicate that the war will take place here.

The winter in the south of Valois is not cold. It is still green everywhere. There used to be a city in such a wilderness, but it has been destroyed in history and buried deep underground. The nearby settlements are just scattered villages. In Rorschach's enhanced vision, he can see that knights have appeared around the villages at this time.

Have to speed up

The wizard walked from the highlands to the plains and gradually walked into a low forest composed of shrubs. He raised his hand, and the blue energy spread out. Borrowing the [Natural Affinity] deduced from the Tree of Law, Rorschach opened the ruins covered by grass, trees, earth and stones.

The remains of the marble building and the lime powder left on the earth wall roughly outlined the scale of the former building. Apart from this, there was no text to identify, and there was no magic reaction that could arouse Rorschach's [Arcane Vision] reaction. If it weren't for the guidance of "Beautiful Boy Thoth", Rorschach would not have found that this area was wrong, and he would not have come here at all!

"Beautiful Boy Thoth", from His image and style of doing things, Rorschach identified Him as "Hercules" in his heart. He once told Rorschach in the starry sky:

"As long as you have a little understanding of mythology, you will know the existence of the 'God system'.

"The powerful gods of the God system are the main gods, and the weak gods or descendants around him are the subordinate gods. Even today, the relationship between my Lord and the archangels is essentially a derivative of the main god-subordinate god system.

"The Mother Earth Goddess also has subordinate gods. In fact, in the ancient 'Dana' of Istani and many barbarian gods in the north of the continent, they are considered to be the gods developed with him as the core. In the era of gods before the old empire, the faith in this land had undergone major changes.

"The symbol is the rise of the god of wine. It was not until he brought destruction to the southern city-states that he was discovered to be the subordinate god of the Mother Earth Goddess. "

A mellow and magical power centered on Rorschach spread out, washing the ruins half buried underground. Although it was a valley, it should have been the highest point in the area in the distant past. The place where Rorschach was led to was an artificial garden for worshiping the god of wine, built on the top of the mountain.

A huge wine glass responded to Rorschach's induction.

It was entangled by countless roots, revealing the green color of the bronze after it was completely rusted, but the patterns on it were clearly visible. Rorschach pulled it out from the air, and the seemingly extremely rotten structure of the Holy Grail was actually not damaged at all. Once exposed to the air, it immediately exuded an intoxicating sweet fragrance.

"He will confuse people and corrupt their will and minds, but can reward people with the impulse to create and reproduce, bringing joy and absurdity.

"The king who first discovered the danger of Dionysus was a powerful benefactor. Dionysus transformed into a young man and wanted to enter the city-state, but was discovered and rejected by the king. The young man held a banquet on the top of a mountain near the city-state, attracting believers with fine wine, singing and joyful laughter.

"The king's people were attracted, and even the king's mother and concubines went to the banquet and had fun with Dionysus all day long.

"The angry king tried to stop people from believing in Dionysus with laws and violence, but the god easily bewitched the king's mother and concubines, making the two ladies laugh and kill the ruler with the dagger given by Dionysus.

"Many years ago, at the end of the era of gods and city-states, the worship of Dionysus arose and spread like a plague, and the infected city-states quickly weakened. And when the old empire was at its most prosperous and wealthy, the nobles indulged in excessive banquets, which laid the seeds for collapse, all of which were influenced by him. "

According to Hercules' instructions, Rorschach gave the Balan Pearl the most generous charge. All the surrounding magic power was drawn into the small bead by him, and it immediately began to stir.

The huge wine glass also sensed the migration of magic power. It also began to tremble, shaking off the rust on the surface, revealing a nearly golden luster.

The aroma of the wine became more and more intense.

The bombardment and gunshots announced the start of the war. The coalition forces were not short of money, and compared to Anion's "Church Guards", they had much more ammunition. Unfortunately, the coalition forces were not dispatched in a unified manner, and the commanders of each unit had different , unwilling to let their army rush to the front.

The Sardinian army, which was the strongest and contributed the most in the coalition, was the victim.

With them leading the charge, the coalition slowly moved to the bottom of the valley. They had to pass here and take the target high ground to pose an effective threat to Agnion.

At this time, the enemy was already standing on the target high ground, and they also had flags flying, with the Paladins leading the charge. The Vinaya people bombarded fiercely with the cannons they bought, but the accuracy was worrying, and not even a flag fell on the enemy's position.

"Did the artillerymen of the Southern Allied Forces drink fake wine?" Rorschach, who was "archaeological" in the center of the valley, was amused by the accuracy of the cannon. He was nervously preparing the ritual to activate the beads and the sacrificial wine cup, but now he had to devote his energy to blocking the cannonballs falling on his head.

This little episode did not cause much impact. Rorschach continued to follow Hercules' instructions and put the fully charged Balan Pearl into the wine cup.

Then, he took out the tightly wrapped "package" from the storage ring. The layers of ether membrane contained transmutation dust, which was not harmless energy crystals after passivation, but raw goods rich in divine power.

After removing the seal, Rorschach carefully put the transmutation dust into the wine cup. The original solid powder melted instantly, like boiling hot oil. The poor beads rolled violently inside, but the wine cup was still intact, and the luster even became brighter, showing its extraordinaryness.

The Dionysus, which had reached its maximum activity, began to affect the battlefield. Rorschach did not stop it or try to purify it, as it was part of the ritual.

Seeing that the invading enemy had begun to move, the paladins of the Agnion Church also began to move. Behind them, countless priests began to sing songs praising God, and the scented oil that had been applied long ago began to evaporate. As the ceremony was completed, everyone was covered with a faint golden light.

The reason why these paladins dared to abandon the Eternal City and follow the Agnion Church was simple:

After the Seraphim persecution, many paladins in Valois lost their power and God's blessing. They prayed in fear, practiced atonement, and went to the Eternal City to meet the saint, but the above efforts could not restore God's grace. Just when they were desperate, a living saint appeared in Agnion, and all the paladins who were enlightened and guided by him restored their glory.

Although the restored power was far inferior to that before the persecution, such a miracle was enough for the paladins to follow the new Church and support the new seat.

"Brothers, our personal experiences have proved that the Eternal City and even the entire church are corrupt! Now we will fight against the brothers from the southern countries of the continent. No matter which side sacrifices, it is to make the other brothers and believers wake up!"

The leader of the Paladin encouraged all members and gave an order to dive from the high ground and accelerate.

Both sides plunged into the valley bottom that exuded a rich sweet fragrance.

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