Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 536 Temporary comrades, united against the enemy

The scorching winds came again, coming out of the dark and dilapidated ruins, and circled a corner of "hell" in the main material world.

The sky and the earth turned into a vast expanse, and winter gave everything a pale color. The blue, white and red military uniforms were covered by gray and dust, and the gray uniforms became even dirtier and blacker. The only bright red ones were monsters, whose abnormal vitality drove the clusters of granulation to move towards real living people.

There were spellcasters on the scene in both the Imperial Army and the National Guard. It was not that there was no way to deal with the monsters that attacked, but the whole environment was deteriorating. The white miasma that was hard to explain and see through enveloped the entire battlefield and the city. What was more serious was that it seemed that the second rain of ash was brewing.

On the edge of the ruins on the south bank, the two armies that had been fighting each other finally stopped fighting in front of a common enemy that was not human, and turned their guns. For ordinary people, the role of the gun was only to slightly block the attack of the undead monsters, or perhaps more importantly, to give them a little comfort, to maintain the formation of slowly retreating and not to retreat.

Facing the inhuman fleshy creatures, the real role is played by the mages.

Pascal didn't expect that he would fight side by side with the Empire's spellcasters, and they were from the Royal School of Magic. Wait, his junior brother seems to be

"Hey, don't be distracted." The unnamed military mage blocked a monster's attack for Pascal. Pascal smiled awkwardly and used a missile to throw the monster close to him.

Although the target hit by Pascal knocked down a wall, the meat soon climbed up again.

The senior brother immediately changed his mind. He chanted in a low voice and threw two lightning balls at the fleshy monster. The enemy monster that was touched trembled all over, bathed in the electric current flowing like a little snake, and soon dispersed into a bloody and corrupted thing.

"What spell was just now?"

"【Electric Explosion Orb】." Pascal answered subconsciously.

The empire's accompanying mage immediately used [Electric Wave Communication] to report: "[Electric Explosion Orb] is effective, [Magic Missile] is ineffective..." He repeated it on the public frequency, and then received some more information.

He told Pascal, based on other people's experience, "Specific necromancy spells are effective, such as [Death Ray]. Don't use healing spells against these things, as it will cause the granulation to explode and spread."

Who would attack with healing spells? But Pascal soon changed his mind: "Some people think they are undead creatures."

"That's right, but they are not. At least not ordinary undead creatures." The accompanying mage was operating on three fronts: while communicating with Pascal, he did not forget to pay attention to his surroundings, quickly completing the spell gesture and swinging a thunderbolt - he did not know [Electric Explosion Orb], but he could draw inferences from one example. At the same time, the spellcaster quickly summarized his new experience and immediately reported it to the public channel:

"All lightning-related magic can cause damage, but the current must pass through the entire body of the enemy target. The weak effect is paralysis. Note that the weaker current can only paralyze. You need to make up for it! Repeat, make up for it!"

As he said this, he put his own actions into action and cast a [Fireball] on the spread meat paste.

"Isn't there resistance to burning?" Pascal didn't understand the temporary comrade's method.

"According to experience, as long as they can be guaranteed to be 'fully cooked', they cannot regenerate or split." At this time, the monsters around them were basically cleared, but Pascal saw an uneasy detail:

The so-called "fully cooked" by the military mage refers to making the meat paste completely and thoroughly carbonized, but after the red heat faded, the charred things after carbonization revealed some white ash, which peeled off from the charcoal and floated into the sky.

Pascal didn't know if similar phenomena were happening nearby, whether they were the culprits that exacerbated the white miasma, and whether there would be another rain of ash that would bring annihilation and monsters.

The so-called three unknowns made him secretly frightened one by one.

Of course, other spellcasters also noticed the current situation. The number of monsters attacking the army on the south bank gradually decreased. Paul selected a group of mages to start collectively casting spells. They summoned wind and rain to try to prevent the second burning of ash. The imperial army mages also selected some people to assist. But others are more concerned about the situation on the north bank.

There are headquarters and more residential areas on the north bank.

The next action is very subtle. Under the current circumstances, both sides gave up fighting each other and blocked the invasion of the army by the monsters on the south bank, but what about the urban area on the north bank?

"We don't have enough manpower, we should ask for help."

"Ask for help? We were fighting to the death a few hours ago! How can we be so careless?"

"They have killed their way here. It's easy to get them to the North Bank, but it's hard to get them out of the North Bank."

An argument broke out in the public communication channel of the military mage, and the Valois and the Imperials even quarreled directly.

Originally, most of the Valois people just wanted to get rid of the bad dirty things, the farther away from this ghost place, the better. What really triggered them was suspicion and doubt. Starting from the soldiers, almost everyone blamed the other party for causing this disaster.

If both sides had not suffered heavy losses in this disaster, there would be no room for quarreling at all, and the guns that were put down against each other would definitely be raised again immediately.

But it seems that it will be soon. The Imperial Army wants to go back to the city on the North Bank, but it is worried that the National Guard will take the opportunity to launch an attack.

The National Guard also wants to retreat, but it is a little unwilling and uneasy, fearing that the Imperial Army will pursue them during the retreat.

After all, neither side has a safe distance now, and the external enemies around them seem to have been cleared away. The two waves of soldiers stand together and can start the second battle at any time from long, medium, and close distances. At least now it has reached the stage of spitting trash words at each other and accusing each other of being the source of the disaster.

"Someone is coming again! It's the support troops of the Imperial Army!"

A black shadow is dotted on the white skyline, which continues to deepen and expand. Only when it is close can it be seen that it is the gray robe army. Its generals are unusually leading the way at the front of the team, showing that this army is not going to fight the Valois.

The leader is Major General Richard. He gradually speeds up the pace of his mount and starts to charge, leading the way.

On the way to the city border, many monsters suddenly emerged from the ground. The rapidly converging flesh buds and spikes want to intercept, touch, and devour the comers.

Richard was calm and collected. He raised his hand and condensed a lightning bolt. The tributary that penetrated the air was enough to prevent the monsters from getting close. He quickly swung it forward like a spear of a god, clearing a safe path with sparks and lightning.

"Isn't it so handsome?" Pascal couldn't help but swear.

"Using lightning magic directly, wouldn't the general have already connected to the public channel of the mages on our battlefield?" The military mage beside Pascal thought more, and he also thought

The young man on horseback was a very handsome man who met the aesthetic standards of the empire. At this time, he was wearing a proper military uniform and his golden hair was still shining in the pale sunlight. What was more attractive was his resolute eyes and his calmness when casting spells

No wonder there were rumors from the aristocratic circle to the market that the new emperor William II and the young general who saved his life had a "cross-border friendship".

Bah, bah, bah, what was I thinking at a critical moment? The military mage put away his thoughts. Pascal didn't expect that his temporary comrade next to him had such dirty thoughts. His attention was completely attracted by the imperial reinforcements galloping on horseback.

"Sorry, I'm late." Richard tightened the reins, turned over and bowed slightly to his own and enemy soldiers.

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