Magic With You

Chapter 228 - 228

Kence was really afraid of getting kissed and he just sat there motionlessly. He doesn't want to risk being kissed by Calter! Sure, his heart is happy at that thought but he was still annoyed at the man and he wouldn't let him get what he wants

"What are you doing? Continue protesting, I want to have an excuse to kiss you" Calter teased but Kence just continues glaring at him. If looks could kill, Calter would surely have several holes in his body already

"Wait, you kissed me before. I said that I can kiss you every time because of that, right? Silly me, I can just kiss you hehe" Calter said with an evil smile causing Kence's eyes to widen in fear

"N-no! S-stop you p-pervert" Kence starts moving away from Calter but the man 'gently' pushed him on the ground

Calter was about to continue teasing Kence when he saw the man's current appearance

Kence's hair fell to the ground in a messy way while his face reflected both embarrassment and fear. His cheeks were as red as an apple and his lips were a bit parted

Any man that would look at Kence would surely have some evil thoughts in their mind. What more if that man is Calter?

The more that Kence becomes shy, the more Calter wants to push him to his limits

"You're really too cute" Calter complimented while touching the side of Kence's face causing the youth's face to turn redder than before

One of Kence's weaknesses was compliments, it made his body feels extremely weak and he wouldn't know what to do. Calter even took advantage of that fact and he looks at Kence as if the man is the only one he can see

That intense gaze was something that Kence cannot take and he turned his head to the side while biting his lip

"S-stop messing around" Kence said weakly but Calter just continued caressing his face which made his body burn wildly as if he was having a fever

Calter's touch was something that Kence greatly wants but at the same time, it was making him feel overwhelmed

It was like Calter's touch not only touches Kence's body but also his heart. The comfort it brought was something that cannot be described with mere words and Kence's mind starts to spin wildly

"I'm not messing around" Calter replied while using all his willpower to resist attacking Kence. Calter was of course just joking earlier, he wouldn't kiss Kence without the man's permission

However, now that Kence is being like this, it was getting hard for Calter to stop himself. Why does he even need to play with fire like this?

"Y-you a-are ..." Kence insisted and he was forced to close his eyes as Calter's touch was really overwhelming him

"Can I kiss you?" Calter suddenly asked out of nowhere causing Kence's whole body to tremble that Calter saw and felt. Calter's heart starts beating fast because of that

The young master can only hope that Kence will agree as it was really hard to stop himself from doing that

"Can I?" Calter asked again when Kence didn't reply for a few seconds and just continued closing his eyes tightly

Kence's heart and body want to answer yes but his brain is different. After all, he and Calter are really not in a formal relationship yet, how can Kence say yes?

However a kiss ... that is something that Kence is really looking forward to. He can't help but feel the need to say yes

"Please ...." Calter said gently and it struck the love strings inside Kence'a heart. As a result, Kence starts opening his mouth to say yes when another earthquake appeared

When Kence opened his eyes, he saw that the walls are starting to move again. Calter immediately helped him to stand and they continued heading deeper inside the cave

Their 'loving' session lasted for too long and they didn't realize that the timer already turned into zero. They need to start moving if they do not want their bodies to be crushed by the walls

The two starts running to exit that room and they only slowed down when they entered the area where the walls don't move anymore

Kence felt a bit relieved that the walls move before he can even say yes. How can he kiss Caler when the man isn't his boyfriend?

Contrary to what Kence felt, Calter feels the exact same opposite. He feels that Kence was already about to say yes when the damned walls start moving. It was hateful! Really hateful! How dare the walls move when he hasn't even kissed Kence yet?

Calter vowed that he would destroy this dungeon when he is powerful enough in the future. That was a kiss okay? Calter doesn't know when he will get another chance!

After a few minutes of walking, the two entered another room and the path behind them immediately vanishes

On the other side of the room was the symbol of a staff and what happened to the first two rooms also happened in this third one

A blinding light was generated by the staff symbol and it blinded the two. However, they already learned their lessons from the archers and they made a barrier in front of them

Turns out that it was the right decision, as soon as they opened their eyes, five fireballs slammed into their defenses and broke it

The two immediately made their move too and Calter spread mana above him. Calter made several black arrows and he had them flew to where the mages are

The mages on the other hand start spreading their numbers while fire burns on their bodies to increases their speed

Calter's arrows flew towards the mages but before they can reach their targets, they were already destroyed

After that, five fire tornadoes appeared and they increase the surrounding temperatures by a lot

As a result, Kence waved his hand and it suddenly starts raining snows causing the temperature to turn lower

The snows also slowed down the fire tornadoes while diminishing their power while Calter runs towards one of the mages

The mage focuses on Calter and uses its fire tornado to attack him but Calter is not unprepared

"[Dark Magic: Demon's Hand!]" A large black hand made from mana formed around Calter's body and he 'grabbed' the tornado with it. The surprising thing was, the tornado changes direction as it was thrown back towards its caster

In return, the mage waved its staff and the fire wasn't able to harm its body at all

Calter continued and he was about to use his Demon's Hand to kill the mage but he sensed more attacks are coming towards him

The remaining four tornadoes with weaker power all charges at him. If that wasn't enough, the mage that Calter wants to attack even made another fire tornado and he was suddenly in the middle of fire tornado attacks

As a result, Kence slammed his palms on the ground and ice starts to grow from Calter's feet that elevated his position

Calter immediately moves and the giant hand around his body turned into multiple tentacles that he uses to stick his body in the cave's ceiling

The tornadoes almost reached the ceiling and if Calter simply jumped from the ice that Kence made, they would still manage to touch his body

Thus, Calter almost turned into a spider as he crawled through the ceiling while Kence continuously shoot out ice to stop the mages from attacking Calter

However, it also causes the mages to put their focus on Kence and more fire tornadoes appeared that all went in his direction

Calter won't let Kence be in any harm and as soon as he is on top of one of the mages, he jumped down while the image of a snake appeared in his hand

"[Dark Magic: Snake Chop!]" Calter borrowed gravity's power as he fell down at a fast speed and he managed to smash the mage's head into smaller pieces causing blood to fly everywhere

Calter's clothes got more blood in them but he ignored them as he puts his focus on the remaining four mages that let go of the control of their fire tornado to attack him

For streams of fire approaches Calter but he just rotated his body at that causing a black dome to appear

The black dome protected Calter from harm for a few seconds before it was destroyed from the combination of the four mages' attacks

When the dome was finally destroyed, Calter can be seen crouching down with his hands in front of him

Two black snakes appeared from Calter's hand and their bodies turned bigger to bite on two of the mages

The archers already have inferior bodies compared to the swordsmen and these mages have an even inferior body. One bite from the snake was already enough to kill them

Aside from stronger firepower, these mages are easier to deal with than the swordsmen and archers

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