Magic With You

Chapter 218 - 218

A young man slowly opened his eyes and he stared at the dark ceiling above him for a few seconds as his mind still wasn't in its best state

After some time, Calter's eyes widened a bit as his memories start to come back at him. Calter's body jolted in shock and he sat on the bed he was in

The young master remembered how he and Kence fought with Halli and Kier in the middle of the city. Calter doesn't know what got to him at that time but he felt a strong killing intent

Calter's whole body was screaming for him to kill the two and it was the only thing in his mind back then. After rearranging his thoughts for a bit, Calter looked around him and saw that there is someone on his side

Calter rejoice as it was Kence that is with him in what it looks like a cell that only has a dim light

Kence was still unconscious and Calter can't stop himself from staring at the youth's peacefully sleeping face despite the dim light. Kence's lips were parted a bit but it was as red and moisturized as before

Just that image alone was more than enough for the thing between Calter's leg to stood up. Calter should have been thinking of more important things but kissing Kence filled his mind

It comes to the point that Calter wasn't able to stop himself and he starts to move his body. Calter went on top of Kence and caged the sleeping youth between his strong arms

Calter continued staring at such a beautiful and perfect face before his head moves on its own. Calter lowered his head while his heart starts to beat fast. His face being this close to Kence was filling his whole body with great excitement

Calter continuously lowered his head bit by bit until his lips are only a few inches away from the lips he wants to kiss. He realized what he was doing at that time and was about to but then ... Kence .... he slowly opened his eyes

The eyes of the two met and Calter's heart trembled. Kence would surely hate him again because of this. Why can't Calter restrain himself?

However, Kence's mind was still not fully functional at that time and he thought that he was dreaming

"B-Big Brother ..." Kence softly called out and his breath hits Calter on the face. Kence just woke up but his breath doesn't stink at all. In fact, it was as fresh as usual and Calter was intoxicated by it

Calter's head turned dizzy as Kence called him Big Brother in such a sexy way. Why is Kence teasing him again?

Kence thought that everything was still a dream and his body that still hasn't forgotten Calter's touch and kiss move in its own

Kence starts wrapping his milky white and soft arms around Calter's neck and the young master entered a panic state. Calter already desperately wants to kiss Kence, how can he possibly stop himself if Kence is being like this?

However, Calter was in for a huge surprise that morning as Kence pulled his head lower until the lips of the two touches each other

Calter's body was immediately electrified as Kence's kiss woke something inside him

"Soft ... too soft ...." Calter thought in his mind while he doesn't know what to do due to the huge shock he head. His heart was already leaping out from his chest at that time

That wasn't enough though as Kence starts moving his lips and that became the trigger for Calter to do what he really wants

Calter holds Kence's face with one of his hands and he deepened the kiss. That earned him a positive moan from Kence that became his 'inspiration' to perform better

Calter gave Kence a round of passionate kiss and he didn't let his lips stay away from the youth's lips for a long time. Only when Kence almost cannot breathe anymore did Calter stops

Calter stared at Kence's face that has a dreamy look on him. Kence's already moist lips turned even moister due to the earlier kiss and due to how Calter attacked his lips, the red shade in his lips turned deeper

The young master was proud of his 'masterpiece' and after giving Kence some time to recover, he attacked the youth's lip once again

Kence'a face and expression is the reason why Calter won't be satisfied with that just one kiss

Thus, Kence was once again kissed in a more passionate and aggressive way than before to the point that all his senses were being overwhelmed by it

As a result, Kence exited his dreamy and confused state. Kence realized that what is happening is not a dream and his eyes widened

Kence knew that it was him that initiated the kiss, he can't blame Calter that much. He wants to stop but ...

Kence's hug on Calter's neck turned stronger as the kiss was stimulating his body too much to the point that he is almost crying

Kence's hand crumpled Calter's robe as the sensation was too much for him

When Kence was about to run out of breath, only they did Calter stop again and he decided to watch Kence's reaction while waiting for the third round of the kiss

However ... Calter saw that Kence's expression is different than before. Kence is currently looking at the side with a red face and teary eyes

Calter knew that Kence regained his senses and although Calter wants to feel guilty ... he just cannot. Calter knew that it was wrong that he took advantage of Kence although it was Kence that started the kiss but ...

Just who decided to Kence give this kind of appearance? It just gave Calter an urge to become even eviler and 'bully' Kence to see more of this kind of reaction

Calter doesn't feel any tinge of guilt at all. In fact, his mind that is filled with depravity was even satisfied that he 'bullied' Kence to this point

Still, Calter knew that his actions are wrong and this might cause Kence to hate him more

"I-I'm so--" Calter tried to apologize but Kence holds out his hand to stop him. "N-no ... i-it's my f-fault" Kence said while turning his body around so that his face is buried into the bed. He cannot look at Calter after what he had done

That adorable action almost causes Calter to groan. He wants to continue 'bullying' Kence because of this

Calter knew that he should 'help' Kence and he lowered his body again to whisper on the youth's ears. "No need to apologize to me, it is all my fault. I'm sorry Kence" Calter whispered gently and Kence can't find himself to push the blame on Calter anymore as the man is this .... 'sincere'

Kence didn't know what to say to that and he just buried his head deeper into the bed as he doesn't know how to escape from such an embarrassing situation

"B-But .. did you l-like it?" Calter asked after some time as he cannot stop himself from the teasing

Kence's body stiffened at his question .... does Kence likes it? Now that Kence starts 'judging' the kiss, he realizes that he doesn't hate it although he 'accidentally' gave his 'first kiss' to Calter. In fact, if Kence would be honest, he quite enjoyed it but how can Kence say that out loud

Seeing Kence not answering, Calter was about to nag him as he wants to know the answer when the two heard something hitting a metal

When they turned to look at it, they saw the Head Master outside their cell. The girl has some smile on her face again now but it feels different than the usual smile she had

"H-Head Master!" The two greeted while their whole body was filled with shame as they actually had the audacity to fight in the middle of the City

"As your punishment, you two need to endure hardships and accomplish something" the Head Master simply said before two red lights came out from her fingers that entered the forehead of the two

After that, yet another portal appeared and their bodies were pulled towards it. The two didn't dare to resist though. First, the Head Master is far stronger than them and their families. Second, it was really their fault and it was already good that they won't be killed

After the two opened their eyes, they saw that they are at the foot of a mountain and information appeared in their minds and they now knew what to do

In this mountain, there is a special dungeon and what they need to do is to locate and clear it. However, this forest is extremely dangerous and even Grand Knights can die in it. Not to mention, the Dungeon itself is dangerous and one wrong move can spell one's doom

"Don't go too far from me" Calter said to Kence after realizing the situation they are in. Calter can't help but sigh

Every time that he would have some good time with Kence, there is bound to be something that would happen. And that something will either separate or force them to put their focus on other things!

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