Magic With You

Chapter 220 - 220

With the combination of Kence and Calter's power, they managed to kill all the bears with a bit of effort

Calter took out his sword from the last bear he has killed and he turned to look at Kence. Now that Calter realizes his feelings, it was harder for him not to worry about Kence. Calter absolutely cannot let Kence be in any sort of danger

Kence sensed the kind of look Calter is giving him and he gave the man a smile. "I'm fine" Kence said while shaking his head a bit

Calter nodded his head at that before the two starts running away from the scene. The blood from the bears would attract more magic beasts and that means more enemies. They need to move into another location

However, as luck would have it, the two were still not that far from their earlier location when they met new enemies

Snakes rain down the sky and Calter immediately uses his sword to make sure that Kence wouldn't be harmed by the snakes

Tens of snakes fell and Calter continuously slashes his sword towards them. The snakes might only be at the Knight Rank but they are numerous! It would be dangerous if a Grand Knight let his guard down after meeting them

Kence naturally won't let himself become a burden and he made several tentacles made from ice and he uses them to slap away the snakes and it would either injure or kill them

"This mountain is really more dangerous than I thought" Calter thought in his mind before waving his left hand

"[Dark Magic: Ghost Hands!]" This time, the hands didn't come from below the enemies

Several black translucent hands came out from Calter's hand and they flew towards the snakes and holds them. As soon as the hands touch the snakes, it would immediately issue sizzling sounds as the bodies of the snakes were being dissolved

As for Kence, he made ten large flurries of snow and had it cover the falling snakes' bodies before crushing them

As the two are strong, they managed to kill all the snakes, and they were given some breather before Calter raises his head

More snakes fell down from the trees around and Calter immediately covered his sword with shadow flames before slashing it above him

The shadow flames would immediately consume the snakes' bodies as soon as it touches them. However, even then, Calter was still forced to use more mana to continuously slash his sword as the number of falling snakes just continued to increase

Even Kence's attacks turned more frequent. Fortunately, the snakes don't have that much power despite being Magic Knights. A single attack was enough to kill them

After killing more than a hundred snake, the two were given another few seconds of a breather before more snakes fell from the trees

The number of snakes increases once again and a five-meter large hand made from shadow flames was made by Calter and they 'caught' the falling snakes before their bodies start to dissolved

As for Kence, he waved his hand and made tens of ice bullets that smashed the head and bodies of the snake

Calter frowned at what is happening while looking at the trees around him to see where the snakes were coming from. However, more snakes fell from the trees

If it were other people, they would not be able to think properly, fortunately, Calter is different

"No matter how weak a Rank 2 creature is, it still shouldn't be this easy to kill them" Calter thought before using a lot of mana to his eyes without stopping the killing of the snakes

"[Karami!]" Calters pupils immediately changed and since he can see mana itself, he now knew why the number of snake enemies seems endless

Calter ignored the falling snakes while a black aura covered his body that increases his running speed

"[Dark Magic: Demon's Armor!]" Calter only uses the armor to his sword to increase its strength and he soon reaches a specific area and his sword slashes on an empty space

However, it looks like the sword received some sort of resistance and after a second, Calter's real target revealed itself

A tree with a zigzag shape that looks like a snake can be seen and Calter cut it in half with his sword

Kence was shocked at that and he tried to let one of the snakes attack him. The snake uses its tail to smack Kence with it but the youth didn't felt any pain at all. In fact, Kence doesn't even feel anything at all!

After Calter cuts the tree in half, some snakes attack him but he just made a slashing motion with his sword and it cut those snakes in half before they can do anything

The snakes turned into broken branches and Calter attacks the falling body of the tree with hellfire to burn it

Even though Calter already cuts the tree in half, it still has some power to resist, and using shadow flame on them is the best course of action

After destroying the tree, more snakes charges in Calter's direction. In fact, Kence was even ignored by the snakes and they focused their attention on Calter

Calter just swung his sword on some of the snakes while letting the other snakes hit his bodies. All the snakes that Calter cuts turned into branches of trees and Kence saw where they were connected to

"[Ice Magic: Exploding Ice Shards!]" Kence threw pieces of ice to one of the trees and it penetrated the tree. After that, the ice exploded and large holes appeared on the tree causing it to fell to the ground

The two killed and killed more snake-like trees before they can rest. Turns out that the snakes were all just illusion caused by the trees

Although Calter is immune to the illusion that is aimed directly at his soul, it was still a different story when the illusion is outside where it affects his vision

After killing the last tree, Calter went closer to Kence again in case more danger will pop up

"Are you okay?" Calter asked in concern and Kence nodded his head while feeling a bit dissatisfied. "I am strong too, I'm not fragile!" Kence answered and Calter pinches his nose

"Can't I be worried about my future boyfriend?" Calter teased and a deep shade of red immediately spread on Kence's cheeks causing him to move his head away

"W-what boyfriend!" Kence said with a high pitch tone and Calter chuckled at him. "I'll make you my boyfriend okay? So let me take care of you" Calter said as if it was the most natural thing to say in the world and it triggered Kence's fight or flight response again

"S-shut up!" Kence shouted before running away from Calter that immediately regretted his earlier action. This mountain is extremely dangerous yet he causes Kence to run away like that

The only thing on Kence's mind at that time was to run away and he ignored other things giving the vines from the other trees a chance to attack him

Some vines immediately wrapped on Kence's whole body making a cocoon and Calter's heart violently trembled

"N-No!!" Calter shouted in despair and his speed turned as fast as it can be

In fear that he would hurt Kence, Calter threw his sword to the other vines that were continuing to advance on Kence's position. After that, Calter covered his hands with shadow flames and he touches the vine cocoon that wrapped Kence with it

The vines were immediately dissolved as the shadow flames spread on the whole cocoon

Calter's heart only calmed down a bit when he saw that Kence was still alive but... Calter was distracted by what he saw causing the vines to almost hit him

Calter covered his body with shadow flames while summoning five skeleton mages and a ghoul to destroy the tree that is attacking them

It's not like Calter cannot do it on his own but he wants to continue looking at Kence

The vines seem to have some dissolving ability themselves and areas of Kence's clothing were dissolved by it

The area of Kence's clothes that were missing a piece was made perfectly to be erotic. Calter was given access to look at Kence's milky white left collar bone and not far from it, Kence's chest and nipple can be seen

As soon as Calter saw that nipple, his eyes immediately went wide open

"Holy cow! How can it be that red?!" Calter exclaimed loudly in shock while he stared at Kence's nipple

Kence's flat stomach that was also mouthwatering was also bare to see but Calter was too distracted in that red orb. It looks so tempting as if it was inviting him to touch, lick, and suck it

When Kence looks at where Calter is looking, his eyes went wide open too and his whole being was filled with so much shame that he doesn't know what to do about it anymore

"N-No! Don't l-look!" Kence said desperately while covering himself with his arms and Calter thought it was a pity. Calter wants to confirm that he was not hallucinating and Kence's nipple was really that red

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