Magic With You

Chapter 15 - 15

Calter decided to not waste any more time. He waved his hand and a badge with a flying Ice Phoenix appeared on his palm. Everyone who saw it widened their eyes in shock. They can't help but take a sharp breath. This badge was something that almost all people on Soaring Magic City knew of what this badge represents. They all looked at the guard captain with pity on their eyes

The other guards were filled with excitement inside for the fate of this extremely jealous captain. "S-Soaring I-Ice Phoenix Badge!" The captain muttered in disbelief and fear bubbled inside him

Soaring Ice Phoenix Badge is also called the City Lord's Badge! Anyone who has it has authority only below the City Lord

The City Lord, just what kind of power he has? Although the most powerful Clans and organizations are not that too afraid of the City Lord but no one of them would dare offend him!

The City Lord is the most powerful Magician in the entire city! No one can rival his power. That's a Rank 3 Magician, the pinnacle of pinnacle in the whole Enchanted Star Realm!

"For disrespecting me I judge you with 100 years of Imprisonment!" Calter cruelly said. If not for Kence being with him now he won't hesitate to give the captain a death sentence. Even then, imprisoning him for a hundred years was even more dreadful than directly killing him

Magic Warrior only has a bit more than 100 years life span. He was bound to spend the rest of his life inside the prison. Unless the City Lord decided to free him, no one can help him. Of course, why would the City Lord do that? He's just an ant for a powerful Magician like that

"L-Lord! F-forgive me for offending you please don't punish me like this!" The captain pleaded in fear but Calter only glance coldly at him

"Disperse!" Calter shouted and the people around immediately run away. The captain didn't dare resist, if he flees or attack Calter the other guards nearby would come attack him and give him a fate worse than even death or lifetime imprisonment

"Let's go" Calter's voice soften when he talked to Kence who nodded his head and threw a glance at the guard with pity. Although Kence felt that 100 years imprisonment is too much but he really disrespected and accused his master. Aside from feeling some pity he won't try helping him

The two continued walking back to the Clan when Calter's expression changed as he remembered something. "Wait, we haven't had our lunch"

"Oh, right. Are you hungry Big Brother? Do you want to go back in the restaurant or I'll cook for you?" Kence said in concern. Although he's also hungry but his master's well-being was more important

Calter almost face palmed himself from being too stupid and he was filled with even more hatred to the Crane Clan Young Master. It was supposed to be his first date with Kence but that stupid brat just needs to find trouble with him. This made him extremely annoyed as he wants to give Kence the best treatment possible

"Let's go back in the Clan" Calter answered dejectedly, he was sulking inside. That's a date okay? A date! And it was gone just like that.

Kence naturally saw his master's down expression and immediately comforted him. "Don't worry about it, Big Brother, I'll cook you the most delicious food today!"

His words made Calter to think of a way to continue having a date today with Kence. "No don't cook, I'm the one's going to cook today!" Calter declared with confidence which made Kence to look incredulously at him. Kence still didn't forgot how his master filled the kitchen with smokes to the point that everyone who enter would cough badly

The food he tried to make was burnt to the extreme until only black things were left. And those things without a doubt not something that a human can eat

"Y-You will cook?" Kence looked at his master with doubt. "Yes, I will!"

"You can cook now?" Kence still don't believe that his master can cook. A slight tint of blush spread on Calter's cheeks and he spoke in a soft and almost inaudible voice. "I-I.... praticed cooking every night for the past week... I think, I can give it a shot...."

Kence was shock at hearing it as he didn't know that but then he remembered something. "So... you're the reason why the chefs are always fighting every morning as scraps of burnt food was always there when the chefs arrived!" Calter's face turned even redder at hearing that

He doesn't know why how can a powerful Magician like him will be that terrible at cooking. This is too unbelievable! He practiced for a week but he always got the same result. Whether it be eggs, vegetables, chicken, or meat as long as he was the one that cooked all of it would be reduced into something inedible. Even dogs won't eat the foods he cooked or well... ruined

"Big Brother you don't know it but the chefs would always shout with each other every morning and blaming one another. If they knew that it was the Young Master that did it how will they react? Hahahah! This is too hilarious! Hahaha!" If it was normal time, Calter would be happy seeing Kence laughing like this. However, this time it only made him more embarrassed at making a fool on himself. He lost a huge amount of face in front of Kence today. Just why does he need to admit doing it?

