Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 545 Ilzhov's Daydream

"Haha! Okay!" General Iltsov witnessed the might of his personal guards. Not only did they crush and drive the mages like dogs, they also made a surprise attack from underground and easily blasted the fortress formed by the guild.

These barbarians are really useful after being blessed and transformed. He believes that no one can stop their attack unless there is an archmage present. It is a pity that the "Great Mother" has not yet fully awakened, and her power has not yet cleansed the entire surface of the earth. Otherwise, he would have led an army composed of death and immortality to cleanse the Valois people and achieve unparalleled achievements for the general.

He had already seen the weak Wilhelm II tremblingly hand over the crown and the emperor's robe, and the most loyal and powerful guards took them and put them on him.

The high priest of the Mother Goddess anointed him with holy oil and declared Ilzov to be the owner of all the lands in the world from the Endless Icefield in the north to the Horn of the Wind in the south, and the king of kings most believed in by the Mother Goddess.

"General? General?"

He heard the high priest's voice again and responded in a daze: "Isn't the holy oil already anointed?"

"What are you talking about in your sleep?" Gregory was amused. He breathed on alcohol and helped the general recall: "First you said something like 'It hurts me', then you salivated and giggled, and finally what did you say? Holy oil. What are you dreaming about?"

"Dream? Did I fall asleep?" Ilzov was startled. He quickly raised his telescope. Fortunately, fortunately, it was true that he broke into the guild station and wiped out the last survivors.

"I never thought I would daydream."

"During the day? You are right to say that, but it is night now, it should be said to be early morning." Grigory's words surprised Ilzov: "You and me, most people in this city haven't slept yet. Yes, it’s inevitable that you’ll be sleepy.”

The host of the ceremony, General Iltsov, did not know about the abnormality in the sky!

"You don't know the time?" Gregory took out his pocket watch, but the one in his hand was still rotating normally, indicating "five o'clock", while all other time-telling devices were stopped.

"Impossible!" Ilzov panicked: "Has my ceremony been prepared for so long?"

He originally only regarded dealing with the survivors and the mages as an appetizer. What Ilzov was waiting for was for all the flesh and blood monsters to eat each other and multiply. Eventually, they would merge into one and cover the entire city, using themselves as sacrifices to call out. "Mother" "embraces" the city of O'Ward.

Honored as the executioner, Iltsov has transformed his subordinates into controlled monsters, with the only one remaining being the nasty Richard Hench.

The boy who dared to contradict him. If Grigory hadn't asked the general for the right to dispose of Hench, Iltsov would have given him a severe lesson, such as making him swallow clumps of flesh and blood, and let these flesh sprouts erode from the inside out. and bursting the fragile human body

Unexpectedly, the vision also included changes in the sky. Iltsov did not dabble in too much theology, was not sensitive to the power of gods, and thought that all abnormalities were caused by himself.

Gregory narrowed his eyes and smiled without saying a word.

"It's too late, let's start like this."

Ilzov cleared his throat and stood in front of the high platform. He sang the mysterious song of the North again, and this time the monsters who heard the general's voice began to merge and melt with each other, and soon the whole city seemed to be soaked in bloody flesh.

The meat paste began to boil and bubble slightly, and various disgusting and evil individuals were bred from it, even more bizarre and twisted than the Blood Knight. In the center of the city, the mud began to sink and droop, and a bottomless hole appeared, as if it was an abyss leading to the netherworld.

O'Ward will become the first city to belong to the Mother Goddess!

No, it is not that there were no city-states that believed in the Mother Goddess in history. They should have been as many as the incarnations and different names of the Mother Goddess.

O'Ward should be said to be the announcement and tribute of the return of the great mother.

Regardless of the knowledge and willingness of those civilians, soldiers, and guild spellcasters, they all receive eternal life as the chosen ones who bathe in glory.

The tower of the resident mage was also crumbling. The boiling carpet of flesh and blood seemed to be digesting all the materials in the city. The foundation and first floor had been broken and began to be decomposed. Gregory was still thinking about his "cargo" and brought Hench, who was unconscious in the dungeon. Carry it upstairs.

"Congratulations on your success, General." Gregory smiled ferociously: "What are you going to do next? Jump in and join the 'Eternal Life Family'?"

"No, no no. My dear Gregory, that is the immortality of fools who reject the Great Mother and so deserve only this miserable existence to show the mercy of our Lord.

"As for me, what is useful to Him is my brain and the ability to execute. If I give up my body and join flesh and blood at this time, the gods will definitely be disappointed in me."

Gregory was noncommittal: "Then what reward will the Lord give you?"

"Don't speculate! God said, He said." The flesh blanket covering the whole city made a roaring sound, especially the hollow in the center of the city began to vibrate, as if it was really speaking a vague and unknowable language.

"God said there are still sinners who do not believe in Him and are still in the city, rejecting the gift of eternal life." Ilzov's expression changed: "Don't punish me! I'm looking for them now."

The carpet of flesh and blood fell silent. At this time, the pale sky suddenly darkened, reaching an extremely dark state. The light shrank in an instant to the point where only a glimmer could be seen at the edge of the horizon - before dawn, the continent of Ferallon lost its shelter.

The Mother Goddess's aura suddenly increased. Irzhov could not only control the Blood Cavalry, but also drive the newly bred powerful creatures. They began to flock to the periphery of the guild to search for the last enemy.

The Mage Corps struggled to hold on. Now the first floor of the building where they were located had been "digested". Paul, who had recovered a little, simply hardened and protected the room where he was. With the joint efforts of other mages, he formed a lonely boat drifting on flesh and blood.

"There are two options now." Richard stretched out his finger: "One is to cast a spell collectively to open a teleportation array. The problem is that someone has to stay to maintain the array, which means that only some people can escape.

"The second is to find the last anti-magic device. It is an old model pulse type. If it has not been damaged, then we will be saved if we start it once. "

Now the window has been sealed by them. Pascal poked his head out from the gap and saw disgusting things everywhere: "The second option is definitely out of the question.

"You should all look outside. The current scene can make the Istani people give up their sausages."

"In fact, there is no hope at all. We are finished." Richard shrugged and admitted: "I didn't expect that the initial investigation mission, which gathered the military mages and combat mages of both sides, would be destroyed here."

Paul sighed: "We should have been prepared from the beginning to face the monsters transformed by the population of a city. It is impossible for us to solve them all."

"So." Richard changed his expression: "Now what we can do is probably to find the master of the ritual with the intention of dying together. Even if it means death, so many spellcasters will work together to make him suffer!"

The guild headquarters is gone, most of the buildings are gone, and the fusion and deformation of the flesh and blood carpet has ended. The current magic reaction has become uniform, and the central node that commands the monster is a dazzling beacon in Richard's perception.

Suddenly, another bright magic source appeared in the sky and fell at a very fast speed.

A "blue meteor" broke through the fog and, by chance, plopped into the mouth of the abyss.

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