Magic With You

Chapter 115 - 115: Emily To The Rescue

Calter immediately followed suit and rub Kence's back as the latter puke out everything on his stomach. Calter's heart ache as he saw Kence's face paled

He can only give support to his beloved by rubbing Kence's back

After vomiting, Kence took a deep breath and plastered another smile on his face again. "I'm fine now, Big Brother, I'll just brush my teeth for now"

Without a choice, Calter can only nod his head and exited the bathroom to let Kence do what he wants

As soon as Calter vanished on his sight, Kence looked at himself in the mirror. However, his cruel mind played yet another trick on him as he saw blood dripping down on the mirror

Kence closed his eyes for a while and when he opened it, the image of blood is gone. Kence sigh and picked his toothbrush to wash away the unpleasant taste on his mouth

After brushing his teeth, Kence gargled some water on his mouth and looked at himself in the mirror again and slap his face a bit. "Strong... be strong for Big Brother!" Kence said to himself and the joyful look on him returned

However, if one look deep into his eyes. They will be able to see the storm inside it

Kence exited the bathroom and sat next to Calter again. "Kence..." Calter called out trying to see if Kence will want to talk things with him now

But Kence just wrapped his arms on Calter's arm and rested his head on the young master's shoulder. Seeing Kence acting this clingy, Calter knew that the former does not want to talk things yet

"Here, I'll feed you" Calter said and put a spoonful of food in front of Kence's mouth. Kence doesn't have the appetite to eat but still opened his mouth

He almost doesn't chew on the food and directly swallowed it.

As Calter wants Kence to recover fast, he stayed in the City Lord's Magic Tower with Kence

His own tower back at the Demon's Den might be too much of a place for Kence to be in. It would just remind Kence more of the thing that he did

The chefs here are one of the best in the city yet Kence felt that the food were tasteless and he does not want to each much

Kence only eat a few bites before he said that he's already full. Calter sigh and just let Kence be and put the remaining food on top of a table on their side

"What do you want to do today?" Calter asked gently and Kence just snuggled closer to him. "Nothing, I want to continue sleeping while hugging Big Brother, can I?"

Calter nodded his head and spread his arm to let Kence use it as a pillow. Kence immediately rested his head on Calter's arms as the young master enveloped him in a hug

Calter can see the bags under Kence's eyes as the youth was always woken up because of his nightmares and sigh.

Calter played with Kence's hair gently

The atmosphere between them was so serene and calm. It was pure of warmth and dependence on each other. However, behind this calm were the raging emotions inside them

Calter is hurt at seeing Kence hurting and guilt riddled. While Kence is having negative thoughts inside him

This peace on the surface yet stormy in the inside lasted for around 30 minutes and Kence even fell asleep in the process. It only ended because of the knocking sounds on the door

Calter frowned as he saw Kence opening his eyes. Kence became a light sleeper, just the knocking sounds woke up him immediately

"I'll get it, stay here" Calter said and Kence nodded his lead lightly. Calter gave Kence's forehead a kiss before walking towards the door

Opening the door, Calter saw his parents. But since he was not in the mood, he just let the two enter

As soon as Emily entered the room, her eyes immediately locked on Kence and she gave him a smile. "Hello!" Emily greeted and Kence sat down on the bed

"Hello, mother" Kence replied and also gave a smile

"Mom, Dad, what are you doing here?" Calter asked. As he is not really in the mood, Calter wants to end things fast

"Nothing much, just want to hang out with Kence around the city and you know have some talk" Emily replied with a second meaning

Calter started pondering things and since his mother can brainwash Kence, then the woman might be able to do something on Kence's current mental state

"Alright, but only if Kence wants to and you need to bring Number D1 or D2 with you" Calter wants Kence to return back to normal but also cared a lot about safety

"Do you want to roam around the city, Kence?" Calter asked. If Kence doesn't want to, he won't let the youth go

Kence just wants to lay on the bed the whole day and do nothing but how can he refuse? Especially since Emily is looking at him with eager eyes

Thus, Kence can only nod his head. "I-I'll just change clothes" Kence answered and walk towards the bathroom to change his clothes

"Don't worry, son, leave things to your mother. You can rely on us sometimes too you know" Emily reassured Calter while puffing her chest then saw Narry on her side taking a peek on it

Emily kicked her husband's legs and glared at him for being such a pervert at such a time. Narry can only give Emily a wronged look. It was just looking, it's not like he made a move, why is he being bullied?

