Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 544 Fatal Mistake

"Running Man" Rorschach didn't know that his two groups of acquaintances were in deep trouble, and he couldn't predict such a coincidence that Pascal and others would meet Richard again.

It wasn't a dramatic coincidence, but these young people were outstanding in their respective camps. They were like stones floating in the center of a vortex, pushed by irreversible currents at all times, and would be stirred and collided from time to time.

Rorschach's spirit body ascended to the border, and at this time he saw a lot of light emitting from the intersection of his space and the star realm.

It was the flow rate of the transmutation dust that accelerated.

He confirmed several things in turn:

The Tree of Law was normal, and the Tree of Truth in the original layer was constantly surging from its roots, and was unusually active.

The second was the starship. Rorschach condensed the entity of [Axiom Creation], and with the help of his new body, he escaped from the border and came to the outside world, and saw that the starship had already escaped from the turbulent transmutation dust layer flow.

He approached quietly and sensed that the three crew members inside seemed to be moving normally. The supplies in the starship were sufficient, so there was no need to worry about them starving to death.

The only worry was when this sea of ​​​​stars composed of transmutation dust would return to calm. Otherwise, the giant ship would have been cruising on the stored fuel and could not be replenished. The three people would have to abandon the ship and let it fall and distort without a shield.

Finally, the situation under the starry sky.

Rorschach looked down through the transmutation dust and found that there was indeed a force covering the main material plane. From the edge, in addition to the transmutation dust laminar flow, there was an arc of light, indicating its existence.

In addition, dark spots appeared on the surface, and Rorschach was startled, but when he looked closely, the mountains and rivers in the dark spots were normal.

This is not real? Rorschach decided to enter the discrete state. He once again slid into the back of the real world. After that, he superimposed the effect of [Arcane Vision], and the light-dark distribution of the main material plane was reversed.

The magic power in the "dark spot" area is abnormally active.

He compared it with the map in his mind, and Oward, who was shrouded in fog, was also among them.

After confirming the situation, he made some arrangements at the border.

"Okay, let's go now." The body created by the axiom does not need to be cherished. Rorschach plunged into the turbulent laminar flow, and then burst out a powerful shield, turning into a meteor with a blue tail and rushing straight towards Oward.

"Our enemies are endless and can regenerate repeatedly. It's only a matter of time before they die." Paul's head was about to split, and a dull pain of 180° was attacking him from the temple, the back of the head, and then around to the acupuncture points on the other side.

This is a manifestation of excessive spellcasting. The most delicate organ of the human body, the container of the soul, and the source of spellcasting are in a state of extreme fatigue, warning him that he needs to stop using magic and rest in time.

Richard's exhaustion was slightly different. He also had a headache and it seemed like his blood vessels were about to burst, but his perception was more blurred. Now his spellcasting accuracy has greatly decreased, and the delay is getting higher and higher - it seems that he is about to "go offline" from the spell cloud.

This worry could not be expressed. He was not sure whether he could cast so many magics smoothly and skillfully after leaving the spell cloud.

A subtle mentality is like a handsome guy wearing a wig.

The situation of other mages was even worse. Many of them were injured. The attacks of flesh and blood seemed to have the effect of infection and assimilation. The wounds were extremely itchy, and the hyperplastic granulation could be seen growing.

Fortunately, there were two mages in the team who could bring divine purification, and the silver light could suppress the granulation to continue to absorb nutrients from the injured. But the same problem troubled the two full-time wound treatment personnel - they had also reached the limit of the number of spells they could cast.

Even after repelling several attacks from the blood cavalry and successfully transferring the team, Pascal couldn't help but say something discouraging:

"We won't die here, will we? I don't want Paulina to remarry or anything like that! We have to wait at least ten years. No, twenty years later"

Paul didn't care about the etiquette of respecting the teacher at this time. No, he was Pascal's superior now. So the junior brother decisively stabbed the guy who disturbed the morale of the army:

"Aren't you married yet? How can you talk about remarrying?

"We will never be killed by these disgusting things. Look, the magic guild's base is in front of us, and it has not been breached.

"As long as we get there, we will reach a temporarily safe area. After resting, calling for reinforcements and breaking through the city will not be a problem."

The magic guild's base was surrounded by high-voltage electric walls at this time.

In the early stage, the defenders of some cities escorted the people to the guild to request shelter, and they brought barbed wire.

Originally, the barbed wire was useless for monsters that didn't know pain and weren't afraid of bleeding. Fortunately, the guild discovered during the battle that those evil creatures were afraid of electric current, and used lightning spells and these good conductors to form an effective defense line.

In the area encircled by the electrified iron net, many civilians hugged each other in fear, while the defenders and the brave people held long poles to push back the flesh and blood creatures that "crossed the line".

Some monsters were so big that they could press over the barbed wire. Although they were paralyzed, other monsters could step on them and enter the circle to kill. At this time, the military and civilians had to fight together.

As a tough nut, the density of monsters around the garrison was extremely high, and the piled up monsters even had a mixed stench of burnt and corrupted smells. The magic group cast the last few spells and rushed into the circle with difficulty.

"Hey! Let us in!"

"We are spellcasters." "I'm from the guild, let us in." At this time, a wave of blood receded, and there were fewer monsters, giving the mage hope.

But the electric circle did not mean to stop. The apprentices and staff of the guild were nowhere to be seen. The people inside just looked at them numbly, treating them as a bunch of outsiders who were about to be wiped out.

The members of the mage group gnashed their teeth in their hearts, but they still made an urgent request under the coercion of the blood and flesh. In the end, they realized that the people inside did not want to help them, nor did they want to stop the high-voltage power line at the risk of stopping for them.

"Are there any barbed wires? And any other supplies." Paul gave up, and decided to ask for supplies from the people in the safe circle instead.

Fortunately, the people inside agreed to share this time, which should be the instruction of the guild staff. Unable to enter the building, ordinary people on the edge of the circle reluctantly threw a few bundles of barbed wire to the mage group, as well as some full kettles and dry food.

"Thank you. It seems to be quiet now. Let's go." Paul led the confused crowd to climb up to the adjacent building and set up the barbed wire on the second floor.

Richard was a little confused: "Why don't we have a meeting? We should continue to negotiate." Now we only need to guard against the flesh monsters climbing up from the stairs and windows, and the guild station has attracted a lot of attention, giving the mage group a chance to breathe.

Paul drank the concentrated energy potion in big gulps, and the pain in his head was relieved a little. He looked out the window and threw an arc to knock down the monster, thus revealing the guild building outside the window.

"They made the same mistake as we did at the beginning." Paul stared at the safe zone of the electric circle: "They didn't consider the enemy's attack from underground."

The continuous siege of the flesh monsters finally stopped, and only the immobile flesh granulation clusters were left around the electric circle. The people who resisted suddenly felt a little confused, not sure whether the nightmare was completely over or a pause before the climax.

No one expected that the tightly closed guild door would suddenly be knocked open by the force inside the house, and several blurry spheres and unidentifiable fragments flew out.

Blood Knights appeared one after another, brandishing sabers, wantonly harvesting ordinary people who were taking refuge. Behind them, a dark red torrent gushed out, and it was obvious that everyone in the guild was also wiped out.

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