Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 527 Director of the God Reemployment Office

Sure enough, he found me. Rorschach had expected that assisting the Paladin against the enemy would eventually lead to him being the main fighter. Rather than assisting the Paladin, it would be better to say that he was assisting Balan.

In the dream, many powerful spells could not be used. For example, all his spells that could ban magic would break this dream, and then the church would be happy to get a group of vegetative people.

Rorschach chose to trust the double snake staff in his hand. He waved the flaming sword, and the sword body that looked only about one meter suddenly turned into a 40-meter long sword, because the user actually activated the [Melting Ray].

The power and status of the spells released by the double snake staff were amazingly improved. The flames spewed out angrily from the two snakes' big mouths. At this time, the staff had changed completely. Rorschach's vision could see the essence through the "Sword of Fire" appearance. The double snakes' wings were fully spread, and the staff body made of willow branches also shone with a metallic luster.

Such flames directly made the mountain top in the dream extremely hot and dry. Wherever they passed, it was not an ordinary burning process, but a direct reproduction of the nature of burning that Rorschach understood:

Everything that can be oxidized was oxidized in a violent reaction chain, and it was very thorough.

The face of the god of wine changed drastically, because all the fragrance of the fine wine turned into a burnt smell that made the nose feel dry, and finally nothing was left, because the essence of wine, the soul of grain and fruit that He understood - alcohol and other aromatic substances were all turned into carbon dioxide and water vapor in Rorschach's attack.

The paladins who had eliminated most of the tree spirits were in awe. They finally believed that the young man in white robes was a messenger sent by God to help them break the evil spirits. Obviously, the attack just now could only be the Lord's anger, which could eliminate the domain of another god.

Originally, the god of wine had a good plan. Even if the backdoor listing failed, He could still escape through the dream world, and even find the declining dream god as his tonic.

Now the plan has failed, but Dionysus is a wild and unruly character. Even without Rorschach's participation, it is unknown how many plans can succeed and how many will be changed at will.

Now the "angry" Dionysus begins to show his new power. He wipes his lips, and the dream suddenly becomes bizarre. It is better to say that this is the true nature of the unconscious area, constantly jumping out, and various things interact with each other in unreasonable relationships.

If it continues, the common dream will be broken, and the consciousness of these paladins will be scattered in various fragments and difficult to find.

Rorschach does not indulge him. When the dream shows signs of dispersion and collapse, it is immediately stopped and restored. Whether it is [Reversal Ray] or subsequent use of fields, Rorschach has been accustomed to "using magic to lay out his own reality", and now the blessing of the double snake staff in the dream is even easier.

After testing the control of the dream and pulling and wrestling for several rounds, Dionysus showed a confused expression. He couldn't understand where this person came from. He obviously had no divine power, but could freely use Hercules' double snake staff.

He wanted to seduce the other party with his singing, but the super annoying and noisy prayer to the Lord of Order could suppress the singing. He wanted to invite Rorschach to taste the most beautiful wine, but what he got was another [Melting Ray], which evaporated the nectar without a trace.

Finally, the unbearable Dionysus went completely crazy. He tried to curse and tried to eat Rorschach directly. The state of Dionysus had changed from being slightly tipsy to having a red face. He was a complete drunkard.

In the end, it was the victory of reason and order. Dionysus was judged in the fire and completed the last dance painfully.

The most dangerous moment was the remains of Dionysus. After being roasted, it exuded a strange and extremely tempting aroma. Even the Paladin could not resist the temptation and almost shared it.

So Rorschach lifted the common dream and hypnosis.

In the real world, the sunlight reached its peak, and it seemed to be focused. Under its shining, the big wine glass began to melt.

Now it is Balan who has the upper hand in the resurrection match. At this point, it is not difficult to judge that the god of wine in the dream is only a part of his power, but the actions of Rorschach and the Paladin are tantamount to cutting off his power, allowing the God of Trick to overwhelm him.

In the rich golden sunlight, the outline of Hercules is outlined, and he gently shook his head: "Mistake. I didn't expect you to be so powerful with the double snake staff."

"Isn't this a good thing?"

The strong light is like overexposure, and the expression of Hercules' phantom cannot be seen clearly. Only his tone can be heard to be a little embarrassed:

"The original Lord meant to let the paladins of Valois and the Eternal City fall into crisis, and learn to trust and understand each other again, so that it can become the starting point and foundation for bridging Agnion and the City of Eternal Scar in the future."

Now that there is no crisis at all for them, it is Hercules' strategic mistake: he neither correctly evaluated Rorschach's strength under the blessing of the double snake staff, nor communicated the script well.

It's tiring to be the director of the re-employment office for you, can you stop being picky? Rorschach really wanted to say it, but when he held the double snake staff, he felt relieved.

The winner was decided, and the body of [Axiom Creation] was once again baptized by the power of the god of wine and the god of deception, and finally completed the sealing. As soon as he opened his eyes, Rorschach could be sure that it was Balaam who had revived.

The young Balaam waved to the forest, and a donkey came out. He rode on it sideways with familiarity.

He nodded to Rorschach first: "Even if you didn't do it voluntarily, I still want to thank you for helping me restore a body that can match the gods."

After that, Balaam said to Hercules: "As for you, I can only promise you that I will never stand on the wrong side again!"

The God of Tricks just snapped his fingers, and the mountain that rose from the historical echoes suddenly returned to the bottom of the valley today. Whether it was the Paladins or the coalition forces of the southern countries, they all looked confused, as if they had just woken up from a dream.

What woke them up was the music that resounded between heaven and earth. The young man Balan held the same small violin as Freddy and plucked the strings, but it produced the complex sounds of various instruments.

The song had a brisk rhythm, and the notes gradually became heavier, which made everyone's heads excited again.

At the same time, the National Guard Southern Army's returning troops also arrived. They also heard the fierce music that had no source but was everywhere, and it could even be said to be noise, which made the new soldiers on the battlefield feel extremely strange.

The young man Balan continued to ignore it and played on the high ground for three days and three nights. He became the composer of the battle and witnessed how the army with a generation gap defeated the mob, especially under the premise that the Paladins had all withdrawn from the battle.

Hercules' shadow conveyed the last message to Balan: "After the defeat of the southern countries, you must support and assist the Kingdom of Sardinia.

"The Lord foresees that the revival of Mother Earth will eventually be unstoppable.

"You must let the Kingdom of Sardinia complete the unification of the southern countries as soon as possible, deal with the next crisis, and only maintain the response between each city-state.

"Dryaz has promised my Lord to guard Istani, and you, as the second god who revived in the Silent Age and walked in the same plane as the Lord, my Lord will ask you to escort the unified Kingdom of Sardinia."

"What about other places on the continent?"

Hercules was silent for a moment: "Their fate may be different, and they no longer need the gods to watch over them. "

After saying this, Hercules' phantom dissipated. Time was running out for him, and he needed to return to the astral world to "wait and see" for the guy who stole the Double Snake Staff.

Did I say to lend it to him or give it to him? Hercules Thoth actually doubted for a moment whether he had not communicated with others for too long and made some mistakes.

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