Magic With You

Chapter 114 - 114: Noom And Krad

"You're quite straightforward" Number D1 said and chuckled bitterly. He didn't expected this man to be as frank as this and he was honestly taken aback

"We only have one life, the good things are the ones I want to prolong. I already had too much of the bad things. You saved me before and even helped me have a better life. I would be lying if I say that I don't have good feelings towards you"

Number D1 nodded his head. He doesn't know exactly what this man went through to be like this. But from the looks of it, it was really bad. The man is already fed up by bad experiences, it was time for him to experience other things

"Then I'll be honest and straightforward too. Will it be okay, if I am starting to have romantic feelings towards you?" Number D1 asked. However, instead of answering, the other man started removing his clothes

Number D1 blinked his eyes. Isn't this a bit too fast? But when he saw that no lust or desire was present on Number D3's face, he knew that the man has other reasons for doing this

Number D3 touched the burn marks all over his body while looking at Number D1. "I am like this, will you accept a man with ugly scars?"

D1 did the same thing as D3 did and didn't answer the question directly. He walked towards the other man and touched those scars with his own hands

"It's not like I started liking you because of your looks. I was attracted by the melancholic aura around you and it gave me the desire to heal you. These scars are part of the things you experienced that made you, you. I don't feel gross out by looking at them"

Number D3 shake his head lightly with a small smile on his face. "That hurts, it makes me feel that my body is undesirable. How can you say that to someone you like? Aren't you supposed to say something like 'I like the scars on your body'? " Number D3 teased and D1 just chuckled

"Why? Is it my appearance that you like?" Number D1 teased the other man too

"Nah, it is because you are my savior. The first one that helped me out in this cruel world" Number D3 said honestly and D1 touched his chest acting like it hurts him

"Aww, so if I'm not your savior, you won't take a liking on me?" Number D1 acted more hurt when D1 jokingly nodded his head

"Anyway, can you give me a new name? It is a bit uncomfortable if you call me as D3 and I don't want to use my former name. You know, new life whatever"

Number D1 started pondering and thinks of a suitable name. But his sense of name isn't actually that good and blurted out the first one that come up to his mind

"How about 'Noom?' " D1 said before realizing that it was not a good idea. He literally just spell moon backwards which was quite embarrassing

"F-forget that, sorry, I'm not really good at names" D1 said in embarrassment but the other just laugh lightly

"No, its fine. Then I'll be Noom" Thus, Number D3 has an additional name now and that is 'Noom'

"You should give me name too" Number D1 said and Noom nodded his head. "I was actually waiting for you to say that" Noom said while chuckling

"Is Krad a good name?" Noom asked with a teasing smirk and Number D1 can only shake his head. It was partly his fault that he will be given such a name

He thought of moon because of Noom's earlier words and he just spelled it backwards. Now, because he's a dark type mage, Noom, also took that word and spelled it backwards

"Fine, I'll be Krad then" the man said bitterly before covering Noom a bit with clothes

"You should cover your body, it is chilly at night, you might get sick"

Noom let out another laugh while shaking his head. "You're really worried about a fire type Grand Knight mage will catch a cold because he stayed outside without top clothing?

Grand Knight's bodies are not that heaven defying that can leave a deep crater on the ground using a single punch. However, common sickness like cold is something that they will never have

"What, can't I be a bit sweet?" Krad defended himself. "Besides, I might do something to you if you remain naked" Krad continued while giving Noom's body a scan

"Oh, try me" Noom said while smirking and Krad can only chuckle

"Alright, enough for now. I still have tasks I need to do. I'll enter the tower, you should too. You need to get some sleep, there's a busy day ahead of you"

Krad said and started walking towards the tower while waving his hand. Noom is important but Calter's orders are absolute. He can't not do it

Noom was left there gazing at the man's back while thinking that maybe, living in this cruel world is not that bad


When Krad entered the tower, he directly went below where the prisoners are held up. Just like the others, these captives' hands were covered with metal that prevented them from using any kind of magic to make sure that they won't be able to escape

He entered the cage of one of them and immediately started what he needs to do

The person inside is already awake and was looking at Krad with fearful eyes. Well who wouldn't be afraid if someone abducted you and tied your limbs. This assassin is on Krad's mercy now

"W-what do you want? Please don't kill me!" The assassin pleaded for his life. As this one is just the outer members which does not have much experience, he immediately broke down and deeply regretted accepting the task

