Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 537: Fighting

The worried look of the young general and the expectant and joyful look of the soldiers below are just one step away from a war correspondent recording this classic scene.

The joy of the Imperial Army was pure: reinforcements were coming to support the cause.

Originally, the number of mages in the garrison was about the same as that of the spellcasters in the main force of Valois. Now with the confluence of the troops in the west, the number of the Empire's soldiers and mages is now higher than that of the National Guard, giving them enough confidence.

Richard received the first report: "General, please support the north bank as soon as possible! The evil ritual has not ended. If the rain of ash falls again, the entire Oward will be burned to ashes! In addition, the monster must be eliminated. If it spreads outward, the consequences will be disastrous!"

Is there anything worse than the whole city turning into hell?

Yes, of course, there is an abnormality in a larger area.

Oward welcomed the enemy and evacuated as many residents as possible who had no resistance to the surrounding villages, and many people fled to other places. Those who stayed behind were either unable to leave or militia and reserve troops. Another premise is that the Empire's garrisoned wizards have long been drafted into the army.

In summary, the nearby villages are now defenseless. With the fire resistance and diffusion ability of the monsters, just one is enough to destroy a village, and when the spread reaches a critical value, there is a possibility of launching a chain reaction and spreading to the entire region.

In fact, Richard would take it seriously even if he didn't say it, and he had already learned about the characteristics of the monsters through the public frequency of the communication technique.

Now there is another problem, which is the National Guard.

Paul slowly walked out from Valois's side. He and Pascal had recognized that Richard in front of them could meet in the first battle they participated in.

At that time, Paul was still a soldier, and now he was promoted like a starship. This time, both of them wore the general's emblem. He noticed that Richard's eyes also paused, indicating that the other party also remembered him.

"We need to negotiate. Let us retreat, and the mages can stay to help you stop the disaster."

Some of the accompanying mages and the soldiers of the Imperial Army were immediately dissatisfied with Paul's attitude: "Do you still have the conditions for negotiation now? Wishful thinking."

Unfortunately, they did not keep their word, and Richard did: "All the spellcasters stay."

"Okay, the rest of the National Guard will retreat now, and you and your troops must let us march safely to at least 20 kilometers away."

It is a very cost-effective deal for both parties to take a step back. For the reinforcements led by Richard, they can achieve the result of repelling the enemy without spending a single soldier or a single bullet. To put it in a larger way, it can even eliminate the threat of the National Guard to the imperial capital. For the Valois, this is the least costly retreat, just letting the spellcasters "cut off the rear."

These mages can help, but it is impossible to rely on them to occupy the north bank of Oward, so it is generally safe.

The exhausted National Guard withdrew from the battlefield under the silent gaze of the Imperial Army, walking farther and farther, retreating to the east where the supply line is stable. Paul, Pascal and many other mages were summoned to enter the still existing urban area.

Paul felt it necessary to explain to other mages why they stayed. For example, the senior brother almost showed his incomprehension on his face: "Agreeing to their conditions is to buy time for our comrades to evacuate and escape from this hellhole."

"We stayed for another purpose, to investigate the source of the incident and find out what was going on. If we just leave or fight, won't there only be one-sided statements from the empire afterwards? At that time, we will say that the disaster was caused by us. Can you explain it clearly?"

"If we fight to the imperial capital, there will be no one-sided statements," Pascal muttered, and shrugged after being rolled his eyes by his junior brother: "You have a point, I was talking nonsense! "

He took out a worn-out shorthand pen and dictated a report as he walked. Pascal had to send it out as soon as possible to let the outside world, especially the magic guild, pay attention to the situation here.

As soon as the team and the Valois wizard crossed the Aude River, they heard crackling gunshots and frequent shouts from the streets.

"Wonderful, what a beautiful view." Gregory entered the northern city from another direction. Now in the most polluted areas, the buildings and dead trees seem to have faded, pale with gray, like burnt charcoal.

In contrast, there is a layer of blood film covering the cobblestone road, and many monsters that have lost their targets are crawling on it. Not long ago, these flesh granulation clusters were intact humans.

The demon monk's long leather boots stepped on the blood film, and he kicked out dance-like steps without accompaniment. From time to time, he turned around and opened the hem of his dirty monk's robe. During this period, the monsters ignored him. Seeing, still in blind chaos.

His monk robe was also stained with blood from bottom to top, reminding people of a fountain pen absorbing ink. The deep red climbed up the gray coarse cloth robe, and the color was several shades darker. When he arrived at his destination, the God-Blessed Gregory, dressed in a deep red robe, arrived.

Dong Dong Dong, Gregory knocked on the door of the former garrison mage tower, where the temporary command post of the garrison was set up in recent days.

As soon as he entered the door, shouts and curses came from the dungeon under his feet, including Hench.

"Tsk, are all the empire's mage towers at this level? The dungeons are not soundproof." Gregory went up all the way and met with the former city defense commander Irzhov on the top of the tower.

"Why are you here just now? It's almost the last moment." Irzhov has completed his "duty" as a believer of the Mother Earth Goddess. Strictly speaking, the city has also been defended by him. As for the details in the city and the price paid for it. Don't worry about it, it's not important.

"I can't be as precise as your soldiers, General. Is the second round of the ceremony about to begin now?"

"Yes, that's right. Once completed, the surface of the earth will be changed forever, and the power of the Great Mother will be forever fixed here. Think about it, General Gregory. Once successful, we will get a real city, and the residents inside will be blessed with the most wonderful blessings, immortality and immortality.

"Oward will become the outpost of the mother's return, and the imperial capital is just around the corner!"

Gregory smiled and nodded in admiration: "Good, good. Then I wish you success." He has already calculated that if Ilzhov can continue to maintain his success, he will let the situation develop. If he fails, Gregory will find a way to gather the power that has come for his own use. He is the benefactor of the Mother Goddess.

"Under the witness of the Mother Goddess, I remind you, General, that a group of unwelcome guests have also arrived in the north of the city, and they may pose a major threat to your plan."

Ilzhov choked: "Do you think you are a welcome guest? It doesn't matter if it's a crazy monk, I will treat them warmly. ”

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