Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 546 From Missiles to Vacuum Cleaners

Rorschach's speed before he fell to the ground was.

He didn't know, he just experienced the excitement. Anyway, the body he has now is the ultimate one. Oh, that was shipped to space, and the body of the "perfect creature" that is now diving to the ground.

The so-called "axiom" is similar to Plato's "idea", which believes that everything is an imperfect copy of its prototype. And the Creator is the light of truth.

This is true in the other world where "originals" exist.

On the other hand, the description of the Mother Goddess seems to be their opposite - the ultimate imperfection, the end of all originals. So His authority on "distortion" is both a manifestation of disordered and unlimited reproduction and proliferation, and also implies another opposition.

Of course, Rorschach's body is not completely a model for all human beings now, otherwise he would not be able to establish a subordinate relationship and dominate it, just like the equation describing an ideal gas. In order to fit the special case of "Rorschach", the result of [Axiom Creation] has many more corrections, which destroys its absoluteness and sacredness.

On the other hand, the power of the Mother Goddess that unconsciously invaded the real world was also degraded. It had to pass through the flesh and blood of mortals. It had a shape, boundaries and rules, and was no longer completely deformed and disordered.

The two sides came into close contact.

In an instant, the shield wrapped around Rorschach released all its energy and gave the "abyss" a big explosion. When he observed the most severely distorted place in the city of Oward at the junction, he had already decided to use the simplest and purest potential energy to break through the fog and the carpet of flesh and blood.

Although this body is not tungsten steel, Rorschach constantly superimposed shields on himself, and absorbed a lot of energy when passing through the transmutation dust laminar flow. With his control of magic, he gathered and compressed it into part of the shield.

The shield of the starship became thinner and thinner when passing through the laminar flow. Rorschach passed through it, and the original force field head was rubbed into a high-energy-density "warhead".

The double impact of physics and magic!

Unfortunately, Luo Xia was an ordinary engineering student in his previous life. He lacked the experience of high-altitude skydiving and missiles of his rich friends. He did not adjust his posture properly and accidentally hit the deepest and largest hole.

A small blue mushroom cloud rose.

A sharp and broken shock wave spread from this center, and suddenly the ground of this dead city was like a "fountain" everywhere. Scarlet liquid and minced meat gushed out from the hole, soaring to dozens of meters high to release the pressure wave caused by the impact.

This impact also crushed many monsters, allowing them to return to the entire sticky earth to be reborn. Many crooked buildings collapsed completely. At this point, "Oward" as a city should be completely removed from the map.

The release of huge energy directly vaporized the meat mud around Luo Xia, revealing the structure underneath, and the cave also expanded several times. However, what surprised Rorschach was that the regeneration power of the meat blanket was beyond imagination. The rotten liquid and charred fragments were immediately absorbed by the wall, and then they changed from deep red to pink like tender meat, and began to expand and wrap Rorschach in the center layer by layer.

Rorschach, who was embedded in the flesh wall, felt that he was constantly being sucked, and the strong smell of decay was accompanied by a hint of sweet fishy smell. Under him, the biological tissues in the conventional sense had been mixed with inorganic existences, and the sand and soil that were smashed out had fascia and veins, which were beating and contracting lightly and heavily under his feet.

And the space under the entire city, such as dark rivers, caves and stratum cracks, were now transformed into biological structures, rising and falling together.

It was really disgusting. Rorschach could even feel that the organization of magic here had been rewritten, especially the magic of the natural system. If it was performed, there would be a new power to dominate, and the prototypes that did not belong to the original layer would be mobilized, and of course different effects would be obtained.

Is it the domain of the Mother Earth Goddess? Rorschach really wanted to try what would happen if he really released it, especially the divine arts related to Dryats. But his duty was to "put out the fire". If something went wrong with his random attempts, no one would be able to cover him.

What Rorschach was really interested in was the way the power of the Mother Goddess changed the operation of the magic power in the environment and the way it affected the natural magic. He triggered "Resurrection" but did not release it, and at the same time he was sensing the Tree of Law that was bound to it at the junction.

There was no corresponding node response now, but the magic could be released. Well, what effect it would have if it was really released was another matter. After a slight test on the edge of death, Rorschach determined the way the power of the Mother Goddess interfered. It seemed that the link between the caster and the original spell was tampered with and polluted, and this pollution was a large area. It seemed that the response would be affected if it involved His authority.

Oh my god, such a familiar method, isn't this the Cyber ​​Great Wall?

Just when Rorschach thought of something he shouldn't think of, the mutated flesh and blood around him increased the "massage" force. The living cave seemed to try to expel Rorschach as a foreign body. At the same time, it seemed to be like the original Dionysus, coveting the clone created by Rorschach's axiom.

The two contradictory reactions turned into a tug-of-war - Rorschach's upper body was lifted up, and his lower body was sucked underground.

After figuring out the situation he was interested in, the great wizard did not dare to delay any longer and officially began to act. At this time, Rorschach was just a cleaner, and he planned to do it step by step:

The impact of the previous fall to the ground was to break up the "stubborn stains", and the effect was quite good. When falling to a low altitude, Rorschach detected that the veins of its power transmission were still clear, and the previous blow successfully broke it up. The second step is to completely remove the "stains", and when the eyes can no longer see these disgusting things, do the final disinfection of potential pollution.

He pushed aside the flesh wall, raised one hand, and two black balls appeared above Rorschach's palm.

This is the signal of changing from "Rorschach-1 missile" to "Rorschach vacuum cleaner". He did not intend to throw it out like the gaseous plane, but continued to control the "micro black hole" to expand.

The matter that was soaked in the power of the Mother Goddess began to be entangled. Once it approached the small black ball, its body immediately collapsed and turned into a fluid-like existence and was sucked in.

"What was that just now?" The mages in the "ship" were confused. They could feel the room on the verge of collapse shaking violently. An unprecedented impact directly smashed the two layers of defense they had worked hard to set up.

Now the entire carpet of flesh and blood seemed to feel incomparable pain and was constantly spasming. The proliferating granulation has become huge, and each one is the size of a child.

Now they are simply food being digested in an open digestive system. The "small intestinal villi" are constantly peeling off the outer wall and transporting them to the cave where the blue meteor just fell.

While the monsters were merging, the spellcasters got some rest. Several of them worked together to barely add a comforting protective force field to the "lonely boat", as well as the more useful [levitation], so that they could float away from the dangerous ground flesh.

The rest of the people were studying ways to escape and trying to teleport. However, they desperately found that all the coordinates were seriously disturbed. The only time they responded, it was not a success - a foul smell gushed out from the other end before the magic circle was fully unfolded. It seemed that the power of the mother goddess had tampered with the destination.

This frustrating thing had no effect on Richard.

He stood at the highest point of the drifting "house boat", always paying attention to the environment and repelling monsters. Richard was not a navigator who wanted to lead everyone out of the dangerous area. His belief was to find the initiator of the ceremony.

At this point, in Richard's eyes, whether the ceremony could be terminated and everyone could survive was no longer important. The most important thing was to let the person who harmed the entire city get the punishment he deserved.

He saw a dark black hemisphere rising on the horizon, even blocking the faint morning light.

The entire blood carpet began to surge towards the lightless sphere, faster and faster, and the last wave was like a flood. Fortunately, the wreckage he was standing on was lifted up by the mages and could be still relative to the ground reference system.

Countless building fragments flew past him, and Richard, who had sharp eyes, suddenly saw that there was a person lying on the wreckage of the house he had just passed.

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