Magic With You

Chapter 221 - 221

Inside Krad and Noom's room, the latter slowly opened his eyes to see a manly chest in front of him. When Noom raised his head, he saw Krad's handsome sleeping face

It was already a few days since Noom stops locking himself as he was won over by Krad's insistence. Krad almost never left him in those times and the man will continuously talk about random things to not make him feel lonely

Because of that, Noom appreciates Krad more and more and he eventually gave out. Noom also misses Krad a lot and guilt starts eating him

After all, Noom already hurt Krad a lot using his fire power, how can he continue hurting the man by locking himself up?

A small smile formed on Noom's lips and he slowly raises his hand to remove the pieces of hair that fell onto Krad's forehead. No matter how many times Noom looks at Krad, he still felt that the man is really handsome

After some time, Krad moved and his arms wrapped on Noom's body tighter than before

"A-are you awake?" Noom asked and Krad hummed as a response yet he still continued clinging at Noom like a koala in a tree

Noom likes this kind of warmth too and he unconsciously hugged Krad back and everything seems peaceful

After a few minutes, Krad moved his hand and he starts playing Noom's hair with it. That simple action of his brought great comfort to Noom and his heart became more stable than before

The two spent more than an hour in that position with neither of them saying anything before they decide to stop. The two sat on the bed while their upper bodies don't have even a single piece of clothing in them but no sexual tension appeared between them. It was as peaceful and calm as before

"What do you want to eat today?" Krad asked gently but Noom just shook his head at that. "Using nutrition pill is fine for me" Noom answered much to Krad's helplessness

"It would be better if we eat real foods, come on" Krad whined and pulled Noom's body closer to his and he gave the man another round of hug

"I don't feel like eating today" Noom answered in a tired tone but Krad continued his whining

"Come one, you always say that. We should eat today" Krad said with a frown

"But I really don't want to eat" Noom replied with a bit of annoyance as he puts his head onto Krad's chest again

"I have somewhere to take you later but now, food is the priority" Krad suddenly announced and it caught Noom off guard

"W-where is that? Why didn't you tell me beforehand?" Noom asked after breaking from the hug but Krad just pulled him and embraced him in another hug

"I'm afraid you will say no and you can't, I want to have a date with you tonight" Krad said with finality in his tone and Noom doesn't have the guts to say no even though he just wants to continue staying in the room while doing nothing

"Why does it feel like you are controlling my life?" Noom asked in dissatisfaction and Krad chuckled at that. "Well, you like being controlled" Krad replied with a double meaning causing Noom to lightly hit him on the shoulder

"Bed things are different than life things!" Noom replied aggressively and Krad just gave him a kiss on the forehead

"They are similar though" Krad joked earning him another pinch from the man that he greatly loves

"I hate you" Noom said without really meaning it but Krad still acts very hurt. "Aww, how can you say that?"

The two messed with each other for some more minutes before Krad had one of the tower staff deliver food for them. Fortunately, whether it be Kence, Calter, or Noom and Krad, all of them were given the best treatment and they are able to live in the Head Master's Tower like rich Young Masters

The two ate their food while teasing and annoying each other and spend the whole day cooped up in that room. Only when nighttime arrived did they had a chance to have a change of pace

Krad and Noom exited the Head Master's Tower where a carriage was already waiting for them and they entered it. The coachman already knows the location they need to go and the two were free to do what they want inside the carriage until they reached their destination

Inside the carriage, Krad and Noom's body starts remembering something. Their mind still didn't know it but their body definitely does

"Put your head on my shoulder" Krad said to Noom that raises his brows. "Why should I?" For Noom, things still seem a bit too fast and he had times where he will give Krad a bad attitude

"Don't you have any sweet bones in your body?" Krad asked with a frown. The atmosphere inside the carriage was perfect earlier, why does Noom need to ruin it?

"I don't" Noom simply answered with a smirk that irks Krad a lot. "Yeah, because it was always a boner that you have inside you" Krad replied before plastering a victorious smile on his face

Noom narrowed his eyes from anger and his mind furiously worked to think of a comeback. "Oh yeah? Then I think I will refrain from letting a boner enter me"

Krad almost despaired at Noom's words before realizing something and he starts laughing a bit. "Hahaha yeah, you can definitely refrain yourself"

Noom felt that he was insulted and he glared at Krad. "Maybe I can't a few seconds ago, but now, I'm sure that I can do it"

Krad stops laughing because of that. It was not only Noom that loves the sex!

The two didn't know it but their personalities were having some changes. In their first real date back at Enchanted Star Realm, the two bickered like this too and it was happening again

Krad was not able to think of another comeback and it was now Noom's turn to plaster a victorious smile on his face. In annoyance, Krad just pulled Noom's head to his shoulder

This is a date okay? Krad doesn't want it to get ruined

After some time, their carriage finally reached the destination and Krad was the first one to exit the carriage to help Noom

As soon as Noom steps outside, he found himself on top of a tall mountain, and above him was the moon. The moon looks bigger than normal since their current location is quite high

The moons look more enchanting due to how it looks from this distance and Noom was mesmerized by it while feeling nostalgic

Even Krad wasn't unaffected while he stared at Noom. Krad felt that he already saw Noom looking at the moon like this before but he still doesn't remember it

Looking at the moon, Noom finds that some emotions inside him were being stirred and he became a bit emotional. It seems like a deeply buried sadness starts surfacing from inside him and Krad sensed that

Noom originally has an amazed look on his face but it was replaced by some sort of great sadness and since the moonlight is hitting his face, it gave him quite a solemn look

"Melancholic Fairy" Krad said to himself as he stared at Noom's face. This whole thing felt extremely familiar and Krad doesn't particularly dislike it

The only thing that Krad doesn't like was how he can feel melancholy from Noom and it gave him an urge to make the man as happy as possible

Krad walks to Noom's back and he hugged the man from behind, causing Noom to return back to reality

"Do you like this place?" Krad gently asked and Noom slowly nodded his head. "It's not that bad" Noom answered causing Krad's hug on him to tighten

"Why can't you be honest?" Krad asked with bitterness in his tone and Noom chuckled at him. "I don't think this is all of it, right?" Noom asked and Krad sighed

"Yeah, but you don't need to put it in that way" Krad said in helplessness and he moves away from Noom

Krad waved his hand and a large piece of cloth appeared on his hand that he puts on the ground. After that, Krad puts a variety of different dishes but most of them are sandwich with different flavor

Krad doesn't know what got into him but his mind automatically thinks of sandwich when he knew he is going to have a date with Noom in this place

Noom originally doesn't like to eat but when he looks at the sandwiches, it gave him another nostalgic feeling and he found himself craving for them

"Sit" Krad said and Noom didn't need to be told twice and he sat on the part of the cloth that doesn't have any food and Krad sat beside him

"I know this is not much but this is what I immediately thought after thinking of having a date with you"

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