Magic With You

Chapter 178 - 178

Kier threw his dagger at the skeleton and it accurately hits the skeleton's head before the lightning from it exploded. The Rank 1 Skeleton was instantly killed due to Kier's skillful throw, his stronger lightning than normal also played an important role at that.

Calter never encountered a Magic Warrior that can easily kill his summoned creature like that and his eyes turned deadly. He wants to summon more skeletons but Halli did the same thing as Kier but with a different target

Halli's dagger created a lightning trail as it targeted Kence's life. That is not something that Calter can allow and he made a barrier in front of Kence that blocked the dagger

The four stops for some time while panting hard. The fight might have only started but it was already too intense. Spells after one another were used and the bloodlust from the four continued to grow

They didn't know where this bloodlust and anger are coming from but all they want is to kill each other

Even the normally kind Kence was affected by this. Both his heart and necklace were giving him a huge sense of danger. It was as if he doesn't kill these two in the shortest time possible, they would threaten his life in the future

Kence's heart started beating fast again while a cold energy spread from his heart to his whole body. Calter sensed this from their hands that were holding each other and he looks at Kence

What Calter saw shocked him a lot. Kence's eyes that were glowing with coldness were focused on their two opponents. Calter can even feel something that he never thought he will sense from Kence

Killing intent! Kence's killing intent can be clearly felt by Calter

"[Snow Magic: Sticky Snow!]" Kence raised his hand and tens of snows formed above Kier and Halli

Kence lowered his hand aggressively and the snow falls at a fast speed

The body of the two was instantly covered with lightning as they moved away from the snows

Calter and the others were shocked that Kence uses snow magic as people that can use ice and snow magic are extremely rare. Even in the Cold Blue Kingdom where every mage is almost all ice or snow type, mages like Kence are still rare

Calter threw away his shock first and focuses on the fight in front of him. "[Dark Magic: Ghost Hands!]" Below the two, ghost-like hands appeared and they tried touching their legs

Fortunately, the lightning around the two protected them but it still slowed down their speed a lot and the snow consumed more of the lightning around them while some manage to stick to their bodies

The two immediately felt that the few balls of snow that landed on their bodies were ridiculously heavy and their speed decreases again

Calter uses this chance and showed more of his abilities to summon another skeleton warrior and ordered it to attack

Kier and Halli looked at each other before their powers exploded. Thicker lightning covered their bodies that evaporated Kence's snow

Their lightning should have been different but they synched perfectly with each other and their speed increases a lot

Daggers appeared in the hands of the two for the nth time. Halli used it to stab the skeleton that reached them. However, he was still not as skillful as Kier and the skeleton barely managed to block using its sword

Seeing this, Kier poured strength to his feet to threw a strong kick. The skeleton's body flew in the air and approached its summoner

Calter was about to use a spell to prevent the skeleton from hitting him but Kence beats him to it

Kence waved his hand and a whip made from snow was made by him. The whip wrapped on the skeleton's right arm and the youth threw it back to Halli and Kier that uses their speed advantage to dodge

Kence's decisiveness and increase in fighting skills surprise Calter a lot, giving time for their enemies to retaliate

"[Lightning Magic: Lightning Snake!]" The two said at the same time and the lightning gathered on their daggers

The two throw the daggers that formed one bigger lightning snake and it approached Kence and Calter

"[Ice Magic: Ice Wall!]" Kence slammed his feet in the ground a two meters tall ice wall appeared in front of him and Calter

Calter went to touch the ice wall and spread a lot of his mana on it. When it comes to the amount of mana, no one of the other three can defeat him

However, Calter didn't know that the fusion of Kier and Halli's power generated a lot of power and their defense was penetrated

A black and blue light covered the body of the two and they jumped high to dodged the lightning snake

However, the snake changed its direction and continued attacking the two

Calter made a black barrier below him and Kence to slow down the snake to buy time for him. But he still underestimated Kence's 'transformation'

A thick layer of blue ice covered the entirety of Kence's arm and when the barrier was destroyed, the youth uses his arm to punch the snake

With the protection from the ice, Kence's body wasn't paralyzed by the lightning snake and he punches away the two daggers inside it

The lightning snake vanished and the two landed on the ground

The students around watched with bated breaths. This fight might only be a Magic Warrior fight but the intensity will make people anticipate what will happen next

As soon as Kence landed on the ground, pieces of ice fell from his arm as the lightning still destroyed his 'ice armor'

The two sides stared at each other again before Calter decided to end this fight. The past Calter is alright if Kence becomes like this but he is still worried about the change being this sudden

Calter's heart won't settle down if Kence didn't return back to normal. A sword appeared in Calter's hand before a huge chunk of his mana settled to his eyes

Calter's normally dark round pupils changed their shape and turned into a star-like one made from two triangles

"[Karami Magic: Endless Darkness!]" This time, Calter targeted two people at the same time

Kier and Halli immediately loses their vision before Calter pulled Kence as he charged at the two

Shadow Flames burned into Calter's sword and he was about to slash it on the two. However, to his shock, the two recovered their vision at a speed he did not expect

When Halli and Kier lose their vision, the small lightning inside their soul generated a strange wave that negated Calter's Karami Magic

Lightning immediately covered the hands of the two and they were about to use it to kill Kence and Calter

Both sides were about to use deadly attacks when fire wrapped on their bodies that moved them away from each other

Calter's eyes immediately returned back to normal and Kence's demeanor returned to one full of innocence

"That is enough, you four satisfied me! Hihi" the Head Master said with a giggle and stood between the four. "I decided that I'll help you four become Magic Knights in a month and even have you enter a special and hidden class!"

The Head Master announced, earning the curiosity of the students. Just what is this special and hidden class? And if it was hidden, why would the Head Master announce it in front of so many people that loud?

"Aisha, take care of these students" the Head Master said before clawing at an empty space

To every students' shock, the Head Master looks as if she rips the space and a new scene entered everyone's eyes. Tens of ridiculously tall and large towers became visible for everyone to see

The towers seemed as if they touched the skies themselves. However, the most noticeable of them was the tower in the middle

It was purple and red in color but that wasn't the most striking feature of it. This tower was the tallest and largest one, even the other towers look tiny in front of it

The students can only shock without knowing how to react. They already saw Magic Towers before but they were not this large, numerous, and majestic as only Rank 4 Mages have them

The Head Master controlled the bodies of the four and the five of them flew in the air

This was Kence's first time flying as it was something only above Grand Knights can do. He felt some fear from being this high but he also felt like he should have been always flying like this

"Hahaha! You four really don't disappoint me" the Head Master suddenly said. The two that were the smartest and sensitive, Calter and Kier felt something from the girl's words that they can't pinpoint out

In no time, the group of five reached the largest tower, around it were several fierce and strong guards guarding it. Even the weakest of them have auras that are even stronger than the Tower Managers

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