He thought that it would be an easy one. The price money is little but the risk is also low. Who would have thought that something like this would happen

Krad's hand was coated by his mana and he put it on the top of the assassin's head. He used his hand as a medium for his spell. As a Grand Knight, it was easy to put the assassin in an illusion and it will answer all of his questions honestly

"Tell me all the things you know about your assassin organization" Krad asked the question that he needs to hear the answer

However, it was a pity that the assassin didn't gave any useful information. The assassin only have contact with the organization through the access points. He just chose a task suitable for him and that's it

Krad directly killed the assassin that was not able to give him any useful information. He went towards the other assassins but the results were the same

These outer level members only have communication with the organization through the access points that even Calter and his team knew where

It was a pity but this outcome was expected. As Calter ordered them to commission for random individual, the organization will naturally send weak assassins who don't have any useful information on them

Calter just did this to try his luck. But since he didn't got anything useful, he will proceed on the next part of the plan

The next day, Krad went to one of the access points again. This time, he commissioned to kill a Noble. The price he paid them is high as the target this time is a Magic Knight of a Nobility Clan

But to exterminate the assassin organization down to the roots, Calter will pay any price. Those who hurt his Kence will never have good days ahead of them! They must be punished for their foolish actions

If the organization knew that they are being targeted for merely a hundred thousand Magic Crystals that Bonny paid them, they would surely cry tears of blood


June 28 Year 9001

In this morning, Calter was once again woken up by the erratic movements on the bed. When he opened his eyes, he saw that Kence is having a nightmare again

It has been a few days since Kence killed the pair of father and son and since then, the youth will always have nightmares. It pains Calter to see Kence being like this but the youth was holding it all inside him

Calter wants to talk about it for a lot of times as to let Kence blow out some steam but the former would always be shut up by Kence kissing him. He doesn't want to be too forceful and can only drop the matter whenever Kence will do that

Calter went to do the thing he always does whenever this would happen and wrapped Kence on his embrace. He started stroking the youth's hair to sooth the pain of his beloved

The shaking body of Kence visibly calmed down from the warm embrace. After some time, the youth opened his eyes. However, just like before, Kence plastered a smile on his face as if nothing is wrong

"Good morning, Big Brother!" the youth greeted with a cheerful tone and Calter can only weakly nod his head. "Good morning"

Sensing the low spirit of his master, Kence went on top of Calter. "Why is Big Brother so sad in the morning? Do you want me to kiss you?"

If it were other times, Calter would happily say yes but he don't like it that Kence only does this so that he won't bring up the important matter

"Big Brother, is fine. I'm not sad. I'll go ask someone to bring us food. Wait here" Calter said and patted Kence's head weakly before exiting their room

As soon as Calter got out, he clenched his fist tightly while closing his eyes. He doesn't like seeing Kence in such a state. He knew what Kence will do when picking up those daggers but he didn't stopped it

Calter was too drowned on his sorrow to stop anything. He could have stopped it but he became too weak. He promised not to let Kence get hurt but for the nth time, he was the cause of the pain

After Calter exited the room, Kence curled his body as tears once again fall from his eyes. In front of Calter, he will hold it in but whenever he was alone, he will burst out into tears

The bloody scene of him killing people always haunt him on his dreams. He doesn't judge Calter for killing and he didn't felt even the slightest disgust on the man

However, he thinks of himself as dirty. His hands are dirty. He used it to kill people. It was lives that he took away

After some time, Kence wiped away the tears on his eyes and cheeks. He doesn't want to let his master see him like this

However, Kence was still too innocent. When Calter came back with a tray of food, the young master can see those red and puffy eyes. Kence thought that he can hide it but Calter knew he always cried whenever he was left alone

This is the reason why Calter decided to give Kence time to let it all out. Kence doesn't want to cry in front of him and was holding it back. Thus, Calter gave him some time to cry alone

Calter wants to be on Kence's side whenever the latter will cry but he doesn't have a choice. It would harm Kence more if he hold on those tears for a long time

"Here, let's eat" Calter said and placed the tray of food in their bed before sitting next to Kence and patted the youth's head

"Hmm, looks delicious!" Kence was back to his cheerful front and happily ate the food much to Calter's helplessness

However, Kence only took a bite when the image of a flesh flashed on his head. His mind played a cruel trick on him and made him think what if the food he swallowed is actually a human body part?

Kence wasn't able to stop the urge to vomit and he immediately run to the bathroom to puke it all out

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