Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 547 Losing Control Twice

Iltsov saw a fraction of a house floating slightly.

There was a handsome man standing on it, with sharp and firm eyes, floating like a lonesome person. His uniform was wet with blood and sweat, and he was a good soldier who had crawled out of the monster pile. Iltsov didn't expect that there were many "boatmen" who released [levitation] under Richard's feet.

"Help! Help!"

Fate is so wonderful. His ritual was about to succeed, but suddenly a blue unknown object fell from the sky and almost pierced through the surface. The subsequent explosion caused him to lose many of his generals who were transformed into flesh and blood monsters, and also smashed the wizard tower where he lived into pieces.

Iltsov shouted that it was not good, because the abnormal daylight made him lose the sense of time. The general dared to conclude that it must have been an attack from a high-level spellcaster (he couldn't imagine that it was a great wizard with a strange brain circuit).

Just when he wanted to ask Gregory what to do, the boy carried the still unconscious Hench and stepped on the brass door panel to start drifting towards the falling ground.

Ilzhov also started the old general's fantasy drifting. He was shaking like a sieve at first, until he met two scattered blood knights and used the secret ritual to control them again, and then he felt a little relieved.

However, what could not be stopped was the trend of the blood carpet being swallowed up faster. The blood knights tried their best to lift the top of the spire against the current to prevent their master from sinking, but they could never outrun the speed of being sucked in.

Therefore, when Ilzhov saw that Richard could stand alone, he was extremely surprised. The person he had wanted to kill in every possible way became a life-saving straw at this time, mainly because this straw could fly!

When the general saw Richard approaching him, his mind turned again and again, and resentment and jealousy finally turned into an expression of great joy, which was also from the heart: "Help! Help---Help---!"

Richard was stunned at first, then restrained his expression and asked: "Who are you?"

Ilzhov cursed in his heart: Can you catch me before asking?

The flow rate increased again, and Ilzhov saw that he was moving away from the young officer again, and was forced to shout at the top of his voice: "I am the supreme commander of this battle, Lieutenant General Ilzhov! Richard, save me!"

Richard really stretched out the [Mage's Hand], and Ilzhov was able to escape the fate of being sucked into the black hole after catching it, and thanked him repeatedly.

The general's response to thanking was a dragon's breath, and the general who was caught in the air was about to be roasted like a pig in a furnace. Just when the dragon's breath was about to burn his eyebrows and beard, a blood knight soared into the sky and carried away the endangered master, and the other one caught Richard's [Dragon's Breath] with his flesh.

It was burnt black on the spot, but it could move again after shaking off. The burnt shell on the outside cracked, like many scattered pieces of dark armor piled up.

At this time, the two blood knights had recovered from Rorschach's impact. The four hooves of the horses that merged with them ran wildly, allowing them to remain relatively still with Richard on the "flood peak".

Ilzhov, who was carried by a princess, strangled the neck of his personal guard. The scene was very eye-catching. Richard snorted coldly. Sure enough, there were no good people who could survive until now. Richard sensed the abnormality of the other party from the beginning. He was not injured at all, but his breath was disordered. There were several filthy powers entangled and hidden around Ilzhov.

The "black armor" blood knight exerted force to make a short sprint, then soared into the air and tried to jump and chop at the enemy.

What to do? Richard made a decision at the moment when the blood knight suddenly charged. He flipped his hand and a delicate car model appeared in the ring, with the colorful luster unique to the ether membrane flowing on it.

Richard's second move was to remove the etheric membrane, and the third step was to throw it out with [Flying Arrow].

Within five meters between the knight and him, this "little toy" expanded rapidly, and when it was in front of the Blood Knight, a guy weighing several tons smashed down on his head.

If it was a carriage or something else, the Blood Knight's sharp blade would definitely cut it in two, but this was the vehicle that Rorschach gave to his good brother, and it was a good product that he tried to sell to the upper class of the empire at that time. How could it be destroyed casually?

The blood knife touched the surface of the gas car, and the high-grade paint on it reflected a beautiful luster. The passive magic circuit responded and perfectly resisted the initial attack.

Next was the turn of the gas car. It only needed its own weight to knock down the Blood Knight, not to mention that it was attached with other spells. After pressing the monster hard under him, the man, horse, and car followed the flow and rushed towards the black hole.

The strange thing Richard threw was beyond Irzhov's expectations. He could only barely recognize that it might be an expensive thing.

Is it very expensive for you mages to fight? The old general tightened the knight who was holding him. Although the blood knight did not understand the words, he immediately understood and stopped entangled with Richard, trying to speed up and leave here.

Ilzhov's attempt to escape did not succeed. The flow rate of the pollutants was still accelerating. A section of the marble pillar that came across was floating and rolling in the scarlet flesh, sweeping the horse's legs that were struggling and kicking.

Finally, Ilzhov and the pollution that he said was "given immortality" were mixed together.

"Richard! I know your father! I am on good terms with the marshal. Save me, I will."

He subconsciously shouted, begged and made random promises, but he did not expect that a force would really involve him and pull up this fat pig.

"You caused everything?"

"No, no, oh, yes, yes, I said it all."

It turned out that the "scorched earth strategy" was the first thing that Hinch thought of, but in his opinion it was a last resort, provided that the garrison of Oward was unable to resist the National Guard and other people were fully evacuated.

But Ilzhov took advantage of all the arrangements made by Hench, and mixed them into the rituals of worshiping and calling the Earth Mother. The arrangements for the rituals were all completed by his barbarian guards, and these northerners have been believers of ancient gods since childhood.

"Is there a way to end the ritual? Tell me quickly!"

After being fished out, Ilzhov began to give up on himself, shaking his head and saying: "My ritual has failed. The second snow of ash would have fallen, burning the entire city and drawing out more power from the Great Mother.

"But the strange time and day and night prevented me from completing everything in time, and the mountain of flesh and blood that was cast in advance did not have enough nourishment." He couldn't help but cry and said:

"Now there is another strange thing, devouring my remaining fruits. Out of control! It's a mess!"

"Wait, are you saying that the celestial phenomena and the current black hole are not your fault?"

"If I were so powerful, I would have succeeded long ago. Wait, what are you doing?

"Richard von Dahlberg, you can't sentence an Imperial lieutenant general to death!"

He was carried, watching the spellcaster in front of him condense a dangerous aura.

"Look, is this still the human world? What is the meaning of the laws and titles of the empire? I just saved you just to finish you off with my own hands."

In order to prevent Ilzhov, a believer of the Mother Goddess, from resurrecting, Richard carefully decomposed his remains. After doing this, a head popped out of the hole in the room under his feet. It was Paul:

"What were you doing just now? The infection here is weakening, and we have opened a safe portal."

"You go, I still have things to do." When torturing Ilzhov, Richard got new information, and there was a priest of the Mother Goddess present, and took Hench away.

Just when Richard made up his mind, the black ominous sphere embedded in the horizon suddenly expanded. It was originally just the viscosity of the blood and flesh blanket that pulled other objects on the surface into it, and now there was a strong pulling force out of thin air.

Not only that, a lot of thick arcs grew from the surface of the black hole, turning into tentacles that constantly grabbed everything around them. It was clearly a gluttonous mouth that was extremely hungry. The tentacles raised upwards seemed to want to swallow up the rising sun.

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