Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 535 Winter Buds

The fire tries to consume everything, buildings, intruders, defenders.

"Turtle" Hench watched it all from a North Shore tower. He threw the binoculars aside and angrily grabbed the collar of the man next to him.

Except for himself, no one could have foreseen that Hench would punch Iltsov, the supreme commander of the garrison. This punch was really strong. Iltsov's cheeks were flabby due to old age. Now they are fully deformed and Along with the blood and water, Hench's strength was shown.

The above happened in an instant. No one saw the expression of General Iltsov when he was beaten. By the time the guards and other commanders pulled the furious Hench away, the old general's expression had returned to a calm look. He He just took out the silk scarf he used to clean his sword and used it temporarily to wipe away the blood.

"Major General Hench, I must declare that when I thought of the Scorched Earth City plan, you agreed. In fact, we all have a consensus that even if we retreat, we cannot leave anything for the Valois people."

"You also know it's time to retreat!" Hengqi kicked him hard again, but unfortunately the target was not within the attack range. He asked angrily: "Then why is the NA area already on fire? Huh?"

"Retreat? What retreat? I can only see that we have the ability to ignite the whole city, that a large number of Valois people have entered the south bank, and that our responsibility is to stop the rampaging National Guard's Eastern Front. So who is thinking about it at this time? Retreating is a serious dereliction of duty. We should consider the current situation and use all conditions and opportunities to destroy the enemy."

"Then you should also consider the people there! Yesterday, you gave the order to evacuate the front line, send troops to the docks and bridges, and restrict residents on the south bank from leaving! Do you want His Majesty's people to be buried with the Valois people? From the West Reinforcements for the line are coming soon, why can’t we wait a little longer?”

"Wait? Do you really trust the reinforcements that much? I have decades of experience in the army saying that a good commander will always assume that the reinforcements will not arrive! As for the idea of ​​being buried with others, it is even more ridiculous. Hengqi, your sense of honor and awareness are gone. Where are they? Those people clearly died for the entire empire."

"You fart! Bastard! You damn old man!" Hench yelled, "You call this sacrifice? I want to explain the situation to His Majesty the Emperor!"

"Emperor? Okay, we can report to the emperor."

During the quarrel between the two commanders, the fire became more fierce. The fire itself is not immortal, but the entire south bank of the city is filled with strange and dangerous ashes. Anyone who touches the ashes will release huge temperatures and ignite everything arbitrarily.

On the streets, many people were wailing and rolling in pain. They were wrapped in blazing fireworks and it was naturally impossible to tell who was a Valois and who was an Imperial. Their facial features were melted and carbonized.

"This is a large-scale magic or divine art! Damn it, the empire actually used such a method. Do you want the people on the south coast to die with us?" Seeing a large number of vanguards and all the machines being swallowed by the fire, the frontline command post was in chaos.

Paul shouted to Pascal: "Gather all the spell casters and divide them into two teams. You lead a team to organize collective spell casting. Whether it's wind or rain, find a way to put out the fire!"

"Where's another team?"

"I'll lead the way to find the empire's magic-forbidden devices and restart them! How can ashes float first and then catch fire? Stop these shenanigans immediately."

"You are confused. Almost all the exposed devices have been destroyed by us."

"Then what else can we do? This battle shouldn't have happened in the first place!" Paul slammed the table, and then forced himself to calmly think about other countermeasures.

The abnormal fire burned for a day and a night. During this period, the National Guard rushed into the south bank of the city, and then the National Guard, which was severely damaged, fought along the river bank with the Imperial Army defenders who were dispatched.

The vanguard of the National Guard was caught in the fire at this time and had no way to return. Fortunately, the Imperial Army crossed the river and gave the remaining troops outside the city time to react. Otherwise, Paul would not have the chance to lead the elite to rescue the remaining main force.

"It's strange. It is said that Major General Oogway is a stupid guy, so why would he take the initiative to attack? Is the intelligence wrong?" Pascal was sweating coldly when he tried to get close to the city to put out the fire and was almost captured.

"That's why I said don't overly guess the troop's actions based on the commander, and then ignore other preparations." Paul gathered the troops and returned his attention to the south bank of O'Ward: "The fire is almost out."

There are only scorched ruins left in the city, with ruins and intact buildings on the north bank facing each other silently across the river. At this time, the Valois had to believe that if they continued to attack the north bank, the crazy defenders would repeat their old tricks to ensure that they would not get any intact results, and naturally there would be no supplies.

"Retreat quickly. The defenders here are nothing to worry about, otherwise they would not use such terrible and terrible methods." Paul Lema exhaled a white breath: "But it's almost time for the elite of the Western Front Imperial Army to arrive."

"Is there anyone alive?"

"There's no time to treat the wounded, they'll just slow down the march, huh?"

Soon, the troops around the ruins of the fire scene discovered that many people who had survived the disaster began to struggle to crawl out of the ruins. As they moved, their charred shells began to break, revealing pink tender buds that intertwined together to take on a molten shape.

More and more things are crawling out. They are called so because these "living creatures" cannot tell whether they are soldiers or residents, Valois or Imperials, men, women, old and young, and even their facial features cannot be distinguished. , occasionally you can see a few holes with blurred edges.

And they are indeed moving, even faster and faster. Some sprint towards the National Guard, and some plunge into the cold river water, wash off the dust and crawl into the north bank of the city.

"Bullets don't work!" The soldiers found that the bullets could penetrate these pieces of meat, but soon the holes would be filled with flesh buds, and there would be even more disgusting results - pieces of meat with too many bullet holes or blown up by shells would disintegrate on their own, and the ostentatious flesh buds would cling to other monsters or even living people.

"Fireball doesn't work either." The mages found that these things had abnormal vitality. When they came out of the incineration field, they would continue to form charred shells on the surface when hit by fireballs, but as long as they were "not cooked through", the flesh buds would drill out and the whole monster would continue to move forward.

Have about half of the residents of the big city and our vanguard troops become this kind of thing? Paul shuddered.

"Brother Ilzhov is really capable. He actually sacrificed half of the city to his mother. What a pity, what a pity that I am here, and I will sacrifice the entire country to my mother!" Gregory burped and rushed to the scene from the northeastern imperial capital and saw the "grand occasion" on the south bank.

He disliked his horse for being too slow, so he dismounted and walked to the front, first smearing a handful of herbs on the horse's nose, and then took his wine bottle and stuffed it into the horse's mouth.

After doing all this, the man and the horse galloped drunkenly under the winter and on the earth.

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