Magic With You

Chapter 129 - 129: Heaven Defying Eternal World Of Darkness Art

Although that is the case, Calter still has a feeling that in the future, even with ten times more mana, it still wouldn't be enough for him

Calter then continued familiarizing himself with the 'power-ups' he gained today

It was not just the Eyes of Darkness - Karami that he got. When Calter inspected his spirit sea, he saw his core was stronger than before. He also saw what it looks like as a seal that was being removed on that core of his

The core transmitted yet another stream of information straight to Calter's mind and he can't help but gasp at what he got

Heaven Defying Eternal World of Darkness Art

It was a cultivation art! He still doesn't know everything it can do but there is one thing that he is absolutely sure of, and that is, this manual will enable him to soar to the skies!

Cultivation Arts are different than normal magic manuals containing magic theories. The Art gives the user another way to utilize or give attributes to one's magic and every art manual has some distinctions. This is a very rare thing in Enchanted Star Realm and from Calter's knowledge, only a few true powerhouses in the whole realm have this

As if Calter forgot that he only broke through just minutes ago, he started yet another round of cultivation

Magic Warriors and above is different than Magic Apprentices. Apprentices only need to learn how to use magic. It was like they are given a gun and they only need to pull the trigger to have some power

But Magic Warriors are different, different branches of the magic path will start here. The most common is to just continue learning magic theories and you'll eventually advance to the next stage

There are others like Bronny that is a Magic Swordsman, he strengthens his physical body through magic and uses a spell to supplement his power. But because of that, most of his skills are only for close combat and he cannot use too much mana

But the manual that Calter got was different than the others. It needs him to make foundations first, and the first foundation is his physical body too

From what Calter understood, he'll have a physique stronger than even Magic Swordsmen but he wasn't as restricted as them

Normal mages will store mana on their cells then used it when it is needed. As for Magic Swordmen, they have strong bodies because most of their mana enveloped their cells. It can't leave there or they will lose their physical strength

But to train this art, what Calter needs to do is for his cells to be nourished using mana! Not just normal mana but darkness attributed one. And it naturally has the instruction on how to do it

Storing mana on cells or enveloping cells with mana is different than having your cells to fully absorb mana!

It was like the cell is a container. Normal mages will simply pour water on that container and use it when needed. Magic Swordsmen will coat that container with mana making it more durable and they are more physically fit

But what Calter needs to do is to strengthen that container! Sure, there are medicines or other manuals that can fortify the container but their effects are minimal and they have a limit

But what Calter got is different. It wasn't as restricted and limited as those mediocre items!

This filled Calter with excitement. Although he was still pressured from the future dangers, but with this, he'll at least have the chance to become really strong

Without further delay, Calter practiced according to the Heaven Defying Eternal World of Darkness Art

His body glowed with a dark light as his mana did their work and strengthened all of Calter's cells. But it was harder than it sounds. And it was also very painful!

Calter can't stop himself from breaking out into cold sweats. But he didn't stop. This pain will make him stronger!

Enduring this pain will enable his cells to experience upgrades and it will also train his willpower. The more willpower he has, the easier it would be to absorb more Dungeon Cores


October 28 Year 2001

Just like that, three days have passed since Calter become a Magic Warrior. As usual, he trained with his new strength

In one of the tower's training rooms, Calter was in front of ten Magic Warriors slave of his. All of these mages are low-level Magic Warriors too

Magic Apprentices and Warriors are different. If Calter didn't gain Karami and his cultivation art, even he, wouldn't fight these many enemies

"[Dark Summon Magic: Skeleton Warriors!]" Calter activated his summoning spell and summoned five skeleton warriors at a time

But these skeletons are very different than the ones he summoned before. All five of these skeletons have the power of a Rank 1 Creature! Their bones are much denser and their swords look sharper too

His summoning spells back at Apprentice Rank have fix power, but things are different now. The more mana he uses, the stronger creatures will be summoned

Add that to his comprehension of the engravings on his core, Calter's summoning knowledge is getting higher and higher

But of course, these five skeletons used up a lot of Calter's mana. Every skeleton needs a bit more than 1/4 of a normal Magic Warriors' mana. Meaning, Calter can't spam his summoning spells now as he did at his former rank

But of course, this is one of the reasons why summoners are regarded highly. The skeleton warriors are not the strongest Rank 1 creatures but a mage can have three Rank 1 creatures to fight for him. In a one on one fight or even wars, this is an ability that others will be jealous of

Calter already summoned five but he still wasn't finished! With another spell, five more Rank 1 Skeletons appeared and the fight is now 11 versus 10. But for now, this might be his limit

His slaves don't even know if they should still be shock or what. Although these skeletons might not have the ability to defeat these mages, but they are more than enough to buy Calter a lot of time

The two sides clashed with the mages using their spells on the skeletons. While the skeletons defended themselves using their swords covered with mana

