Magic With You

Chapter 163 - 163

Kence entered one of the rooms that have ten chairs and tables. On the side and front of the tables and chairs was a screen that will ensure no students will be able to cheat

The screen will record the examinees and it was easy to know who is cheating

When Kence entered the room, he saw Prince Xian that gave him an encouraging smile. Kence smiled back before hearing a cold voice that made him shiver "Move!"

Kence looked at the source of the voice and saw the pervert again. Calter has a dark expression on his face, his mood turned sour every time that he saw Kence 'flirting' with another man

Kence glare at Calter that is now his most hated enemy before searching for the chair that has the same number as the Tower Manager gave to him

Coincidentally, his seat was right next to Calter. This immediately made Kence displease while Calter's heart become overjoyed

"Since everyone is here now, swipe your numbers on the button in the middle of your tables. Just select what type of magic you use and start answering!" The Academy teacher inside the room announced and the students obediently obeyed

As soon as Kence swiped his number, a screen projection immediately appeared in front of him. "Why am I still amazed at seeing a normal Magic Technology?" Kence asked himself while shaking his head

The screen asked him to write his name and Kence raised his hand to write it on the screen

"Kence ... Russel .... Crosmoner" after making sure that he spelled his name correctly, Kence nodded his head before submitting it

Spelling one's name might be a simple thing to do but Kence is afraid to mess up

A long list appeared on the screen and Kence searched for Ice Magic. As soon as he clicked that, a question immediately popped up and has a timer of an hour

Kence focused and read the question carefully before writing his answer. Calter was the same too. Even if he wants to stare at Kence, he can't

The screen has an enchantment, everyone outside the screen can see what is inside. But the ones inside the screen cannot see what is happening outside

In front of the room was Xian and the academy teacher, they are checking the screen that showed the students to make sure that no examinee will cheat

However, Xian was mostly watching Kence. Every frown from the youth when a hard question appeared was so cute for him. Xian can't take his eyes away from such a perfect being

Soon, an hour passed and the written exam finished. Kence looked at the [Congratulations! You passed!] In the screen and heave a sigh of relief

He was nervous for the whole duration of the exam. Although he felt like he answered correctly, he was still afraid to fail

"All students that passed, go outside. The second part of the exam will be explained!"

Kence stood up from his seat, the joyful atmosphere around him for passing instantly vanished when he saw his 'seatmate'

Kence turned his head to the side snobbily and walks towards the door and exited the exam room

The side of Calter's face twitched as every time that Kence will judge or show a displeased expression to him, the young master can feel pain in his heart

It was like he only wants to see Kence laughing and smiling at him

After returning to the area outside, Kence saw that from the more than fifty people, only thirty have passed. It might sound high but that was just the first part of the exam and there are two more parts

From these thirty people, how many of them will remain?

As soon as all the passers were present, the Tower Manager suddenly appeared out of nowhere. No student was able to sense his presence at all

"Oh? Seems like there are more geniuses on this batch" the Tower Manager complimented before an annoying smirk formed on his face. "In the theoretical area at least. But who knows if your combat skills are at the same level as your knowledge"

Kence's face pales a bit at hearing the words 'combat skills'. He is confident in his spell casting speed but there are a lot of variables that can affect a battle. Kence's knew to himself that his fighting skills are still somewhat lacking

"Next part is a practical exam called 'Fart or Crystal'" Towards the end, the manager's face twitched a bit

Some of the students laugh at the exam's names before the Manager looked at them coldly. "That name was given by the Head Master"

As soon as he said that, no student dared to let out another laugh. What a joke! Even Kings can only bow their heads towards the Escardon Academy's Head Master!

Who knows what will happen to them if the Head Master knew that they laugh at the exam's name

Kence was also one of the students that laughed before and he instantly bit his lip to stop himself before an 'annoying fly' murmured close to him

"I hope the Head Master learned that you laugh"

The thought of his actions being found out by the supreme mage terrified Kence and he looked at Calter with 'hostility' in his eyes

"At least I'm not a pervert!" Kence answered with a 'sneer' that also looks cute at Calter's eyes

"I'm not a pervert!" Calter replied through gritted teeth. How did he become a pervert? He doesn't even have time for something like that!

