Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 526: No distractions in mind, draw the sword and become a natural god

Letting a false god resurrect at will make Rorschach seem like a casual man? What really reassured him was Hercules' statement:

Balaam will fight for the remnants of the god of wine to resurrect himself, first to restore a "Thoth", and second to completely eliminate the hidden dangers left by the god of wine Dionysus.

If successful, it will be a two-birds-with-one-stone, and everyone will be happy. If failed

"I will give you the caduceus, Rorschach. If the god of wine wins, let him completely occupy the body you built with divine power, and then kill him in one fell swoop, and eliminate the trouble forever." As for what will happen to Balan Thoth, Hercules didn't seem to have considered it at all.

Leading the paladins to this place was also expected that they would start praying and exorcising evil spirits, and draw the power of the Lord of Light and Order to descend on the main material plane to suppress the god of wine who might take the opportunity to revive.

Rorschach was moved by Hercules' perfect plan and sincere attitude. At least now he is helping mankind according to the will of the Lord of Light and Order, and it is definitely not because he took someone else's caduceus.

It feels light and is finely crafted. When Rorschach holds the willow branch staff, the warm and resilient surface feels great. The two snakes on it are lifelike, and there are gathered feathers on the head of the staff.

Just holding it, Rorschach's body becomes lighter, and his perception of the magic power of the environment reaches a new level.

The paladin has been praying and moving forward, and has touched the edge of the ruins of the altar on the top of the mountain. Rorschach and Hercules need these tools to guide the power of light, but they can't let them interrupt the ceremony now.

Rorschach hid aside and waved the double snake staff, and all the paladins entered the dream. They still kept moving forward, but they had closed their eyes. Some couldn't keep their balance and fell straight down, but they would never wake up.

This is a strong hypnosis. The magic power from the double snake staff made them fall into a dream that they couldn't wake up on their own. The so-called paladin, as long as it didn't reach the level of a living saint, was just a mortal in the final analysis. If Rorschach had evil thoughts, he could make these warriors sleep forever.

Rorschach waved his staff again and drew a circle in the air. The dreams of all the sleeping people were linked together and he could see them.

The scene of all the paladins in the dream was still on the mountain. The mountain itself was also an echo of history and a projection of legend, running through the ocean of reality and unconsciousness. Rorschach suddenly received a short message from Hercules:

"Find a way to support the Lord's warriors and destroy the residual image of the god of wine in the dream. The Lord of Order has locked this place, and the real world is fine for the time being."

After Hercules finished speaking, Rorschach realized that the sun had reached noon without knowing when. All the paladins were sleeping soundly in the golden light, and the soldiers who came up were struggling to find good wine and beauty, but they only saw strange wine glasses and people whose faces could not be seen clearly.

He was muscular, which made others admire him, but they could not have the slightest obscene intention.

Rorschach's clone had been erased of the characteristics associated with the original body at this time. It almost gathered all the perfect elements of the concept of "human beings". It can be said to be the original of "human beings", an intelligent creature.

[Axiom Creation], Rorschach did not mean to do it, but he completed a spell that only existed in theory. The form it created has the preliminary foundation to carry the gods.

For the soldiers, they saw that vague, perfect and sacred person, and subtle jealousy, inferiority and other emotions were aroused, and they unconsciously pointed their guns at this target.

But soon, the sunlight strengthened again, and the soldiers who climbed to the top of the mountain were blinded by the light.

Rorschach saw that the situation in the real world really did not need him, so he turned his attention to the window of the dream. He raised the double snake staff, first the wings on the staff head spread out, and the power in it became stronger. He then imitated Hercules' "prank" on himself: using the blazing fire to give the staff a "flaming sword skin"

The paladins were unaware of their real situation, and only felt that their bodies were particularly warm.

Then a horrifying scene appeared in the woods: a young man with wet hair, without decent clothes, was beating an old man like a beast.

He beat him for a while, smashed the wine jar, and used the sharp pottery shards to hit the old man's belly.

"Don't look at it anymore." A gentle reminder sounded, but there was no way to refuse, so all the paladins closed their eyes.

The gentle voice continued: "This is the god of wine devouring the god of dreams. Before the old empire, when the glory of the Lord of Order did not shine widely, there were many primitive and bloody gods."

The leader found that he could open his eyes, and quickly grasped the cross sword to take a fighting posture, and then saw a young man in a white robe holding a flaming sword between the god of wine and himself.

"Who are you?"

".I am the angel of the Lord, the Cherubim." Rorschach recalled the beast he saw in the Temple of Thoth, and casually borrowed the name to fool him.

"No, you are talking nonsense, claiming to be the messenger of the Lord to deceive us." All the paladins were extremely nervous. They knew that the young man in front of them must be very powerful, but they could not judge the true face of the person who came. For almost all contemporary paladins, they have never seen a human-shaped angel that can communicate.

So the leader said slowly: "You must be a demon, a demon."

Rorschach's backstage reminder from Hercules rang in his ears again, and he immediately put on a serious expression: "Lidthorpe, repent! There are good and evil in the world, there are angels of the Lord, and there are demons, but you can't easily make a conclusion? Lidthorpe, you have to be alert, there is arrogance hidden under the packaging of vigilance"

All the paladins were convinced and accepted Rorschach's temporary cosplay, because what he just said was very consistent with the setting, and everyone said: That's it!

"Please forgive me. All vigilance is to be responsible for the brothers I lead. We are always pious to the Lord and the Lord's angels." The leader was still vigilant and did not easily accept the "angel" statement of unknown origin. He just cooperated temporarily due to the current situation, just like the paladins on the other side.

Rorschach accepted the other party's apology, and he began to instruct the members of the Paladin Order: "We have to kill an old god and block the possibility of him slipping away from the dream."

Wine and blurred states, absurd dreams have been entangled since ancient times. Rorschach thought that the old man who was being devoured by the god of wine was Balan at first, and was shocked, but through analysis he was sure that the one who was killed was not the cunning old prophet, but the god of dreams.

It is not known whether the god of wine here is the only one or a clone. Obviously, He intends to obtain more energy by swallowing the residue of another era, so as to win the resurrection match with the god of deception.

Of course, neither Hercules nor Rorschach would allow the dream world to have any more powerful gods.

He waved the fire sword transformed by the double snake staff, and the spirit of the paladins was immediately shaken - this was the Lord's blessing! And it was extremely clear and strong, which made them surrender completely.

The members of the knights of the two places rushed to the devouring site without hesitation.

In response to the aggressive ritual destroyers, another manifestation of the power of Dionysus appeared in the forest: female tree spirits emerged one after another and fought fiercely with the paladins.

These elves are another manifestation of the power of Dionysus, and also imply His connection with the Mother Earth. Their faces are so beautiful that they make people trance, and their laughter with hiccups is cute and lovely. Unfortunately, these tree spirits are facing religious berserkers, who can only swing their swords fiercely and give the enemy a fatal blow absolutely fairly.

Rorschach was slightly surprised by the firm will of these paladins. After all, they were dreaming, and their desires were not magnified.

The unusual movement caused Dionysus to stop his "meal". He stared directly at the strongest interferer, Rorschach, and blood as bright as wine dripped from between his teeth and lips.

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