Magic With You

Chapter 112 - 112: Calter's Plan

It was like a huge mountain was removed on Calter's shoulder as Kence accepted him for what he really is. Calter put his head on Kence's shoulder while his eyes turned heavy

Fatigue spread on Calter's body as his eyes started fluttering until he really fell asleep on Kence's shoulder. Kence sat on the ground properly and placed Calter's head on his lap

Kence then wiped his bloody hand first on his clothes before removing the strands of hair that fell on Calter's forehead. To see Calter in such a vulnerable state is also not something that Kence is used at

Kence already witnessed it before but after that, Calter never showed any weaknesses in front of him again. Kence isn't complaining though, he also wants to see all sides of Calter that he knows and didn't know

Their conversation before when Calter asked him if he'll accept to be married to Calter flashed on his mind but he immediately pushed down that thought. Kence is afraid of things changing too fast

In the past months, Kence matured a bit. Calter treated him like a baby but Otto is different. The City Lord is helping him to grow like a sturdy tree not just a fragile flower

Although Kence likes that Calter is pampering him but he preferred that Otto is making him slowly mature. It enables Kence to see and realize more things. But of course, it would still take a lot of time for Kence to fully mature and grow into a tall sturdy tree

Kence just played with his master's hair and forgot his surroundings. The peaceful state of Calter's face is something that Kence will never get tired of looking at

After some time, Kence decided to put the young master in a better place. It won't do good for both of them to be in this place

Kence grabbed Calter's arm and wrapped it on his shoulder. He slowly guided Calter's body to stand up. Kence then started walking albeit his speed was slow because of Calter's weight

The youth has a serious expression on his face. He took one last look at the cell and his eyes teared up again. That familiar throbbing on his throat reappeared but Kence steeled himself and carried Calter's body away

Along the way, Kence encountered Calter's slaves which are all worried at their master. They want to help Kence but the youth didn't let them

For Kence, if he can't even do something as simple as this, he'll be useless. He wants to carry Calter himself

After a lot of difficulty, Kence reached the master's bedroom and weakly opened the door. The youth was already panting hard with some of the slaves following behind him

Kence closed the doors as he was not in the mood to interact much with other people. He then placed Calter on the bed and stared at the peaceful expression on the man's face again

Kence decided to remove Calter's clothes and only leaving the undergarments. It only covered Calter's private area and a bit of his thigh

If it was before, Kence would surely be amazed at his master's body but he was really not in the mood right now

Kence folded the clothes and put it on top of a table on the side of the bed. Kence's face was still very pale and his body is soaked with blood

Kence walked and entered the bathroom and removed all of his clothing. His flawless and milky white skin was exposed. However, his face still didn't have their former color

Kence walked on the shower area and opened it. As the water hit his body, the blood started being wash away. It caused the water to have a bloody color

Seeing the blood in the water, the scene entered Kence's mind again

He killed the two while closing his eyes. However, when he opened his eyes, he saw the blood that was drawn out by him. Kence also saw the lifeless eyes of those two. Their dead faces are not something Kence will ever forget

Kence's tears mixed with the water coming from the shower. He covered his mouth with his palm to stop himself from vomiting again

However, now that he's not with his master, Kence didn't need to put a brave front again. All the emotions that he suppressed before burst out and he puke everything on his stomach

The youth's knees gave out and his body landed on the bathroom floor while the horrifying image never left his mind. Kence laid his body on the cold ground and curled his body as tears never cease to flow out from his eyes

Kence wants to scream and cry hard but didn't dare let out any loud sound. He was afraid that Calter will see him in such a state.

Kence then looked at his hand

There are no more blood on it but Kence felt that it was very dirty. He killed Dungeon Monsters from before but they didn't left any corpse. And they are monsters

What he killed this day are humans. Creatures with intellect, people with the same race as him

The clean white hand is now stained with blood. Kence knows that this day might come but he didn't thought that it would be this early. He still wasn't prepared and ready

The cold shower washed away the blood but it cannot do anything on Kence's mental state


At this time Number D1 and D2 along with the top ten Magic Knights are starting to accomplish the second part of Calter's plan

The mastermind is already caught and now, the tools are the ones that needed to suffer. Number D1 is the one that acts first as he went to the slums

The slums are still as dirty before. Although these people have a bit of better lives than the powerless people in the Fiery City, but a slum is still a slum!