"You brat stop laughing!" Calter scolded but Kence can't stop himself from laughing

"Big Brother hahaha you should have seen them. Smokes would literally come out from their nose with face flushed in anger. Their saliva also splashed on each other when they are shouting. It was such a funny scene! Hahaha!" Just remembering the looks on the chefs' faces every morning made Kence to be unable to stop himself from laughing

He was holding his stomach and was almost out of breath while tears were gathering around his eyes. It's like someone tell the funniest joke in the world to him

Calter was feeling bitter inside. He always wants to make Kence happy and laugh but who would have thought that all it takes was to make himself be looked like a clown

Calter went to pull Kence on his body and messed the latter's hair gently. "If you're not my Kence, I would get really angry at you for laughing like that!"

Kence immediately stopped and looked at Calter with fear. "I'm sorry Big Brother... did I pissed you off?" Kence said in an apologetic manner while looking up to Calter

Calter hold his face on his hand and smiled warmly. "No, I love seeing you smile and laugh" Calter said straightforwardly while wiping away the tears that gathered around Kence's eyes due to laughing too much

Kence's face immediately heat up as started feeling shy. "Big Brother, you're such a sweet talker!" Kence broke free from his master's grasp and turned his back at him. He touched his face and wondered while it was so hot like that and even though he can't see his own face he knew that it was very red now

"Hahaha, I'm just saying the truth. Let's go, you need to eat" Calter laughed and pulled Kence back to the Clan

When they went back to the Clan the servants immediately greeted them. The two head straightly on the kitchen and when they opened the door silence descended inside immediately

The chefs didn't move as they were afraid that even the slightest sound would irritate the Young Master

"Get out" Calter's manner of talking to other people was really cold and will bring fear on them. Only when it was Kence he was talking with would that change. Even with his parents he was extremely cold as if they didn't matter on his eyes

The chefs immediately did what they were told and went out outside the kitchen without making a sound. However, one of the chefs dropped a spoon. The sound that was made was piercing inside the silent room

That chef's face paled and quickly picked up the spoon while the other chefs were glaring angrily at her. That chef bowed her head and pitifully went out amidst the burning eyes of the other chefs

After all the chefs went out, Kence once again broke into a fit of laughter. "Big Brother, you are really terrifying. You only ordered them to get out and didn't say anything yet they are that afraid on you hahaha. Especially that girl chef that dropped the spoon, she's so scared that I thought she would piss on her pants. And the other chefs looked as if they want to eat her alive hahaha!"

Seeing his Kence being this chatty and happy made Calter satisfied. "Well, you can't blame me for that" Calter said while shaking his shoulder in a nonchalant manner

"Yes, yes. How can I dare blame the Young Master" Kence said while grinning

"Silly! Just sit over there and watch me cook the most delicious food you will eat in your whole life!" Calter boasted but immediately regretted it. Even until now, there was no guarantee that he would be able to make an edible food much less a delicious one at that

"Oh? I'm so excited for it then!" The teasing tone on Kence's voice further enhanced Calter's regret but since he already said what he shouldn't have said he doesn't have much choice. He can only hope that he would at least make something that a human can eat

Calter went to take some eggs, pan and things that he can add to it. Fried eggs are one of the easiest foods to cook. He washed some onions and put in the chopping board

"Wait, Big Brother, wear this" Kence hold a piece of pink apron and showed it to Calter. The Young Master's face immediately darkened at seeing it

Not only was the apron pink but there's also a bunny embroidered on it. That's not the most hateful thing though, it's the fact that Kence didn't do it to tease him! It's like Calter wearing a pink apron with a bunny was extremely normal

"Y-You want me to wear this apron?" Calter asked through gritted teeth. Kence tilted his head in confusion "Your clothes are expensive, it's a waste if you ruin it while cooking. Besides, I think this apron suits you, it's cute" Kence said in an innocent manner as he really meant every word, he said

Calter swear if any other people said those words, he would immediately give out a heavy punishment. He took a deep breath to calm himself, he can't believe that Kence wants him to wear a stupid looking apron. He will never wear something like that! Or so he thought but Kence's next words made him to reluctantly wear it

"You don't like it Big Brother? A pity, I think it will look good on you though. I also have one apron like this, I thought we could have the same apron"

At this time there's only one thing on Calter's mind and that is....

Couple Shirts! Or in this case couple apron. Calter quickly took the disgustingly pink apron and wear it on his body through gritted teeth. The pink color was piercing his eyes but he has to bear with if he wants to have a couple clothes with Kence

"Where is yours? Wear it now!" Kence blinked his eyes but nonetheless did as what he was told. A pink apron exactly similar to the one Calter was wearing appeared on his hand and he wore it on his body

Looking at his cute and adorable Kence wearing a 'cute' apron made Calter to nod his head in satisfaction. One must admit that Kence is really cute and now that he was wearing something cute it compliments his looks

Calter looked down at his pink apron and then to Kence's identical apron. As they were wearing the same clothes, Calter felt that the pink apron on his body was.... not that bad

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