Some spell hit the skeletons but it didn't immediately kill them

Calter smirk at how powerful he becomes and even after summoning that many skeletons, he still has a lot of mana. The only problem was that summoning ten Skeleton Warriors already caused his soul to be fatigue. Very different from before where he can summon tens of skeletons

"[Dark Magic: Ghost Hands!]" Calter pointed his wand below one of the mages and black hands appeared from the slave's shadow

Everywhere the hands touch made sizzling sounds as it has corrosive properties. Not only that, but it also has a bit of an effect on the souls

Enemies with weak will would be in trance and they will see 'ghost' wanting to drag them to hell. But of course, these prisoners have tough lives and it made their wills stronger than normal people

But even then, the mage can't defend from both the Ghost hands' spell and the Rank 1 skeleton at the same time. Thus, the slave was saved by a Magic Knight in stand by and it forfeited him from the fight

This turned the tides against the other warriors as they lose a member. Calter managed to 'disable' another mage before one of them was able to defeat one of the skeletons that alleviated the pressure a bit

But no matter what they do, there are still bound to lose. They need to fight skeletons while defending from Calter's spell, how could that be easy?

Only three was left from them but the skeletons still numbered at six, plus their summoner is still active

Seeing this, Calter went to try his eye power.


As soon as Calter willed it, his eyes turned into two black upside-down triangles forming a dark star. He can feel a lot of his mana going to his eyes and he knew that he can't activate this for much longer

Calter ignored the other abilities his eye gave him and went towards one of the mages

As soon as that mage looked at Calter's eyes, his body immediately stiffened

"[Karami Magic: Endless Darkness!]" Calter's eyes glowed with a dark light and the mage instantly fell under his spell

The mage still has his consciousness but he ... he panicked!

Calter is literally just in front of him but he cannot see anything. The mage turned his head left and right but all he can see is pure darkness!

"W-what happened?" The mage said in fear and he tried using his soul power to resist the illusion but no matter how much he resisted, he was not able to regain his vision

Although the mage has a strong willpower, but to suddenly lose his vision ... this made him extremely terrified and he didn't know what to do except from trembling

The mage felt hands moving him but he still didn't see anything. It was like he really turned blind

Only after a few seconds did he regained his vision, but even then, it was still too dark than his normal vision

The mage looked at his master that still have those black star-like eyes and trembled in fear again. To suddenly lose your vision like that is extremely horrifying! He will never forget what it feels like

After that, the mage averted his gaze and didn't dare to look at Calter again. The experience was just too traumatizing. Just imagine if that was really a life and death battle and he lost his vision like that...

Calter immediately deactivated Karami as using it once was already very draining for him. The star vanished and his eyes returned back to normal

Endless Darkness .... it is a Karami Magic that will deprive one's enemies all of their senses and only darkness was available for them to 'see' and 'feel'

However, as Calter is still very weak even after becoming a Magic Warrior, he can only deprive his enemies of their vision for a few seconds. But just that few seconds drained almost all of his remaining mana

Calter just ordered his skeletons to finish the remaining mages and he went back to his room to rest. Using Karami has its drawbacks. Not only was it too mana consuming, but it is also very draining on his body and soul

Using it once already made him this fatigue


Kence is currently in the Sternix Clan again. When it comes to ice magic cultivation, it was Otto that is helping Kence. But to other things, it was Emily

Especially since Emily has the power to threaten Calter's slaves to fight Kence seriously

As usual, Emily is training Kence's combat skills which significantly improved now

"[Ice Magic: Ice Blast!]" Kence activated his spell and he conjured a ball of ice that flew out from his wand

Not far from him were three low leveled magic warriors who dodged his attacks using their speed raising spells

However, Kence just moved his wand and the ice blast followed one of his enemies. Kence judged that his spell can't catch up to his opponents and waved his wand

The ball of ice then exploded causing ice shards to fly everywhere. Some of the ice shards were about to hit one of the mages at the back but a magic barrier protected him

It was the doing of a Magic Knight that will ensure that no one will get hurt too much. But since the Knight made a move, the mage he saved is out of the battle now which is actually a relief for him as he won't have the chance to accidentally hurt Kence

Kence heaves a sigh of relief too. Although he was fighting them seriously but he's still worried about the slaves. He doesn't want to hurt any of them. In fact, these slaves gave him so much help and he'll feel terrible if he hurt any of them

Just like that, only two mages were left and they turn to attack Kence at the same time

"[Earth Magic: Stone Bullets!]" With a wave of his wand, tens of small size bullets emerged from the ground and flew at Kence's position

These slaves are in a bad situation. They can't hurt Kence but they also can't afford to not fight him seriously or else the 'Demon Emily' will bare her fangs against them again

"[Ice Magic: Ice Bullets!]" Kence defended from stone bullets using his own ice bullets and the two cancel each other but there is still one mage that is ready to attack!

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