"Yeah, and pigs can fly!" Kence answered and felt proud of himself. He learned this line somewhere before and he thought that it was a good comeback before Calter bursts his bubbles

"Have you not heard of an eagle pig? There are pigs that can literally fly" Calter said with disdain

Kence's face heated up as he lost face in front of a pervert for the second time. "Y-You ..." Kence wanted to retort but he doesn't know what to say. Calter's words gave him no room for retaliation

Seeing the constipated look of Kence made Calter laugh. The youth was an adorable sore loser. This gave Calter a thought of maybe he should always tease Kence

In that way, the youth will notice him and he won't be ignored like what happened earlier. But Calter immediately pushed down those thoughts, why should he bother to try gaining Kence's attention? He 'don't like' the youth for badmouthing him in front of so many people

"The two at the back, if you are going to flirt with each other that loud, just go home!" The Tower Manager's voice boomed in the area and Kence flinched before giving an apologetic look to everyone

"S-sorry for the noise!" Kence apologized. The Manager has several sentences on his mind to reprimand the two but those words were stuck in his throat

Kence looks so innocent and it will arouse everyone's pity if he was 'bullied'

The manager just didn't respond and continue explaining the rules of the exam

"All of you will enter a forest with magic beasts inside. Those beasts have diamond crystals on their forehead and you need to collect five of them"

"But there is a twist! Not all those crystals are real! There are some of them that will bursts into .... f-farts as soon as it was taken from the beasts. Hence, the reason for the name"

The examinees grimace at the mention of farts. Just who the hell designed this exam? Who likes the smell of farts to the point that they'll be able to think of something like this?

"That's disgusting ...?" Kence softly muttered before the annoying fly gave another comment. "Tsk, what a spoiled brat"

Kence repeatedly took a deep breath to calm himself. Why is the pervert always getting on his nerves?

"Can't even take the smell of farts, how weak" Calter continued and he wants to slap himself at his actions

He thought that it was below his level to desperately gain Kence's attention, then just what the hell is he doing now?

Kence normally has a calm temper but the pervert is really getting into his nerves. He was too unfortunate to take the exam today and be in the same batch as this hateful man

"Follow me now!" The manager shouted and the students followed behind him


After minutes of walking, the thirty examinees reached the outside of a forest where some people are already waiting for them

"The forest has magic cameras inside and killing is not allowed but for the rest, you can do anything you want!"

The double meaning behind the manager's words made the examinees raise their guards against each other

If the magic beasts are at or above their levels, then imagine how hard it is to kill five to reach the number of crystals they need. Not to mention that some of those crystals are fake

Seems like everyone still underestimated the level of difficulty of the exams

Aside from killing, the examinees can just sneak attack other examinees and take their crystals. What a vicious exam!

The manager was about to have the students enter different areas of the forest when he sensed something and he raised his head to look above him

A small girl around 5 feet can be seen floating above. She looks weak and easy to bully but when the manager saw her, the powerful Grand Knight immediately kneeled on the ground

"Head Master!" The Manager greeted and when the other academy staffs turned their heads in the sky, their face paled and followed suit to kneel on the ground

"H-Head Master ...?" The students asked in disbelief

That girl ... is the .... Head Master? A small girl like her? She looks even younger than these examinees

A childish laugh entered everyone's ears and the next thing they knew was that the little girl is already in front of the Tower Manager

"S-So fast!" Calter's eyes widened. He did not even saw the girl move. In literally just a blink of an eye, the girl moved from the sky to the ground

"Hello, students!" The girl greeted and lifted her skirt before bowing like a Noble lady

The students didn't know how to react. They heard the manager addressed this girl as the Head Master, the manager with the other staffs even kneeled on the ground just by seeing her

But .... she .... isn't she just a child? Every student has no words to say except for one

"S-so cute!" Kence exclaimed innocently at seeing the facial features of the Head Master. It was already too late when he realized that he blurted those words loudly and all eyes turned on him

Kence's face paled and was about to apologize when the girl moved at an unimaginable speed again and reached the front of Kence

The youth was given access to the jade-like purple eyes of the girl and his fear vanished. It was literally replaced with amazement

"Waahh!! You are so cute!" Everyone expected the Head Master to get angry at Kence's 'disrespect' but what happened was completely opposite

The girl looks at Kence as if the youth was a cute doll. Her hands also clasped Kence's face and moved it left to right and up and down as if she was checking out every inch of the youth's face

"Wow!! You are so cute in all angles!" The girl exclaimed and started groping all over Kence's body

Kence became flustered because of her actions but he didn't felt any sort of malicious intent from her actions. It was like the girl only wants to check him out

"H-hey! Where do you think you are touching him?!" Calter shouted loudly

It was one thing to see Kence smiling with another man and another to see a person groping the youth. The jealousy and anger on Calter's heart exploded without a warning

The young master forgot who the girl is. He might not have his real memories yet but Calter's heart will never allow anyone to touch his Kence aside from him!

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