Otto cannot possibly help all people to have better lives. In fact, the general condition of his citizens are already good compared to the other Cities with tyrant and bully City Lords

Those City Lords exploited their citizens too much to the point that a lot of people suffer and died of hunger

"M-Mister, c-can y-you give me some food? Please, I beg you!" One kid took the risk and carried his malnourish body in front of number D1. The other poor people around snickered at the foolish boy's actions

These people knows what kind of people have a get up like this. A man covered with robes and was hiding his face. Despite the dirty surroundings, his clothes remained clean and untouched

They know what sort of place is close to this area. One of the no name assassin organization's men is near. This man will surely commission for a deed that he himself cannot do

The little boy that grew up in the slums also know this. To pay someone to kill a person for you, how can you be kind hearted? However, the boy's eyes were burning with the will to survive

If he can't eat anything today then he might not survive until tomorrow. If he's going to die the next day, then why not cling to a little bit of hope? As long as he's alive, he might become someone powerful and important in the future

Number D1 can see his former self in these people. At first, you will start as an ambitious person. You will think that as long as you are alive, there is a chance for you to change your fate

After that, you will see how the world really works. You will see that it was not as easy as you think and hard work isn't enough. Number D1 was like this before, he was ambitious and wants to become powerful

He trained and trained but the effects were limited. Until he was forced to do bad deeds for opportunities. With money, he can buy things that will help him grow

But how can it be easy to earn a lot of money? You must do dangerous things. In the end, because of all the bad things he did, Number D1 was able to become a Magic Knight

He should already be an important person but all the bad things he did on his life caught up to him after reaching such heights. There was no shortages of Nobles that he offended before.

He's a Knight but those clans have a lot of Knights under them. If he wasn't a Knight, he would already be killed. Knights are high levelled commodity and thus, he was imprisoned waiting for the time that he will have a buyer

He was then given to Calter and he managed to raise his strength

The people around thought that the boy would be killed but to their shock, Number D1 gave a piece of bread to him. Number D1 didn't gave too much even though he can

Giving so much food to the boy will only bring harm to him as the others would surely have evil thoughts towards him

"T-Thank you mister!" The boy delightedly said and ate the bread in one bite. Even though he was young, the kid is already smart and knew that he should eat it while the powerful man is still here

Number D1 didn't say anything and continued on his way. Reaching a dead end, he knocked three times before stopping for three seconds. After that, he knocked three times again and repeated the process for the third time

After a few seconds, the wall parted and a man with almost the same get up as number D1 showed himself. He was also wearing robes that covered his face and a mask

"Password" the guard asked and Number D1 answered "Money Kill"

The guard nodded his head and let Number D1 enter and closed the wall again "Who's the target?" The guard asked and Number D1 handed him a paper. It was a random person and the guard was quite disappointed at the target's description

The target wasn't rich or powerful and the pay would naturally be low. It wasn't that much of a profitable business

"Our minimum commission is five hundred Magic Crystals. We will verify this information first before we kill the target" The guard simply said as he won't earn much on this transaction

"Alright" Number D1 paid for the five hundred Magic Crystal and the guard parted the wall once more to let the client exit

As soon as the guard closed the wall, Number D1's eyes flashed with a dark light as he knew that this organization hurt his master. Thus, this organization is bound to be destroyed with their members getting killed

For caution, Number D1 walked slowly not wanting to show any of his capabilities

With hours or minutes apart. Number D2 and the top ten Magic Knights did the same. They commissioned for the organization to kill random people and paid with some Magic Crystals

They didn't want to draw any attention by suddenly raising the assignment for the organization too much and also did it with some time apart

Thus, Calter's next plans officially started! All the mages involve with it can't help but be amaze at their master's brilliant mind again

They never thought that a strategy like this would exist. It was as despicable as always but was very effective. It was also a plan that almost has no holes

The advantage of the unnamed organization was their secrecy and no one knows where their main headquarters are. But with Calter's plan, he have high chance to get some leads

Even if he was not able to get leads, it would still disrupt the no name organization's business

But of course, Calter still asked them to investigate by themselves aside from the real plan

Number D1 targeted another 'task point'. The people of the Soaring Magic City can commission for the organization in a lot of places

Some are in the slums, some are in taverns, there are even some that involved the Nobles themselves!

As the number 1 assassin organization, they have a lot of access points that are really the headache. They spread their people too wide and even those people doesn't know where the real headquarters are

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