"I hope so" Calter replied and took a sound transmission stone from his spatial ring to contact Number D1. Fortunately, the Grand Knight is inside the Magic Tower back at the Demon's Den with a free time. And Unfortunately for D1, he'll become a guard today

After some time, Kence already changed from his pajamas and wore a casual clothing and they waited for Number D1

As the Demon's Den is a bit far from Otto's Manor, it took him some time and the people inside made some small talks first. It was a bit awkward as Kence and Calter are clearly not in the mood for talking

Fortunately, Number D1 still did his best to reach the place as soon as possible and he rode on a Cloud Stepping Horse

Krad contacted Calter and said that he's already above

"Number D1 is here. I'll guide you there" Calter said and their group went above ground


In a carriage, only Emily and Kence were inside along with Number D1. This was naturally for protection as Calter is too overprotective

The coachman is a Magic Knight and their line up is really too powerful in a city that doesn't have any Grand Knight that will harm them

"Do you have any particular place you want to go?" Emily asked gently but Kence shook his head. "Mother can choose the place" Kence answered with a smile

Although Kence tried his best to look as normal as possible but Emily can still feel that he's really down. Emily talked to the coachman and gave the details

After some time, their party arrived in the destination. It was the same place that Kence celebrated his birthday and Emily walked towards the small pond

"It is quite windy here. Perfect to calm down our minds" Emily stated while looking at the calm pond

Kence's body twitched a bit and thought that Emily will force him to talk about things he doesn't want to talk

"Do you know that even a small pond can be use as a place to cultivate" Emily continued and Number D1 behind them furrowed his brows

How can a normal pond be able to help one's cultivation? Only expensive and precious things can do that!

Kence also have the same mentality and looked at Emily with confusion. "What do you mean, mother?" Kence asked and Emily gave him a smile before walking towards the pond

She hid her hand on her clothes and a long chain tattoo appeared on it. One of the chain broke down and she stepped on the pond

Her feet glowed with a blue light. It was a pure mana without any attributes unlike almost all of the mages that will only absorb mana of their attributes

Number D1 blinked his eyes repeatedly. He doesn't felt any mana on Emily before and can't even judger her level. However, now, she actually use mana and it was the pure one without any attributes

Emily walked on top of the pond using her mana and even sat down on it. "Number D1, can you make a wave that will advance towards me?"

Emily said and Number D1 did as what he was told. He put his hand on the water that was covered with a dark light. The water visibly moved and created waves advancing at Emily's directions

The woman closer her eyes as every part of her that touches the water glowed with a blue light. When the wave arrived, to everyone's shock, the water ripples continued on her side but they didn't hit her

It was like a part of the wave was erased. On Emily's side, the wave continued but the wave that was about to reach her position vanished

It wasn't that much shock for Number D1. Every Grand Knight mage have good control on mana and they can do the same but that process is a bit aggressive and not as calm as what Emily did

"How about mother give you cultivation tips?" Emily asked as soon as she opened her eyes. Although Kence is down, he still wants to learn magic and nodded his head furiously

Emily stood up and walked back towards the shore. The broken chain tattoo on the back of her palm reappeared and it returned to normal. The mana glow on Emily's body also vanished after that

"As you know, mages absorbs the surrounding mana particles in their surroundings. But almost everyone did it forcefully. Think of every mana particles as a person. What will you do and feel if someone acts aggressively towards you?"

"You will resist as you don't want the way they treated you right? But of course, the powerful will still be able to force you to do everything they want but that will required more effort on their part"

"Mages used up a lot of their soul power because they are being forceful towards the surrounding mana. The mana resisted a lot and mages have lesser time to cultivate as they would need to put effort on stopping that resistance"

"But if you treated the mana kindly, they will obey you with less resistance. But of course, it was easy to say but is a hard thing to do. It was like you are courting the hardest girl to court"

"It requires one to have peaceful minds. If one's mind is clouded by negative thoughts, it would be hard to make the mana to like you and the resistance you will met in the cultivation is hard"

"What I did back there was I calmed down my mind and the mana helped me in stopping the waves of water from hitting me. Of course, it is not something so special as it won't help you in combat but it was a good training"

"As long as you did your best to court mana and they started having good feelings about you, they will try to help you. The help is limited though and stopping the wave is already an outcome the skillful mages can have"

Emily explained. She also knew that it was hard to have Kence speak everything on his mind and release all the pent up emotions

Kence's mind is extremely agitated and it first needs to calm down and loosen up. When one's inner self is calm, it would be easier to talk to them

As Kence really wants to cultivate, this is a good strategy to 'lure' him in calming his mind

Sure enough, Kence looked fired up as a layer of icy blue light covered his feet and he walked on top of the water. As a magic apprentice, even though he was very talented, his skills are still not that fully developed and he wobbled as he walks on top of the wate

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